screen tearing

Forum discussion tagged with screen tearing.
  1. oguzhanhekim

    Question CS2 Feels Choppy Despite 144Hz and High FPS – Micro Stutters / Not Smooth

    Hello everyone, While playing CS2, I’m experiencing some screen tearing or flickering, and because of this, I don’t feel the smoothness of 144Hz. Both my system and monitor are set to 144Hz, and my FPS is around 200. However, it still doesn’t behave like a true 144Hz experience — it feels like...
  2. J

    Question Screen tearing with FreeSync and FPS Limits on My 165Hz Monitor

    Hi everyone! I recently bought a DELL 2724D 165Hz monitor, and overall, FreeSync seems to work well in games without an FPS limit. When I check the monitor's OSD, the refresh rate matches the game's FPS perfectly. For example, in Senua's Hellblade II, if the game is running at 65 FPS, the...
  3. M

    Question Unfixable screen tearing -- any guesses?

    I'm at a loss right here.Yesterday the monitor is perfectly fine and well, but today when I opened it, it looks like this, Over-saturated and tearing off the top and bottom of the screen i.e. screen-tearing. I have already tried all of the following: Refresh rate is max 60Hz with 60Hz being...
  4. X

    Question Should I have low latency mode ON or OFF with FPS CAP ?

    So i have this pretty old AOC 20E1H monitor, it was the cheapest on the market and within my budget so I saw it supports overclock and I changed from 60 to 75 (even if that matters because I still have the same issue at 60). So before I state my issue i wanna know what the best optimal settings...
  5. P

    Question It feels like screen tearing and stuttering when gaming ?

    Laptop model: Lenovo LOQ 15APH8 Hi. At times when I get even 1-2 fps below my refresh rate which is 144hz, my games feel stuttery and I'm experiencing a problem like screen tearing. And that happens even with V-sync on. Deactivating V-sync makes everything worse. The problem occurs with both...
  6. Wade Wilfong

    Question Screen tear/warp on 240hz 1440p Acer monitor

    My acer 240hz 1440p, Im unable to use any other resolutions with 240hz other than 1440p without my screen warping in the photo.
  7. Math23

    Question Screen tearing out of no where

    Hello, One of my 2 monitors broke, which ofc is annoying, but for some reason after it broke, I have been getting very bad screen tearing since it broke. The screen tearing is not as bad in games as it is when watching videos or just scrolling through a picture. Then it gets completely...
  8. P

    Question Screen tearing when both GPUs are enabled - Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3

    Hi, i recently bought a Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3. When I play PayDay 2 (it applies to many other games), there's a quite visible screen tearing. This problem has also been mentioned in another post and the kind of screen tearing showed in the clip is identical to mine. When I disable the Intel...
  9. J

    Question getting really bad screen tearing on 240hz monitor

    I've recently upgraded my CPU from a i7-10700 to a i9-12900k and i am getting really bad screen tearing I have tried everything like turning v-sync, g-sync and free sync all on/off. I'm wondering if anyone could maybe suggest a new monitor or another solution. my specs: (cpu) i9-12900k (gpu)...
  10. secretknowledge

    Question [Repost in correct section] Problems with Vsync on Linux with Nvidia graphics card

    Recently I got a 144 Hz monitor. It is just as smooth as I would have liked and looks great. Unfortunately, with a second monitor (my old 75 Hz one) connected ganes V-sync to it even when running on my 144 hz one, causing screen tearing in every game I tried. I read a forum on Reddit about like...
  11. Odonix

    [SOLVED] Screen Tearing, Blue Screen, and No Display ?

    So I have been dealing with a few issues for a while now and finally decided to ask you lovely people for some help/suggestions. Problem 1 I will occasionally experience screen tearing, I notice it when playing games and when just scrolling through a website or on Discord. I keep my video...
  12. T

    Question Very bad screen tearing when vsync is on

    My problem is that for a few months now I get very bad screen tearing in overwatch, cod warzone and battlefield 2042 when I play in native 4k 60hz and vsync. If I put the game in windowed borderless I get butter smooth image. I tried many things. In nvidia control panel I tried vsync settings...
  13. mattwerew

    Question Very noticeable screen tearing artefact on monitor while scrolling

    I've been getting this very weird and annoying artefact whenever I'm scrolling through websites, watching videos and using programs. Its not the type of screen tearing when you turn off vsync in games, it only seems to happen towards the bottom of the screen. Here's a short video of what I'm...
  14. K

    Question Strange artefacts appearing on monitor?

    My primary monitor for the last 6 months has been playing up with this graphical error. It generally shows up upon turning computer on and first getting to desktop. Sometimes by restarting PC it fixes it, or If I get into a game and play for a while, it slowly fixes itself. Sometimes the...
  15. laism

    [SOLVED] 75Hz monitor screen tearing below 75fps and no syncing technology working

    I tried Vsync, freesync, scanline sync, capping fps, reinstalling the game, reinstalling GPU driver ( using DDU), disabling windows game mode and full-screen optimisation. but nothing is helping, tear remains. my GPU is 1650 super and the monitor is LG22mk430h. I tried the above-mentioned sync...
  16. D

    [SOLVED] Screen Tearing ONLY when i move my mouse...

    So i play csgo primarily. 100% pretty much so i don't need much of a pc. but i have it and normally i dont have this issue.. Whenever I'm in game my fps seems to be fine and everything, even when i use my move keys w,a,s,d there is no tearing in the walls... but when i move and then move my...
  17. C

    [SOLVED] Gaming rig feels really weird ?

    Hey guys, just a general question here, I've had an issue with this for quite a while but I'm not entirely if it's just placebo or not, and it's really starting to bother me. I play a few games like Apex Legends, Rust, CS:GO, the list goes on. I run the settings on medium to low for a decent...
  18. U

    Question Many different visual problems with different apps and websites, is it my GPU, CPU, or Mobo?

    How’s it going everyone, I’ll get right to the chase, I know some stuff but not nearly enough. Hence why I am now here. The issue: I recently “upgraded” my computer going from an old Intel i5 with 16gb of ram and a GTX 970 to an AMD cpu with 64gb of ram and a GTX 1650 Super and am encountering...
  19. L

    [SOLVED] Screen tearing with 165hz monitor

    Hello, i have a 165hz 1080p monitor along with a msi b550 gaming plus atx, ryzen 5 3600, rtx 3070, and 3600mhz ram. In every game i play i get screen tearing, i have v sync turned on in the game and still tearing! i have forced it on thru invidia panel, and it causes visual stuttering, so i turn...
  20. S

    Question Screen tearing

    I have a 1920x1080 165hz monitor and a 1060 6gb nvidia gpu. I am using a DP at 165hz and am getting screen tearing. I have tried about every combination of vsync on, off or adaptive, and triple buffering on or off. it tears regularly, doesn't need to be in a game or program or anything. both...
  21. GODSAIYAN317

    [SOLVED] Why does my screen keep going black "losing signal".

    So my pc in the past ended up just going black, it'd turn on and fans would go but the screen remained black "on all monitors/hdmi" so I took it to a repair shop "A+ computers" a small business, they took several weeks but ended up figuring out the graphics card was the issue, got a new one and...
  22. Pers1an

    Question Game runs smooth just for few days after Windows update

    My pc specs: Windows 10 Pro 64bit-Gtx 1650S-i3 9100f-8gb of ram 2400mhz(no XMP) hi just created an account to post this. I play Rainbow Six Siege with the setup above and get around 180 FPS average on an samsung 75hz non-freesync non-gsync monitor. My game feels very smooth and without screen...
  23. C

    [SOLVED] why do i experience screen tearing with freesync enabled?

    so i have a freesync monitor and an amd cpu and gpu. my display is connected via a displayport cable and i have freesync enabled on both the monitor and in the radeon settings, yet i still experience screen tearing. any idea as to why the freesync isn't working?
  24. K

    [SOLVED] Green pixels/lines after installing new Ryzen 5 3600

    Alright, so i am running a GTX 1060 6gb, ryzen 3 2200g, 16gb ram and a 500w evga bronze psu. I bought a ryzen 5 3600 and it came in yesterday so I went ahead and updated my BIOS using EZ Flash 3 via USB in the bios settings. After a successful installation, I put the new CPU in, fire up the...
  25. G

    Question Screen tearing. Please help. No one has an answer for my problem

    Every single game I own has extreme screen tearing to the point where it unplayable. All my games like csgo and dead by daylight, which I used to be able to play just fine, can't be played anymore at all. I've tried adding more ram, replacing my cpu cooler, I ran diagnostics and benchmarks and...
  26. P

    Question screen tearing (144hz monitor gsync) please help!

    PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600x 6-core, 12-thread processor 3.8GHz base, 4.4GHz turbo Nvidia Gigabyte Geforce Gtx 1080 Ti Gaming Oc 11GB, 600W 80 plus rated power supply CORSAIR VENGEANCE 2x8GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB SATA III Hard Drive, ASUS ROG Strix B450-F Gaming ATX Motherboard Corsair Hydro 100i RGB...
  27. Jarvice

    [SOLVED] Can't figure out this screen tearing

    I usually notice this while watching videos. I added an image as example where you can see the lines in the middle. As you can see there's some weird tearing happening that I can't figure out. These are screenshots so the monitor isn't the problem. Refresh rate for my monitor should be 60hz and...
  28. I


    Hello everyone, I recently bought a Samsung EVO 850 240 GB I've never had an SSD and damn, the computer is fast now. I decided to install my main games ( pubg and csgo) in the ssd. I don't know why but I'm getting screen tearing when i play the games from the SSD. At first, I thought the...
  29. Y

    [SOLVED] RDR 2 Horrible Screen Tearing

    I've been fiddling around with RDR2 after its terrible launch and finally got the game playable, theres just one problem. I have horrible screen tearing, I thought it would go away if I turned on VSync but that only made the problem worse. Without VSync, it improves but its still pretty bad. I...
  30. T

    Question Why do I get low frame rates AND screen tearing?

    Hi! So I have recently upgraded my computer with a AMD Ryzen 5 1600, and a AMD radeon RX 5700. However with most games I get very low frame rates, and also a lot of screen tearing. The games where I notice it the most is: - The evil within 2 (It runs at like 45 fps at the most, and changing...
  31. D

    Question Bad screen tearing!! PLS HELP

    I have recently bought a new CPU (i5 9400f) and PUBG PC After installing CPU when I am playing PUBG my screen is tearing like hell. Please don't tell me to turn vsync it causes input lag. I also capped my frames to 74 but it is also not working. My Specs: i5 9400f Gtx 970 4GB OC Edition 12 Gigs...
  32. shaikyahiya

    [SOLVED] Will a high refresh rate cause screen tearing too?

    My PC: Processor: Intel Core i3 6098p 3.6 Ghz RAM: 8GB DDR4 GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Monitor: 19 inch, 60 Hz I want to upgrade my monitor to 24 inch, 144 Hz, 1ms. On my current monitor, I had noticed screen tearing in FIFA on which I was able to get 100 FPS. The tearing went away after I...
  33. T

    Question Lots of screen tearing with brand-new Asus ROG Strix Scar III

    I have just bought a new Asus ROG Strix Scar III (17.3", 144 Hz) which is shipped with RTX 2070 and I am experiencing lots of screen tearing even while watching YouTube videos, not to mention games! All the OS updates are installed as well as the latest Nvidia GeForce Game-Ready driver. Could...
  34. M

    Question Screen tearing and GPU lag

    Over the last 2 weeks, I have been experiencing some screen tears, and some minor lag pauses. My computer was overclocked, the odd thing is, I have ran 3dmark, and Unigine without any tearing. I also run Cinebench no problem. are my results with CPU at 5ghz @...
  35. Z

    [SOLVED] If u have a 144 hz would locking fps at 144 help with screen tearing

    So im probbably going to buy some 144 hz monitor but without freesync/g-sync because its too expensive and not a lot of monitors are available in my country or ship here so i was probbably going to buy benq zowie xl2411p or asus vg248qe, paired with a gtx 1070 ti it should be more than enoough...
  36. ceriumin

    Question Screen tearing in cutscenes

    I just got the witcher 3 and it runs really well, however in every game that i play with a cutscene, there are large amounts of screen tearing and it makes it look bad. It isn't a large problem but it takes away alot of the smoothiness and is sometimes unwatchable. My specs are: GTX1050TI...
  37. K

    Question Screen Tearing

    Hello, so im getting screen tearing in everything. Im getting tearing in all games, and media sites. I get screen tearing in Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube. I have gone into the nvidia settings and turned off v-sync and there are no other reasons i can figure out. The whole tearing thing is starting...
  38. S


    so hey guys, how can you see my name, my english suck, sorry about it.. Right, my specs are: gtx1050 ti oc, i72600k, 8gb ddr3 hyperex, cooler master hyper t4 and h61m-hg4 asrock mobo. So i guess my monitor is causing tearing in my games... I can play basically any game on high fps, like, above...
  39. S

    Question What psu should i use (budget 50 euro )

    Rig: Motherboard: Intel dq77mk Processor: i7 3770 Ram : 8gb Hyperx red Graphics card : gtx 1060 6gb
  40. R

    Question Ethernet Cable Qualification equipment. Should I upgrade my 25yo equipment?

    I've been installing cat5e cable for years, mostly in my own home and on a few small jobs I picked up along the way. Since 1993 I've had a Microtest MT350 cable tester which also grades the cable and will give a pass/fail for cat5. Mostly it made sure I had full connections on all 8 pins...