Question 4k 60 or 1440 at more


May 2, 2011
Hello, pretty new here and appreciate any input.

I get a new system every 5-6ish years and want to know what type of monitor you would recommend.
I want to play at 60fps or more with the highest settings possible and want this to continue over time, which will be harder as 4k resolution games get more intense. And wonder if a smaller resolution would be better for this goal.

System specs
32GB Ddr5 (can go to 64)
RTX 3080 (10GB)
I 13700KF
Gigabyte Z790 MB

It can play 4k 60 now (I assume, don't have 4k monitor) but over time I imagine the framerate will go down as new games get more intensive and best to leave at native resolution.
Alternatively I can get a 1440p with a higher rate, that over time i will still be able to put out at 60fps.
Is that the correct way to think about it?

I don't play Flight Sim or any shooters that require massive framerate to be important. but want to keep 60fps in the future titles.
Any input is appreciated and will do my best to answer anything I might have left out.

Edit:: i will be using two monitors (with the same refresh rate) but only when I work, gaming would be done on a single monitor
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Given you want longevity of maintaining 60FPS when games get more demanding 1440p seems like the obvious call. 4K will struggle on that a few games today and that will be worse in 2-3 years on the same hardware.