Question 2060 thinks its overheating

Feb 18, 2019
I had a single fan 2060 but the thermals were too hot so I decided to get a small and compact 2 fanner from Zotoac. I don't know if this was a mistake but whatever bullshit software they put into this card makes it think anything above 70c is overheating so I get frame drops in easy-ass games like Minecraft and Fortnite, which mind you I had no frame drops and could hit 144fps on the single fan in Minecraft now I can't get past 70. Ramping up fan speeds doesn't work nor does doing ANYTHING in Afterburner. I don't want to return this card because it may have been over two weeks since I've had it although I don't know. My computer can't fit anything bigger than the card that is in now. I just want to fix this. Sorry for my language I'm just super pissed that I can't play games that I used to without dropping to 40 fps in Fortnite when I didn't drop below 70 before.

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Yeh I can certainly feel your pain, I've been having similar issues. Have you done much troubleshooting? (run DDU, reinstall drivers)
I would suggest uninstalling MSI afterburner and using the stock NVIDIA software. You may have access to more options for your card. IE: higher temperature target, undervolting etc.
I've had issues with afterburner not applying settings and reporting false info.
Yeh I can certainly feel your pain, I've been having similar issues. Have you done much troubleshooting? (run DDU, reinstall drivers)
I would suggest uninstalling MSI afterburner and using the stock NVIDIA software. You may have access to more options for your card. IE: higher temperature target, undervolting etc.
I've had issues with afterburner not applying settings and reporting false info.

Yes, I have reinstalled the drivers, three times. So If I remove MSI Afterburner will I no longer get any frame drops? What do you mean by stock software? The bios of the card doing all the work itself or is there a software I have to download from NVIDIA?