Question 1 network,2 routers, 4 speeds


May 28, 2016
Long story short: 2 routers-main- TP-Link Archer AX55(wifi6), 2nd (access point mode) TP-Link Archer C6(an). As testing I set up 4 SSIDs each router 2,4 and 5Ghz,as tested working great at maximum of my network and around 20ping, troubles comes with wired clients coming from Archer C6,it has under half of download/upload speed and ping goes to 200-500ping, I just dont get why wired connection is that much worse as wireless, I would expect it other way around. Is there any explanation or fix? Thx a lot
Long story short: 2 routers-main- TP-Link Archer AX55(wifi6), 2nd (access point mode) TP-Link Archer C6(an). As testing I set up 4 SSIDs each router 2,4 and 5Ghz,as tested working great at maximum of my network and around 20ping, troubles comes with wired clients coming from Archer C6,it has under half of download/upload speed and ping goes to 200-500ping, I just dont get why wired connection is that much worse as wireless, I would expect it other way around. Is there any explanation or fix? Thx a lot
Sounds like there may be a setting or something on the Archer C6 that is affecting the LAN performance and quality. If that's the case, it will under-perform WIFI by a landslide. Has it ever worked correctly via LAN?
So I will assume you have a ethenet cable between the routers since that is what "AP" means.

When you run in AP mode the device pretty much acts like a switch that has wifi radios in it. When you set it to AP mode in effect it makes the wan port into a extra lan port. So it kinda would be the same as if you put a small 5 port switch.
This should work very well unless there is some strange bug in the firmware of the c6. If you have not tried it maybe use a LAN port rather than the WAN port. The lan ports actually are a small switch except in modern routers it is on the same silicon as the router cpu rather than being a separate chip. Using the wan port the traffic actually passes through the router cpu chip but it should not matter since that is what the AP function is designed to do.
Sorry guys for late reply, but for my shame I found out that my antivirus system was switching on and off VPN(while I was sure I switched off,so I did not realize that quickly) so yes thats affect hardly internet speed than, hovewer at the end I have 2 SSID from 2 routers,which was not really wondered setup. I thought I would be able to set up one SSID with 2 routers,so it will have better reach,but it seems its not that easy,anyway thx for help.