ML? Magnetic Levitation? Memory Latency? Something else?
In any event, it is CL, as in CAS Latency.
And the whole set of numbers, e.g 15-16-16-35, is called Memory Timings.
To know which of the two is be more beneficial, lets put the frequency and latency into nanoseconds, with a formula of:
(cas latency/ram speed) x 2000 = latency in nanoseconds
So, with that, we get:
(16/2667) x 2000 = 11.998 nanoseconds
(22/3200) x 2000 = 13.75 nanoseconds
With this, slower frequency (2667 Mhz) but also smaller CAS Latency (CL16) RAM, is overall quicker, than higher frequency and bigger CAS Latency RAM, that you plan to buy.
For example, i'm using 3000Mhz CL15 RAM, which translates into: (15/3000) x 2000 = 10 nanoseconds of...