Discussion 1080p is obsolete?


Sep 16, 2020
Most people do gaming at 1080p, also Steam surveys confirms that 65% of gamers do it on 1080p.
But marketing says 1080p is not mainstream anymore because nowdays there's 1440p and 4K as the new standard.
Even new hardware, new games (especially AAA), benchmarks, and reviews focuses a little bit more on 1440p and 4K.

So this makes me think:

Are 1080p getting obsolete? Or how much time do got left?
Should we upgrade to at least 1440p if we wanna stay up to date on our hardware while we can?

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1080p is not obsolete; it's perfectly fine to game on.
The problem lies with marketing and people themselves.

What IS happening:
-Technology has 'outpaced' 1080p graphic details. Outpaced may not be the right word here... 1080p doesn't require the latest and greatest graphics hardware to run effectively anymore.
I'm looking at you folks getting 2080Tis, 3070s, and 3080s, etc, for this resolution.

-People desire the latest and greatest that they can afford. Some want to 'futureproof', which is marketing BS.
"I can afford this, so why not?" mentality, even if it's not practical nor cost effective.
"I want this card to last X years", aka futureproof. It just doesn't work out that way. The concept is an error in futility; you can NEVER win at this game, which is even worse than Solitare.

-The latest and greatest graphics hardware doesn't scale well at 1080p because 'it's too easy'. Not to say it won't show improvement at all, but it's not as good as it could be if used properly.
Because of that, the hardware requirements go in a different direction than what they do at higher resolutions.
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Most people do gaming at 1080p, also Steam surveys confirms that 65% of gamers do it on 1080p.
But marketing says 1080p is not mainstream anymore because nowdays there's 1440p and 4K as the new standard.
Even new hardware, new games (especially AAA), benchmarks, and reviews focuses a little bit more on 1440p and 4K.

So this makes me think:

Are 1080p getting obsolete? Or how much time do got left?
Should we upgrade to at least 1440p if we wanna stay up to date on our hardware while we can?
The marketing team mantra- "Anything that was released more than 30 days ago is obsolete."

Their job is to make you buy new stuff.
Your job is to resist that, and buy new stuff when your current stuff no longer meets your needs.
Are 1080p getting obsolete? Or how much time do got left?
There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to run 1080p as long as you want. Many people are still on lower resolutions than that. You're basically just giving up a somewhat sharper image from those higher resolutions. In terms of sharpness at typical desktop viewing distances, 1080p is already nearing the point of diminishing returns for monitors under 24" or so. For larger screens, packing more pixels in will help keep things looking sharp while filling more of one's field of view, though those higher resolutions require substantially more graphics performance to push the same frame rates. At native 4K resolution, one typically needs to spend over 3 times as much on a graphics card to get the same frame rates as someone gaming at 1080p.
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I disagree with almost all of the perception that you must have this or that.

You must have a SSD in 2020 wrong 100% sure their nice but if you never had one and only had a HDD to you their absolutely nothing wrong with it. Takes 60 seconds to boot instead of 12 or so, takes a program a couple seconds to open instead of instant does it really matter? If you say yes your spoiled, entitled, or under pier pressure. If your on a tight budget is it better to have a fast boot time or double /triple the storage for less money?
Do I use SSD's yes because I'm spoiled from using one and can afford to buy them.

Monitor 1080p is fine if that is all you ever had, I went to 1440p and now 1080p looks like crap but if I never used a 1440p monitor the 1080p would still look fine because that is all I ever used. (actually went from 720p to 1080p then to 1440p)

Have a friend of mine asked me to build her a PC for her kids to game on about 3 years ago now. (single Mom 4 kids no money really to buy things after food, clothing, power bill, rent etc.) They only play free to play games since their no money for buying a game unless it's like 10 bucks on Steam.

I do a good bit of builds, repairs, upgrades so had several parts on hand. Put together a i5 2400, 8GB of memory, old 1TB HDD, old Dell keyboard and mouse, 7850 card, used a Cyberjunk case that I had upgraded for a customer, old Dell speakers, and a 720p 24" flat screen TV I had. Guess the results they love it they get to game and don't know their using crap just as happy as could be. (gave everything to her for free)

EDIT All because it's all they ever used.
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I consider having an SSD for your OS THE best upgrade a system can get.

It doesn't have anything to do with being spoiled or entitled or under pressure. It's just logical.

Why would anyone not spend 20 dollars on a 256GB SATA SSD just to get the responsiveness of the system to be so much faster.

It is not necessary but in 2020 it would be ridiculous not to.
Most people do gaming at 1080p, also Steam surveys confirms that 65% of gamers do it on 1080p.
But marketing says 1080p is not mainstream anymore because nowdays there's 1440p and 4K as the new standard.
Even new hardware, new games (especially AAA), benchmarks, and reviews focuses a little bit more on 1440p and 4K.

So this makes me think:

Are 1080p getting obsolete? Or how much time do got left?
Should we upgrade to at least 1440p if we wanna stay up to date on our hardware while we can?

For sitting at even as close as PC distance at a desk, 1080 is perfectly fine for a 24" or even a 27" screen (some may disagree with 27" but it's still not bad at all). I am swapping to a 27" 1440 monitor but have 0 complaints about anything on my 1080 screen that is 24". Only reason I am swapping is the swap was free :) and it will help with working from home to fit more information on the screen. I don't have any issues with the sharpness of text or games (which I do upscale to 1440 then down to 1080 for the extra sharpness without using AA). It also is a great benchmark to see how games run on a 1440 screen without actually having a 1440 screen which I won't get for a few days.
I will write on a few sites about my pov because I couldn`t find replays with my views that I have now when I bought my monitor. I just went for a Dell S2721dgh 165hz 27" 1440p from a 24" 144hz 1080p(after i read way too many comments on forums) and I can say that the diff is not huge in games. I have a 5700 xt so capable of 1440p but I think is not worth it(if you are like 50-50 and don't wanna spend double the money for a monitor, otherwise of course is worth it because it's better). Visuals in games from 1440p compare to 1080p are minimal, 5% maybe? while the fps hit its between 20-40%. More noticeable is in windows where indeed for 1080p the text is not that sharp but is not bad either. It's still good just not as sharp. I wanted to go for 27" and everywhere I was reading that 27" for fullhd it's too much but I don't think so. For example, I play cyberpunk on 1080p because it's 80 fps instead of 40-50fps with the minimal diff in visuals(same for Control, RDR2, and others.) and I prefer more fps, the games move way better on 80 compare to 40-50 while graphic looks almost the same. So while 1440p is good, its nothing impressive like I was reading on all forums. I remember when I had to choose from 60 Hz to 144 Hz back in the day and everybody was saying 144hz is like butter and I went for 144hz and yes, it's so smooth I cannot go back to 60hz but on this matter? I think people are exaggerating a little bit about 1440p compare to 1080p. The good thing for 1440p is that is future-proof for a few years when graphics cards become more powerful, and you can still play games on 1080p and use your monitor in windows on 1440p. So if you have the money go fo 1440p otherwise 1080p especially on 24" but even for 27" is still good.