DVD Players

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with DVD Players.
  1. K

    RX580 8G on 2560X1080 Monitor

    Hi, So i have LG 29' 29UC88 that has freesync feature upto 75hz, therefore im thinking of getting RX580 8G to take advantage of freesync to avoid stutter. I have 1070 running at only 60hz and when few frams drop i noticed annouing stutter (monitor overclock caused more stutter) My question...
  2. W

    How should I update my Rig?

    Here is my PC right now: Intel Core i7 4790K @ 4.00GHz 16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. MAXIMUS VII HERO (SOCKET 1150) LG ULTRAWIDE (2560x1080@144Hz) 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (EVGA) 238GB Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB 111GB KINGSTON SV300S37A120G 931GB Western Digital WDC...
  3. C

    What should I do?

    Im looking to upgrade my current system to something abit better for gaming! I currently have a G4400 cpu gigabyte 730 gpu H110M-A mobo 500w Evega power supply 2×4 GB of ram And a medium sized case What should I be looking to upgrade 1st? I know my mobo can only handle max-6-7th Gen. So...
  4. U

    1060 3GB NVIDIA gaming

    I have a 1060 3 GB Geforce nvidia graphics card but when i install geforce expressions it says There is a problem with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB device. For more information, search for 'graphics device driver error code 43' in dxdiag/display, so i cant play games normaly and they crash. But...
  5. H

    Windows 10 not installing on an ssd

    Hi, im trying to install windows 10 64-bit home edition onto a 1tb 3s nand ssd from WD. The pc will turn on, i get past entering an activation key for windows, but it says i sont have the drivers for the SSD, but i cant find any online. Any help would be appreciated. For context, i am running...
  6. E

    Blank monitor screen using motherboard HDMI

    So I usually plug my monitor into the GPU HDMI port and it works fine. Now I need to use that GPU HDMI port to plug an Oculus Rift in but I also need to see my monitor for set up of the Oculus. When I plug the monitor HDMI cable into the motherboard HDMI, there is a blank screen. I've changed...
  7. M

    Windows 10 free upgrade, from win7 and factory reset

    I own a windows 7 computer that i upgrade to windows 10 for free, and my computer recently started opening things really slowly. I've tried disk cleanup, defragmenting, unistalling games/programs to free up space and have over 300gb of free space. The bar is blue not red, yet nothing fixed it...
  8. S

    Can someone help my ? My gtx 970 4gb from 2014 is broken

    My gtx 970 4gb is broken from 2014 i think that it is a short circuit. The 6 ping connecter is working but the 8 ping isn't. Please contact my if you can help my. If you need pictures i cant send them with mail because i can't post pictures on this site.... My E-mail is Removed
  9. V

    Looking for economical DDR5 Graphic card

    My PC have: Intel Core i5 6402P @ 2.80GHz, RAM: 8.00GB Single-Channel @ 1064MHz, Motherboard: MSI H110M PRO-VH (MS-7996) (U3E1) Please advice for economic DDR5 graphic card to be used for gaming. Will 2gb work.

    Looking for a good laptop under $1,000

    Hey guys, I'm back again. I need a laptop for trade school courses and one that I can also use for CNC machining. My budget is $1,000. I'd like to have a good quality laptop that will last me as long as possible and provide for me great graphics, fast speeds, and something that is at least...
  11. Z

    Can't Find Desktop!!!

    My computer is an Imac. Not a laptop. I was on a tab on another desktop, I think desktop number 2 when my computer swiped the tab across and i was sent to a new desktop, with all my things saved on the other one, and I am currently using a windows keyboard for it, and the F3 botton is not...
  12. C

    Installed 16GB dual RAM kit, only 2.99GB usable.

    I originally had 3X2GB RAM installed and it only read 2.99 usable. I bought a new dual kit 2X8GB to eliminate the odds of a bad unit and also just to upgrade. (Even though that doesn't sound like the case according to all the other threads I've read) I installed the units and now my system reads...
  13. T

    Dell inspiron 15 5567

    Hey guys So i have a laptop Dell inspiron 15 5567 Suddenly it stopped booting and even powering it up. The cpu cooler starts spinning and it completely shuts down. nothing on screen. What I've tried is: -Tried to power it without the battery, no success. -Tried to hold the power button for 15...
  14. N

    Good Performance Laptop for Architecture and Photography Editing $900 budget?

    Hi I was previously a Acer Aspire 15 mx940 user but sadly my laptop was stolen . I am looking for a laptop within my budget that will help me on Architecture software's and rendering such as Lumion and also close colour accuracy for photo editing would like recommendations with a laptop that has...
  15. J

    Upgrade i5 2400

    Hi, I would like some advices for my upgrade ( because is reach the point where I was limited by my cpu in Assassin's screed ). I do hesitate between those two build (motherboard + cpu) because they seem to be a good quality/price ratio. - ASUS Maximus VIII Hero Carte Mère Intel Z170 ATX...
  16. S

    Corsair VS 550 PSU - Good enough?

    Hi, I noticed a latest VS Series (2018) from Corsair. Link to the PSU : https://www.corsair.com/ww/en/Categories/Products/Power-Supply-Units/vs-series-config-2018/p/CP-9020171-WW My System spec is as: GA-Z170N-Wifi MB, Intel G4560 CPU, 850 Evo 250 GB SSD, Seagate 3 TB HDD, Zotac GTX 1050 TI...
  17. E

    Samsung magician says my new SSD is not supported !

    I installed a new Samsung 860 EVO 250GB SSD today and while it is recognized and works like it should,samsung magician says that the drive is not supported,however it supports my other 850 EVO SSD without any problems It also still says that all the modes (AHCI and TRIM) are enabled so should i...
  18. J

    HELP!!! New PC wont Post, RGB Ram lights up

    Just build my first pc. I have everything set up, and I turn it on. There is a quick flash of LED lights on motherboard. No fan cpu or case fans start. GPU has a constant white LED by PCI-E port. My RGB Ram DOES light up. TV has no signal (hdmi plugged into gpu) My Setup: MSI Artic Gaming B360...
  19. J

    SSD Clone boot to repair loop and 0 regback bytes

    I cloned my 2TB SSHD to an 500GB SSD (Windows 10, Macrium Reflect) and the SSD booted to a blank screen after the Windows logo, after messing with it for a while it now boots to windows repair everytime. There are 0 bytes in RegBack in both drives, yet the SSHD boots fine.
  20. P

    Graphic Card for Motherboard Am1ms2h

    I need a graphic card for my AMD Am1MS2H motherboard. Can this Handle a good graphic card for heavy games like GTA V. Or should i upgrade for a new PC
  21. N

    1000$ build. Need opinions please.

    Hello people, first time builder here(I'm from India). I was planning on this build and have a few questions: PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bfRPJ8 CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor ($175.02 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Asus - STRIX B350-F GAMING ATX AM4...
  22. Y

    GPU stops outputting signal during gaming

    Starting last week, my GTX 970 would stop outputting a signal during gaming sessions. Rest of computer would still be running ie fans and LEDs on, and when I tested with headphones, I could still hear game audio, indicating that everything was still running. Thinking that it was just my video...
  23. Q

    Helping finding SSD

    Hello, I need help finding what SSD I could put into my gaming PC. I have a MSI B150 Pc mate motherboard. I’m looking for a SSD 500gb but I don’t know what fits into my system or if it’s compatible. Thanks
  24. F

    Trouble booting, can't access windows

    OK, I'm having a problem with my PC. I built it two years ago, with these parts: CPU: Intel - Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler Motherboard: Gigabyte - GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard Memory: G.Skill...
  25. C

    FPS drops in GTA 5

    Hello, I have very often fps drops in GTA 5. My specs are: Asus GTX 1080 @ 2000 mhz I7 8700k @ 4,8 ghz Kraken x62 for cpu cooling MSI Z370 A pro Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 RAM...
  26. B

    Can't see computers on Private network after April 2018 Update

    Since the April 2018 update, I can no longer see or connect to the other PCs on my home ethernet network. I've made sure advanced sharing and file discovery is turned on on each computer, but still no joy. This update removed Homegroups, which were buggy and unreliable, but that should have...
  27. K

    Trying to reset

    I've been trying to factory reset my pc and it always says an error occured. Is there any other way to do it or is something just wrong with my pc? I've been having bad fps drops in games such as fortnite as well and im not sure what the problem is. PC Specs: AMD fx 8350 RX 480 8 GB GPU 16 GB Ram
  28. Tiefenbachscott

    Build check/ help on making it better

    I honestly need some help to see if the components I have chosen will suit my needs decently and also give me medium to high graphics for games such as total war, stellaris, and civilization. I'm not looking for ultra graphics but decent fps would be nice. My total budget for spending is...
  29. B

    Comcast Gigabit speeds significantly slower than it should be, potential hardware issue?

    We just got the 1000mbps package from Comcast set up in our house. Our Modem is a Netgear CM700 Our Router is an Asus RT AC66-U Speed test result: http://www.speedtest.net/result/7312807282 While neither of these are designed for true gigabit speeds, it should at least generate decent Down/Up...
  30. D

    How do I fix overheating for my laptop

    Hello! :) I've had this laptop for nearly 3 years and I've been dealing with overheating the whole time. It only shuts down when the weather gets hot. I've tried to open it up, but it's too difficult to take apart. I've tried MSI Afterburner and TThrottle, but they don't seem to work, if I have...
  31. AleksiDj52

    Samsung 860 evo vs Samsung 850 evo which to buy?

    Hello everyone i will buy a new SSD but i am in 2 different SSD's the Samsung 850 EVO 500gb and Samsung 860 EVO 500gb. What are the differences between these 2? do they have the same write and read speed? which one should i buy? Thank you
  32. P

    Does G4560 support with coffee lake motherboard?

    Hello, same as my title. Does it support with that? Because i'm really low on financial for now, then i'm planning to buy 300 series(coffee lake) to pair with Intel G4560, reason is in my nearest store cost almost same for (ASUS Brand) from Kaby Lake >> Coffe Lake motherboard. You can take a...
  33. J

    Need advise on a small size graphics card

    Hi all, The problem I have is that I bought this micro ATX motherboard: MSI 760GMA-P34, I never had a motherboard this small, so I had not foresaw the problem with fitting a regular size graphics card. So now my challenge is to find a graphics card that is powerful enough to run games like...
  34. I

    I accidentally uninstalled my display driver..

    I accidentally uninstalled my computer's display driver and I 've tried to fix it to no avail. These are my specs. Machine name: ######-PC Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_ldr_escrow.180330-1600) Language: Spanish...
  35. M

    Budget Workstation Ryzen 1600 build

    hey just want to make sure if my build is compatible and good enough for 3ds max / revit / Cad Build : CPU : Ryzen 5 1600 MOBO : Gigabyte GA-A320M-HD2 / Gigabyte ab350m gaming 3 ( im not intending to overclock my cpu ) RAM : Crucial - Ballistix Sport 8GB PSU : Cooler Master mwe 500W VGA...
  36. M

    Compaq lte 4/25 Laptop

    What is a good compatible hard drive?
  37. G

    Adata's New Flagship, The GAMMIX S11 SM2262 NVMe SSD

    Adata announces 2nd SM2262 NVMe SSD, this one with a heatsink and ample performance. Adata's New Flagship, The GAMMIX S11 SM2262 NVMe SSD : Read more
  38. O

    Computer will not turn on!

    Good evening. I am in need of some serious help with my PC. I built it about a year ago and haven’t had any issues until Monday night. All of a sudden it turned off and hasn’t turned on since. A few things to note... I am. I’m not super experienced with comps but do my homework as much as...
  39. H

    Evga Gtx 1080ti SC2 Normal Temps?

    Just got my graphics card in the mail two days ago. I noticed pretty hot idle temps and Hot load temps. Idle GPU Temp browsing websites: 48C Load Temps 100 percent on FarCry 3: 84C Load Temps 100 percent on Overwatch: 76C Most games are hitting 80+C under load. Just feel like the card runs...
  40. T

    Powersupply surges detected

    Hi, Since couples days, when I Play Fortnite on my PC, i get this error which says: "Power supply surges detected during the previous power on. Asus Anti-surge was triggered to protect system from unstable power supply unit! Press F1 to Run Setup" This doesn't happen when I browse on my PC or...