
Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Broadcom.
  1. G

    lsass.exe problem when logging into terminal server.

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?) Hello All, I'm having a fairly confusing issue with terminal services. I have a win2k advanced server box that i'm trying to get to with remote desktop. directly after reboot I can remote desktop into the server, but...
  2. G

    Un-wanted, un-invited & un-known Messenger contact!!!

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (More info?) ....AND 3 strikes is out - right?! Jonathan Hi! Wrote to this person & a couple of days later got a "delivery status notification failure" so obviously this person doesn't exist. NOW WHAT DO I DO TO REMOVE THIS CONTACT...
  3. M

    From xp to windows 7

    Hello, should i change from xp to windows 7,is it worth it?
  4. C

    How do i change system administrator settings windowsxp

    it is an old pc that i have obtained from work it is no longer in use there.but i do not have access to system administrator or the password.this means that i cant change anything or connect to the internet at can i change the administator to me?
  5. J

    Need help on choosing a monitor

    i am looking at but i currently have this one un opened...
  6. G

    automatic outlook start

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?) Is there a way to have outlook open inbox automaticaly as soon as one turns on computer? Thank you HD
  7. ElectroGoofy

    Two Comps in One?

    Hello, all :) Ok, I like multitasking. What I currently do is work on one task, then while it is loading alt-tab to work on another. I am wanting to do something different now and am wanting to know if it is possible. I would like to have a setup with two screens, two mice, two keyboards, and...
  8. G

    My router keeps disconnecting and reconnecting all the time

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.broadbandnet.hardware (More info?) Hi, I have a LAN at home with a router of trade mark D-Link DI-624 with both wired and wireless communication. Everything functions well except that Win XP keeps telling me all the time that the LAN is discoonnected and...
  9. O

    Domain server error in log windows 7

    there are currently no logan servers available to service the logan requist
  10. G


    Archived from groups: comp.dcom.vpn (More info?) Can anyone tell me how I can get the PIX on a public IP address behind a 2600 Router? I am trying to establish a site-to-site VPN but do not have NAT T capabilities in the 2600 IOS. LAN---PIX----2600---(Public IP's) FA 0/0 ATM x.x.x.x/30...
  11. G

    how do I make a specific desktop background the default in..

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage (More info?) I would like to make a specific desktop theme the default in xp, so when users login they cannot change the theme. I would like to do this from the registry.
  12. K


    Hello, I know this is a question I could of been asking ten years ago, but bear with me. I thought I'd work on a computer that was ten years old to see how fast I could get it to run without spending a whole lot of money. And if something goes wrong then I'm not out a ton of money either. I...
  13. R

    Choosing Power Supply for new system

    I am building a new system for the 1st time in 3 years and Im a little out of touch with the power requirements of new systems. The system is for everyday use and gaming. I do not plan to overclock anything. Intel core 2 duo 9650 CPU Abit IP35 Pro MB PNY GeForce 8800 GT 512MB DDR3 2 2G sticks...
  14. G

    Re. Dat/Regional Settings

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) I am unable to open my Quickbooks in USA dat settings but can in UK date settings. I need to ba able to open this in US date settings. I was able to do so yesterday but cannot today...why???
  15. G

    SP2 problem

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain (More info?) I have tried unsuccessfully five times now to download SP2 for XP home. I have even ordered and tried to use the CD. THe automatic update ALSO gets 3/4 through and says it cannot finish installing. What is going on?
  16. G

    Shared IP

    Archived from groups: comp.dcom.vpn (More info?) For the last week, I have been setting up SBS 2003 for our organization. One of the main reason we decided to set up a network like this is to give our folks at other locations access through a VPN connection. I was under the impression that we...
  17. P

    won't boot

    My Mother's computer,while she was on it just shut off on it's own and won't boot up again. She said she smelled a burning smell like rubber burning. When we try and boot it ,I can hear the fan start up.I took the cover off and looked inside and from what I could see I DIDN't see anything...
  18. C

    List on left side of page including sent and deleted etc has gone

    how can I recover the list from outlook express of inbox, sent items, deleted items, drafts etc . Cant work without access to these.
  19. L

    underground 2

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) please help me my game need for speed underground 2 starts but with black screen when playing or choosing car this is important to me
  20. G

    intel r 82810

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?) My computer freezes when playing games. I updated to last update for the driver but it has been discontinued. Do I need to upgrade and if so what is recommended ?I have no problem with the computer unless I play...
  21. G

    Fax Console always Refreshing but never succeeding

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?) Since using Windows Update to install the GDI+ Detection Tool on an XP SP2 system, Fax Console showed "Refreshing" on its status bar, but never displayed the list of incoming faxes. The fax service was running, because...
  22. G

    Boot Problems

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?) ok so i installed linux ubuntu just to try it out. and at first i was able to boot xp from the dual boot menu but then suddenly it would get a third of the way through the booth screen and restart so i booted with...
  23. N

    Possible proxy problem .. I think??

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) Hi everyone, thanks for reading this. A freind has asked me to look at thier PC as they cannot access msn messenger, or The problem seems to have come about since their young daughter...
  24. G

    Cloning IBM Thinkpad to Dell Optiplex

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) I have just used ACRONIS True Image to clone WIN XP Pro from an IBM Thinkpad to a Dell Optiplex desktop. After restoring the image to the Dell - I used the original Dell XP Pro disk to do...
  25. G

    DVD ROM has stopped recognizing DVDs

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) I have an LG DVD-ROM Model DRD8160B that has stopped recognizing DVD movies. The DVD won't even show up in Explorer; it just says "Please insert disk." The drive plays a music CD all right and recognizes a CD-ROM with files...
  26. R

    XP won't boot, BSOD Stop 0X0000007B

    My Win XP SP3 computer just showed a quick-flash blue screen, then would not start; neither would it start in safe mode, nor in last known good. It just cycled over and over that way. It gets to the WinXP logo, then blue flash, then reboot again. I got an error code for this. It is: Stop...
  27. J

    See my computername?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers (More info?) Can others on a network see my computer's name? I know some have suggested that I not try to change the computername, etc., but I would like to know if others see that name. Don't want to be embarassed at work!
  28. T

    Dell Inspiron 1545 wireless too slow

    Hello, My wireless connection on dell inspiron 1545 is too slow at 7 or 8 mbps. BT infinity technician checked the line and the speed on his laptop was showing 60mbps with Ethernet cable and 54 with wireless. I tried another laptop it works fine at 50 mbps. what showed I do ?? Tried...
  29. B

    AMD lowers CPU price

    AMD: New prices for Athlon 64 CPUs (US$ for 1,000-unit lots) Processor Original price New Price (Feb 15, 2005) Change Athlon 64 4000+ 729 643 (11.8%) Athlon 64 3800+ 643 424 (34.1%) Athlon 64 3700+ 470 329 (30.0%) Athlon 64 3500+ 288 272 (5.6%) Athlon 64 3400+ 238...
  30. I

    Run xp from the cd

    Hello,my laptops hard drive is missing and i was wondering if there is a way to run xp from a cd and still get on the internet?
  31. adity8522

    What are the Advantages ? Buying a PC or a PS4 ? [Budget 30,000 Indian Rupees]

    As the Heading Says, What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of buying a PC and the same with PS4 ? My Maximum Budget is Rs.30,000
  32. A

    I have two administrator accounts both named same

    how to delete one account?
  33. R

    EVGA 7900GT 256mb superclocked SLI heat question

    Hey guys, The following are my system specs MB Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe CPU AMD 3200+ 64bit @ 2.0Ghz RAM 1 GB DDR 400 PC3200 Ultra (1 module) GPU 2x eVGA 256mb 7900 GT superclocked PSU Antec 550w 3 12v rails @ 18a My problem is when I installed the Nvidia monitor and ASUS PC probe on my...
  34. G

    scan and picture magic- how...?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) "you can use your scanner software to insert people in the same picture as though they’ve always been there" This is a quote from a microsoft technology page. I've always wondered how you do this. What feature on scanning...
  35. R

    Not enough USB power?

    My custom-built PC seems to have have randomly gotten USB problems. I at first only had one hub-powered hard drive in back, one bus-powered TV Tuner card in front and I noticed it seems then the front USB ports don't want to accept anything power consuming like a thumb drive or any other hard...
  36. ibjeepr

    Fresh install of Windows 8 using upgrade version

    Hi, Will Windows 8 upgrade let you do the fresh install like the old windows used to by just giving it the old key when it asks or will I have to install windows Vista or 7 first then upgrade?
  37. F

    Samsung 2233rz LCD Problem , Help Please

    I am facing this problem with my Samsung 2233rz LCD , half the screen in white color is changing into light cyan color , Please help me out what is the problem.
  38. S

    How do you get the baseoffof the 12 volt tv-monitor so it can be mounted on the

    how is the base removed on the 12 volt tv monitor so it can be mounted on the wall
  39. wildpluckings

    22-24" Monitor for ~£100-£200

    I am looking for a monitor for my brother and have found the following: BenQ G2420HDBL, 24", £139.99 @ I was wondering if there were any other monitors in the £100-200 range worth considering? It will be used for a lot of gaming so if there are monitors with significantly greater...