5.1 headphones without 5.1 sound card


May 2, 2004
After concidering buying on the the Zalman 5.1 headphones I managed to remember that I actualy had no 5.1 sound card in my comp. But I need a pair of good headphones and I dont want to buy a pair of stereo ones because if I do I will want a pair of surround later on. So normaly the sulution would be to buy a 5.1 sound card. But here is the problem, most new motherboards supply 6 channel sound and I am thinking about buying a new motherboard with 939 socket support later on. So I will just waste my money on the sound card.

My question is: is it possible to plug in a 5.1 headphone into a pc and get stereo effect on it (just temporarily)? Or do I have to get myself that sound card anyway?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Arnagath on 05/05/04 12:41 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I don't know about the Samsung 5.1 headphones but I was reading comments about some Kinyo 5.1 headphones. They come with a whole assortment of cables including adapters to plug into standard 1/8" mini headphone and 1/4" headphone jacks.

<b>56K, slow and steady does not win the race on internet!</b>
I am talking about the Zalman headphones. They do not come with any special cables but you have three cables from the headphones that connect to your sound card, to me they look exactly as the ones you use with normal audio devices.
Sorry, I thought you were looking for a solution and I gave one.
My question is: is it possible to plug in a 5.1 headphone into a pc and get stereo effect on it (just temporarily)? Or do I have to get myself that sound card anyway?
AFAIK the Zalman headphones don't do what you want but the Kinyo does.

<b>56K, slow and steady does not win the race on internet!</b>