fleshy bits

Apr 24, 2011
Hey guys, I'm almost done! Woot! :bounce:
I just have a question or two for my fan setup.

I have an idea on what to do and what to do it with, but I'm wondering on just which fans should go where. CFM wise anyway. I plan on the side and front fan being an intake, with the back and two on top being exhaust. The fan controller that came with my PSU can take on three fans, which will all be CM Excalibur fans. But should they all be exhaust fans or should at least one be an intake to help adjust intake volume if I need to crank up the exhaust? Perhaps the opposite, with two being the intake fans and a controlled exhaust for the same reason?
As for the other two, being uncontrolled, I was going to go with the set speed CM Turbine Master models. However I don't know if I should get both as either the Mach 0.8/1.8 models, or one of each, as well as where to set them.

I had figured on setting a Mach 1.8 in the front, a 0.8 in the side, with the Excalibur fans on top/back.

I would have (and still may, if I can finagle it) put a fan as intake on the bottom, however my PSU covers the vent just enough to block the rear mounting holes.

Would the above idea be suitable?

As far as whats inside:

Motherboard: Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3
CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 BE
Video: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7950
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB)
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB x2
PSU: Cooler Master 1050 Silent Pro Hybrid


fleshy bits

Apr 24, 2011
Hello, and thank you for replying CM_USA.

Well, that's what I'm looking to figure out. The Side and Front will be Intake, but I'm trying to figure out which two fans I should use in those locations: controlled or uncontrolled. Also, which fans should I use as the uncontrolled ones: two high CFM fans, two low CFM fans, or one of each? I imagine that would depend on how many of the controlled fans were Intake/Exhaust.

I suppose in the end I'm just asking which uncontrolled fans I should get. :lol:


Feb 22, 2012
You can use any 120mm fans. Here's our selection. People usually get the Blade Master.


Depends on where you plug in the fans. Fans that are plugged into the motherboard can usually be controlled through BIOS. If plugged into the power supply, the fans will run at full speed.