Question 2 NVME FOR 2 M.2 SLOT

Jan 4, 2021
Hello! I have a question. I got a mobo and that is B550M mortar. Is that ok to occupy my 2 M.2 slot not USING THE PCIE SLOT. One is for OS with a 120gb nvme and the other slot is for apps/games with a 1tb nvme. Also is it ok to swap them? the 120gb with os is at the slower m.2 slot(lowerpart) and the 1tb with apps/games is at the faster m.2 slow(top). Thank you in advance for someone who'll gonna help me :)). Any opinion will do

ps:I have a 1tb hdd or another storage and i'm using some 2d/3d/rendering apps that's why I wanted a separated NVME storage with game in it also.