Forum discussion tagged with GTA.
  1. G

    Question GTA 6 Questions

    Hello, When GTA 6 is released to PC in the future will GTX 1660 SUPER and AMD RYZEN 7 5800X run it in LOW/MID settings? Thanks Owais Qadri Gerjaffers
  2. MrWixey

    Question GTA V Graphics glitch on startup

    Basically, i bought my brother a copy of GTA V for pc and his game has this weird glitch whenever he opens into story mode All his other games work fine as i have seen him play other games perfectly fine and i had built the pc back in November 2023 ish Specs from what i can remember Gigabyte...
  3. akayfab

    Question Low FPS in GTA V

    Processor (CPU): 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13400F Graphics Card (GPU): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Memory (RAM): 32.0 GB Storage: SSD - 953.9 GB Operating System (OS): Microsoft Windows 11 Pro, Version 10.0.26100 DirectX Runtime Version: DirectX 12 Driver: Game Ready Driver - 566.03 - Oct 22...
  4. xDeluxers

    Question Windows is too laggy ?

    I have a problem with my PC. Every now and then while I play GTA, randomly my PC starts to lag and the game starts to run at 2-5 FPS and the GPU only uses 10%, if I go back to the desktop, Windows it goes jerky, watch the video at the bottom. I tried reinstalling the GPU drivers with a clean...
  5. miamiluva

    Question [ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT] Can’t fix GTA V game crashing ?

    So for the past month, ever since I rebuilt/upgraded my rig, I have been stuck and lost trying to solve my games crashing randomly, and specifically getting the (err_gfx_d3d) in Grand Theft Auto V. I have literally tried every single possible solution, from countless Reddit posts, various tech...
  6. K

    Question What is this random flickering and can it be fixed?

    Okay I've tried a lot of things to fix this issue, if it can be fixed at all, and none of them worked. The issue is in both GTA 4 and GTA 5, where there is a strange graphical flicker whenever I move the camera. Here is some footage of it in GTA 5 and for some reason when camera is facing...
  7. Arturovski

    Question GPU at 1% in games

    Hi, I've recently upgraded from an RX560 to an RTX 3060 ti with 8GB of VRAM and none of my games seem to be using it. The problem is that while I had around 50fps in for example GTAV with the RX560 (consistent with its capabilities), I have around the same fps with the RTX 3060. When I look in...
  8. PcForDummies127

    Question Is The Volts To High? Or Am I Within Standards?

    Recently over clocked my Asus 1070-Ti Turbo, I actually have 3 Over-Clocked profiles, and the first one is for defualt card setting clocks for everyday usage. But when im gaming on AAA titles like Call of duty Vanguard, Or even the good old GTV online setting are always ultra or maxed at 1440p...
  9. DestructionGaming

    [SOLVED] Gta v, please advise.

    Okay, to start i have read countless forums on here about this and tried everything, I'm sorry the topic has been done to death but im at a loss, so I'm asking for help. The problem is no matter what I do I can be holding 130fps on max settings and still get stuttering non stop, pc specs are as...
  10. Recker Code-1

    Question 5400Rpm Hdd

    Can I run GTA 5 and GTA 5 online very smoothly? Ignore the loading time of games. I have a i5 8th gen 8300h and GTX 1050 (4gb) with 5400rpm hdd and 16gb ram 2400mhz (dual channel). I have played Witcher3 on very high setting at 60fps no lags, no stutter, butter smooth gameplay.
  11. Recker Code-1

    [SOLVED] GTA 5 stuttering and lagging .

    I have HP pavilion laptop it has i5 8th gen 8300H processor and 7200rpm hdd with 8gb of ram 2400mhz. While playing GTA my game stutters and lags after 15min of gameplay so lowered the settings of the game to Normal and all advance settings are off the gameplay resolution is 1200*960 but still...
  12. marcoboh

    [SOLVED] Low FPS in GTA 5 with a GTX 1060 6GB and i5 8400

    Hi guys, recently I started playing GTA 5 but I'm always on 60 fps and after a few hours I also go down to 45/50! When I was playing it a few years ago with the same components I was reaching 80 90 fps on average with very high graphics, while now I hit 40 fps with just high graphics! I have an...
  13. L

    [SOLVED] [HELP] GTA V stutters every couple of minutes!

    GTA V stutters every couple of minutes where CPU usage drops from 23% (which is already terrible) to 3% which is even worse. GPU usage is contantly 0.1%. When the game is running fine i can get up to 60 fps, but when the cpu usage drops, I get around 2fps. laptop specs: GTX 1650 Intel core...
  14. Sophia2021

    [SOLVED] My lenove is not let me to play game

    I am using Lenovo Yoga 460 for playing the game i just bought this device some days ago for my brother and he most plays a game on it yesterday I just download GTA Vice City Apk from the official site Removed and after installing my graphics card is not supporting even this laptop have graphic...
  15. D

    [SOLVED] What should I chose Ryzen 3100 or Ryzen 3500x?

    Please help me choose, should I go with Ryzen 3100 ($120) or Ryzen 5 3500x ($160) . I do prefer Ryzen 3600 ($230) but its expensive or the 3300x but its nowhere to be found. Lastly which CPU is the best for my graphics card RTX 2060. I will only use it for gaming like Cyberpunk, GTA, Red Dead...
  16. Juaniblanco

    Question R9 380 Nitro dying or something else?

    Hello everyone, sorry to bother you all. So, about a month ago, i started to have some issues with my GPU (or at least that's what i think it is). Playing GTA normally when out of nowhere the game crashes and I got a message saying "Driver has stopped working but recovered" or something like...
  17. R

    [SOLVED] Fortnite temps... HOT

    Hello, I play Fortnite and GTA and I notice that my temps get really really hot, especially in Fortnite. My temps reach to 82C when I am in a game, and I am worried that those high of temps can damage my computer. I have my Fortnite settings set for performance, therefore my settings for the...
  18. A

    [SOLVED] Sapphire Radeon RX 560 4GB OC Pulse System Freeze/Crashes under GPU Load Windows 10

    Hi All, In Windows 10, my PC crashes/Freeze under GPU on Load. I cannot run any graphics demanding GAMES or some benchmark softwares(Geekbench or Heaven Unigine) except Passmark benchmark as it will freeze the System. Then I need to force restart or shutdown the System. But there is no issues...
  19. N

    [SOLVED] Having framedrops while playing gta

    i play on my laptop -ryzen5 3550h -gtx 1650 -8gb ram i even tried lowering the settings but it still occured. Can it be because my ssd is almost full?
  20. DS Fitz


    My friend was trying to get his gta 5 to perform better and found a 'solution', so my friend changed a setting in a gta 5 file (settings.xml) which made his game look very bad with the rendering distance only appearing very close to him and the shadows and textures looking really bad (literal...
  21. D

    Question Please Help For GTA 5 Game Install

    Hello guys, I have downloaded Grand Theft Auto V | GTA 5 from [pirate site], and I have an issue with a key, so I am not able to install it. Please help me to find out the best site to download this game, So I can install it easily on my pc. Thanks.
  22. narkotrafic

    Question GTA 5 lagging

    Hi all guys. Issue is: - i have pretty decent pc(i5 9400f,16gb ozu 3200 with good latency, 2060s and so on). I recently decided to play GTA 5 roleplay and faced strange problems. I permanently getting stutters. As i was recommended by friends, i put all graphs on low(but i think with my graphic...
  23. E

    [SOLVED] Can't play GTA online with friends

    I can't play GTA online with my friends, It's always showing that I have a strict NAT, I tried changing my routers NAT type to type 1,2,3,4. Nothing worked... How will I fix this I tried everything I could
  24. X

    Question My Laptop is not giving me good performance while gaming

    I have a hp pavilion 15 gaming cx-140-tx with a gtx 1050 4gb gddr5 dedicated gpu. In Csgo i am getting 70-80 fps on the lowest resolution(1024/768). I checked a performance test and in the test the guy witha a gtx 1050 as well was getting an avg of 150-200 fps on high 1080p. On gta v as well i...
  25. aden.anderson2001

    Question Can't sign in with 2step verification to Rockstar

    Hello. My gta 5 is messed up. When i open the game, it shows my vram is 4gb while mine is 2gb. i removed the settings.xml file, even changed the last line related to what gpu it should use, made it read only, non worked. So i decided to ask help from rockstar but i cant sign in because of the...
  26. S

    [SOLVED] Gaming using external hard drive with a faulty internal hard drive.

    Hi, I'm using Dell g5 with 8gb ram, i7 processor, gtx 1050ti and OS on 128gb ssd. My laptop's internal hard drive got corrupted few months ago showing bad sectors. My laptop's performance reduced from then on. So I've been playing csgo and gta 5 using an external hard drive having 5400rpm...
  27. T

    [SOLVED] What FPS Should I be expecting with a Ryzen 7 1800x and a 1080ti Aorus Xtreme?

    Hi all, first post in a while. I recently got back into gta 5 and I do think that it isn't running how it should. At 1080p. 2666mhz ram, 750w PSU. First off, I know it isn't overheating if there is a problem. CPU <41C and GPU <65C With everything maxed, including advanced settings and MSAA on...
  28. hej_asger

    [SOLVED] CPU usage at 90-100% while GPU is at 10-30% in GTA

    i5 8400 @ 3.79Ghz GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 8GB DDR4 RAM Around 60-80 FPS (depending on how many people are in the online session), at around 2400 MB video memory in the settings. As the title states, my CPU usage is super high, while my GPU is extremely low. Any help? (Edit: GTA's CPU usage is at...
  29. Snakeplissken753

    [SOLVED] Help plz !

    im new to pc gaming andim trying to figure this thing out , ive been playing gta 5 , and for some reason , the game drops to 40 fps and stutters while driving , i checked youtube videos on youtube and people runnning it just fine with the same exact specs that i have my specs are : i3 9100f...
  30. indeedtelll

    Question GTA V 0xc000007b

    I got GTA V from Epic Store and i installed it and i get this error: GTA5.exe - Application Error The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. My specs: My specs- AMD Ryzen 5 2600 16GB of RAM MSI 1060 6GB Armor Graphics Card 1TB of Storage...
  31. FO04

    [SOLVED] Low fps on GTA V

    Hello! So i have some issues with GTA V online and offline where my fps is very low for the parts that i have, i'm running at about 35-70 fps on medium settings. I'm running all other games i have on a normal fps for my parts for example i play fortnite at ultra settings at like 110 fps and the...
  32. N

    Question Major stuttering with my RX 580 4 GB in multiple games!!!

    I recently posted a thread about some microstuttering on my RX 580 4 GB that started last week but no one responded. This week the stutter has gotten worse to the point where I can't even play at my normal settings anymore, even trying to lower the settings down to medium in GTA 5 still has...
  33. D

    Question GTA 4 lag after update...

    I had a version of GTA 4 v1.0.1.0 which ran almost 30 fps at low 768p at relatively low view distance. But it has some occasional freezes so I updated to v1.0.7.0, but now it has massive stutters when running at anything other than absolutely lowest settings. Why updating causes it to lag...
  34. R

    [SOLVED] GTA 5 Ram...Help

    Hello, I play GTA 5 often, and I opened task manager one time, and my memory was at 71 percent, and it usually stays there. My cpu usually stays at like 23 percent, and my other ones are like 0 percent. When I click performance, my ram said that it was using a lot of GTA 5 and there is 4.5...
  35. Zencxal


    Steam Is Saying I Dont Have Siege Installed But When I Go Into My Files On My PC It Just Straight Up Crashes. I Was Playing Fine Earlier And Then me And My Friend Decided To Reset Our PC And Do Some Overclocking. And I Overclocked My GPU And Launched GTA And It Crashed. So It Was A Classic...
  36. Lindoff1900

    [SOLVED] GTA V Online Odd Performance issue HELP

    Hello, I'm having some issues with gta online after a recent hardware change. In GTA V storymode Im at a stable 70-120fps WITH very high/ high settings, 1920×1080. GTA online same settings 30-70 fps mostly around 50 in a lobby with 10-20 player. With 20+ players it goes to around 30-45 fps and...
  37. N

    Question I just got GTA 5 but gpu usage maxes at 15-20%

    I just got a new PC for x-mas, i can play all games smoothly except gta V when i open msi after burner (with rtss) it shows 97-100% gpu usage but in the task manager it says 3-18% the Fps are around 28-50 Specs: MOBO: Asus Prime Z390-P GPU: Rtx 2070 Zotac Gaming CPU: i7-9700k @ 4,5Ghz RAM: XPG...
  38. othefourth

    Question Should I get a new motherboard or CPU?

    I'm having an issue in some games that are more graphically taxing (battlefield 5, GTA, etc.), where no matter what quality setting every 30 seconds or so I drop to 15 or less fps. Playing battlefield 5 on ultra graphics settings is beautiful and I'm getting about 90 fps I just wish it would...
  39. Silly_Billy

    Question BSOD When Quitting FiveM

    Whenever i play fivem (GTA Mod) after a long period of time of playing it, i will quit fivem, shutdown my system then straight away i get BSOD with the stop Code of MEMORY_MANAGEMENT ? Any Help On This Please?
  40. TechGeekGamer

    [SOLVED] Can someone please help me with buying a 8gb stick of ram for my pc?

    I recently bought the following pc for gaming and streaming GTA V RP (iBUYPOWER N27W 106A) : AMD Ryzen 5 3600 8GB Memory ( [DDR4] ADATA 8GB DDR4-2666 SINGLE) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 1TB Hard Drive + 240GB Solid State Drive - White I want to upgrade the ram, but I was wondering what the...