10,000 plat an hour - for real.

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Can't say I've ever had that much luck in Rathe Mountains. A good day in
Acrylia Caverns will fetch me 10k in an hour or two of farming the
bloodpriest, plus some time in the Bazaar.

Generally I'll two-box my rogue (level 70, roughly 5k/1450 AC unbuffed, all
resists/saves above 150) and my 56 shammy. I load up dummy buffs first
(clickies mostly, then some easily replaced ones). My shammy gets KEI. I
then either run or get a GG/TL to Grimling Forest. I get the full line of
shammy buffs (no resist buffs though) and run in. Clearing the main hall
can fetch you 1,000-2,000 PP an hour. If you go to the blood pool (near the
clicky-statue that brings you to Inner AC), you can camp the bloodpriest. I
usually just hang out in the room before the blood pool, and he seems to
spawn ever second or third place holder.

The bloodpriest is level 50, and drops either the Blackened Acrylia Blade
(1H Slash) or the Blackened Acrylia Greatsword (2H Slash). Both are lore,
so you can only get one of each. Depending on my patience for his slow
spawning, I'll usually get 2-3 swords (I'm two-boxing, remember) and gate
back (gate spell on shammy to PoK, Origin on my rogue to East Freeport). On
the Drinal server, the 1H Slash typically sells for 3k-6k, and the 2H Slash
can fetch around 4k-6k.

"James Hicks" <james@doesntlikespam.org> wrote in message
> I have decided it's time we beat the dickheads advertising their dumbass
> guides by competing with our own, free guide of factual information that
> is up to date and doesn't involve cheating.
> I would like all you other old farts to scream at me for the bits I get
> wrong. It would probably help the guide somewhat if others add to the
> three I can think of!
> I am volunteering to maintain this guide for A.G.E.
> The Guide (1st draft)
> ---------
> The methods below recommend this step: Obtain level 70. This is not
> required for many of the methods, but invariably level 70 will enable
> you to farm the plat you want faster than anything else on this guide.
> Do not bother farming plat unless your lack of it is preventing you from
> leveling. The guide itself will assume you are level 70 for all methods.
> This guide will not go into detail on how to level to 70 the fastest.
> That may be the subject of a future guide.
> One
> ---
> Dragons of Norrath: 'creator' missions. This is currently the easiest
> and most reliable way to average around 10k plat an hour.
> 1. Go LFG. You may want to add a comment "want DoN creators only".
> 2. After about three minutes you will probably find yourself in a DoN
> creator group. Announce politely that it's your first time and listen to
> everyone's instructions.
> 3. Complete the creator mission. I have yet to run into a pickup group
> that couldn't pull this off, except for two groups who gave up.
> 4. Sell all 40 of your crystals in the bazaar. On my server they're
> going for 200pp each, which means 8k per Creator mission you do.
> Creators average less than an hour to complete.
> This method will of course be more efficient if you spend all day
> farming the crystals and sell them in the bazaar when you're offline.
> Two
> ---
> Rathe Mountains. Go to Rathe Mountains and kill Hill Giants. This is
> probably the *Easiest* way to make roughly 10k an hour, and also the
> most likely to fall short of that mark on an hour-by-hour basis,
> depending on you, the other people in RM, and the spawns.
> If you also destroy every other mob in the area where you notice hill
> giants spawning, you will have them spawning at a -massive- rate. This
> is because hill giants are a random spawn. Each wandering mob you see is
> either a hill giant or a placeholder. Hill Giants still average 15-20pp
> worth of loot every kill, have approximately 2600HP and are level 35-37.
> Any level 70 can solo these guys at a massive rate.
> Three
> -----
> Myconid spore king (old sebilis).
> This camp is soloable by any level 70 character of a soloer class.
> Soloability with classes that have debateable soloability, is debateable.
> http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=6360
> The important drops from this guy are:
> 1. Fungi Covered Great Staff
> 2. Fungus Covered Scale Tunic
> The tunic still goes for 100k. He is a 30minute respawn which is usually
> a placeholder, with two bodyguards. This camp will average above 10k
> plat if you kill him or his placeholder every 30 minutes.


Archived from groups: alt.games.everquest (More info?)

bizbee wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 21:01:18 -0400 in
> <r4q2f1pi0cpviji556f0rd83ftflg20o1u@4ax.com>, Impmon <impmon@digi.mon>
> graced the world with this thought:
> >On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 15:01:29 GMT, bizbee <tuberoo@earthlink.net>
> >wrote:

I have always found farming equipment the most efficent way to make
money. The quickest I ever farmed money was kiting the named in Riwwi
back when they didn't summon and the loot was a little more valuable.
I have heard that some of them still don't summon but I have no idea
which ones.

Solo, at least for most people, I would expect that the old and the
rare are the best choices. Fungus Covered Tunic popped in to my mind
first. Maybe CT Sewers as well. (Both already mentioned). Last time
I tried Rathe was as a 65 Ranger (pre OoW). I ripped through them
pretty damn quick (you can shoot arrows in melee range, which is nice
when you don't have those 96/9 PoTime/Anguish 1-hand-slashers. I still
made about 1k an hour. I doubt that I would ever average more than 2k,
even now, especially if you include the time it takes to gate/run back,
sell and bank, then return once your bags are full and you can barely
move because you are encumbered.

Most 70's should be able to solo some of the more gimp named in OoW
zones. Some of that stuff sells for at least a few K. Someone
mentioned Acrylia Caverns. At the Herbalist (long time ago) I used to
get a mythril BP or GS Mask at least once an hour and sell for 7-10k,
though I dont know what those would sell for these days.

I don't know that anyone can make as much money solo, though, as a good
farming group can. Once again, already mentioned, but RCOD kicks a lot
of ass for that since it isn't nearly as camped (thus the sellable
equipment not nearly as common) as zones like WoS. DoN Creator
crystals, 40 a pop, and a good puller = 30 minute mission time or less.
Plus there is the vendor loot and stuff like the Metallic Drake Scales
to consider.