
Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Rogers.
  1. I

    Can I delete the page file?

    I have heard and read that putting your page file on another hard drive will help. I have done that for several reasons but now I want to know how I can or if I can delete the left over page file that is on the c drive where it originated. I have a page file for hdd F in place. This is vista os.
  2. M

    Ram For This Motherboard Using VISTA 64 Help

    Hi I am building a system A E8400 on Gigabyte GA-X38-DS4 Intel X38 (Socket 775) PCI-Express DDR2 Motherboard - Using Vista 64 Home Premium Can someone reccomend what Ram to get for this set up, and is 8GB {4 X 2GB} OK as I have heard there are BSOD Occurences. Please Advise.
  3. M

    Vista ARGHHHH!

    Ok I installed Vista 64 home premium. Used it all day yesterday and was starting to really like it. It seemed just as fast as XP and I wasnt having any issues......until I defragged the hdd last night before going to bed. Now the computer is dog sloooooow. My cpu meter is pegged at 50-100%...
  4. D

    One of my beefs with vista....

    I've been using Vista for about a month now and something that has really REALLY gotten under my skin is that auto "read only" setting for folders/directories. Furthermore when I try to turn it off I get a "You will need to provide administrative permission to change these attributes" error. Now...
  5. M

    Access Denied problems - Help please

    I just installed Vista Ultimate but kept my XP installation on a second drive. Vista is on a SATA drive but XP is on an IDE drive. For some reason I cannot get the XP to run. I am not too worried about the operating system, but I cannot get access to any of the data created in Windows XP. I...
  6. W

    Long boot time from post to login

    When i boot up my computer it takes quite a long time to load after post to the logon screen, it just stays as a blank screen for 30secs-1min or so until the windows logo and loading bar appear. It didn't do this when i first installed vista ultimate and i'm not sure if i caused it, don't know...
  7. J

    crash crash crash

    vista ultimate crashes everyday with the following codes BCCode: 1000008e BCP1: C0000005 BCP2: 8D3ABC0C BCP3: 99E53A38 BCP4: 00000000 aaafh.sys can't find this sys file anywhere can someone please help , ready to blow it up
  8. W

    Help installing Vista Ultimate x64 edition

    I have a portion of my 2nd hard drive partitioned and i planned on installing windows vista x64bit edition. But, i attempted to install it on that partition, and it does not allow me to do so, it gives me an error like "windows cannot find a suitable location" or something like that. In the...
  9. H

    Did you say Vista Sucks?

    I can’t believe people are so stupid these days, especially the ones who think they are technology experts. They say Vista sucks and so on. What a bunch of whining crybabies. These people need to get a grip on reality and learn something about computers. I will go through a few of the things...
  10. fishquail

    Is there a cheaper upgrade path from 32bit VISTA to 64bit VISTA?

    So I want 64bit VISTA but i have 32bit VISTA. Is there a cheaper 32bit to 64bit upgrade path? Is it true that i have no options but to buy a brand new VISTA 64bit copy? STORY: So I bought Windows XP Pro 32bit with VISTA 32bit upgrade back in January. This was about 10 days before VISTA came...
  11. Flingpoo

    Stumbled upon a Vista trick, glitch or what-have-you.

    This is pretty low level stuff, but worth checking out. Right click on "computer" and select properties. On the lower left corner click "performance" What's your score? Mine was rated about as low as you can go. 1.0 out of 5.9 and it's a brand new build with close to top of the line gear. If...
  12. PCKid777

    IE7 (32-bit) - Multiple Application Failures (on 64-bit Vista)

    Overview: Using IE7 (32-bit) on 64-bit Vista Ultimate Notebook. Don't ridicule me; I HAVE to use IE7 to access my course website at UC Berkeley to do my computer labs because Firefox DOESN'T WORK on their site. Problem: IE7 crashes DAILY!!! It's somewhat shocking to see your Reliability...
  13. G

    Micron Expects Elpida Acquisition to Close in H1 2013

    Micron is still trying to make its way through a rather complex process to purchase bankrupt DRAM maker Elpida. Micron Expects Elpida Acquisition to Close in H1 2013 : Read more
  14. JMcEntegart

    Apple Now Taking Pre-orders for iPad Mini and iPad 4

    Apple now accepting your hard-earned cash for iPad mini and iPad 4. Apple Now Taking Pre-orders for iPad Mini and iPad 4 : Read more
  15. S

    Vista & File sharing (limewire)

    i heard that vista won't allow you to use limewire and other filesharing programs? is this true? can someone confirm this?
  16. P

    1GB RAM cause crash of vista?

    My PC has only 1GB DDRRAM. I wonder if this shortage is the cause of random crash. I check the event log which showed boot file degradation. How the heck can it degrade? I was playing MP3 on window media player while running word 2007 and browsing the web. Could all these applications used up...
  17. P

    use other high speed Flash memory for memory boost?

    Can I use other high speed Flash card instead of USB for memory boost ? I am refering to CF , or SD card.
  18. Denaun

    Random Wallpaper

    Hey guys, Is it possible to have a random desktop wallpaper in windows vista or does anyone have an app that can do it? I have about 650 hi-res landscape/nature photos and i'd like vista to choose a different one randomly each start-up. In windows XP i was able to write a little app in Visual...
  19. R

    Vist starts on it own? How do I stop it?

    Hello buys I need some help. I installed Vista Ultimate on my computer and the problem is when ever I turn off my PC and come back and bump the mouse or accidentally hit a key on the keyboard my computer starts up. This would not be a big problem but people in another room exercise and when...
  20. B

    Optermizing a pc to the level of a console for gaming

    Hi. Maybe i'm really stupid here but i keep on hearing people go on about how much more console games are optermized than pc games. I was wondering if there was any way to optermize pc games to the level of consoles on YOUR personal herdware. Is there software than could do that? It would be...
  21. P

    anyone used USB key for emergency bootup into vista?

    Has anyone used USB flash drive to replace the floppy for bootup? I am refering to emergency boot up to access windows Vista.
  22. A

    Vista upgrade tied to one XP

    I have two upgrade Vista disks. One is from Dell and is tied to the system, but the other one came with MCE05, and I do not want to change that one, it goes on a DVR. I do want to put it on my DX-10 gaming rig, probably dual boot. I have a new XP Pro to use on that system so can I upgrade XP Pro...
  23. JMcEntegart

    Windows 7 Ad Highlights Mac's Lack Of Blu-ray

    That cute little notebook doesn't look like he's hauling around a bag of hurt at all! Windows 7 Ad Highlights Mac's Lack Of Blu-ray : Read more
  24. samod

    need help with Q6600

    Hi! I've got new mb and overclocked the cpu to 3 ghz, temps are 49-53 idle and up to 67c at load the temps are seem too high, even if the cpu at stock speed the max teps i got were 58c after playing Warhead for 20 minutes. (Used real temp and HW monitor to check the temps) [color=00ff00]...
  25. L

    Download usb driver for samsung galaxy GT5830

    want to download samsung galaxy GT5830
  26. A

    Bad mother board or CPU

    How can you determine a bad mother bd. or a bad CPU?
  27. M

    D3d drivers free download

    i agree to this website's Terms of Use and Rules Of Conduct.
  28. G

    AMD's Radeon HD 4870 X2: R700 First-Look

    Earlier this year, AMD launched the Radeon HD 3870 X2, which was fast, but not fast enough. Now R700 is upon us and AMD shows its new RV770 architecture has what it takes to power the fastest graphics card on earth. AMD's Radeon HD 4870 X2: R700 First-Look : Read more
  29. A

    Download ativa monitor driver

    Hello, I need to download ativa AT 220H monitor driver
  30. B

    Windows installation

    hi guys i have a situation here i use windwos xp professional 32bit and i have a legit windows 7 disk that it wont never start installing windows i get an error when istalling windows about :windows couldnt retrieve information about the disks on this computer and this windows says everytime i...
  31. F


    Hello, How can I change my password? I forgot my existing one.
  32. R

    Unable to access safe mode

    I used to be able to access it perfectly fine but one day i went to safe mode and i got the blue screen with the 0x0000007B error. My windows works fine but the safe mode. I know it was caused by a virus, i just don't know how to fix it. I scanned with everything but still could not find it.
  33. G

    Who here uses 'Bookup' ?

    Archived from groups: (More info?) How do you like it? I'm seriously trying to decide between it and Chess Position Trainer. I need feedback pretty quick.. Thanks all! John