Question 1060 6GB and PSU pin issue

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Apr 19, 2024
Hey, today I was asked to swap a graphics card from 1050 ti to 1060 6gb by a friend. As I did that I noticed that the PSU doesn't have any 6 pin PCI-E for the GPU, or so I think.

The PSU is TACMARS-MPII750, which says on the specs that it doesn't have a 6 or 8 pin but has 2x6+2 pin, which I only see 1 that is being used for CPU. Can I somehow resolve this considering the PSU is modular? It has 3x6pin slots (peripheral) and 1 VGA slot on the PSU that you can unplug. As far as I can tell the slots are being used for side fans so could I buy a 6/6+2 pin to plug there and sacrifice 1 fan or buy a cable that would work with the side fan connector if it exists?

Sorry if it feels weird to read, I can provide photos or other informations if needed. Thank you for all the help.
so your friend lost the cable?
Not that I know of, she said it was all like it is and she didn't have any spare cables. I doubt I'm blind and just don't see it considering I tracked all the cables inside with my fingers to be sure and from both sides.

If the cable isn't there how can I find a replacement? Do I just look for 6pin-to-6pin or is there something specific I should consider?
Thank you. I can't find any from this manufacturer but I'm on the phone so once I'm home again I'll give it another try.
I would say that if you can not find any cables online look on sites like ebay for maybe faulty units of the same psu that have cables with them for cheap
Honestly, I'm not sure any of this is worth the effort; it's a very cheap group-regulated PSU that only gives 600W of power and the company feels so confident about their product that they made their own "85 Plus" badge in the same font and colors as the legitimate badge rather than actually have their product looked at.

Mars and Tacens are two PSU brands that sell a lot of very poor quality PSUs in Spain.
Hey, today I was asked to swap a graphics card from 1050 ti to 1060 6gb by a friend. As I did that I noticed that the PSU doesn't have any 6 pin PCI-E for the GPU, or so I think.

The PSU is TACMARS-MPII750, which says on the specs that it doesn't have a 6 or 8 pin but has 2x6+2 pin, which I only see 1 that is being used for CPU. Can I somehow resolve this considering the PSU is modular? It has 3x6pin slots (peripheral) and 1 VGA slot on the PSU that you can unplug. As far as I can tell the slots are being used for side fans so could I buy a 6/6+2 pin to plug there and sacrifice 1 fan or buy a cable that would work with the side fan connector if it exists?

Sorry if it feels weird to read, I can provide photos or other informations if needed. Thank you for all the help.
not sure what do you mean you don't have pcie cable
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