I don't think PC laptop owners get it. I've gone through countless PC laptops (latest was a Tecra M7 tablet) and it's becoming apparent to me that ease of use, battery, and weight are the most important factors when using a laptop.
If you game on a laptop, stay away from Macs. If your just editing word documents, doing presentations, taking notes (like I do) a MacBook makes much more sense. Not only is the battery life and weight immensely helpful, OSX seems to be designed with laptop users in mind.
Here are some areas which help me greatly when using my MBP because of OSX:
1. Enlarged trackpad: I don't have to 'finger run' when I try to move my mouse across the screen.
2. Multitouch gestures. It doesn't get any sweeter then here folks. Three finger swipe back = Back, forward = forward. No more clicking forward or back buttons. No more hitting delete to go back. Four fingers down = reveal everything (very nice). Four fingers up = reveal desktop. Two fingers to scroll (best scrolling technology in the world). You can also combine the forward/back swipes with the command key to open new tabs based on the page you wanted to go to.
3. Sleep. Have you used sleep on OSX yet? It's faster then Windows. You close the lid, it sleeps. You open the lid it instantly comes on, NO LOADING BAR! NO WAITING!
4. No bloatware. No need to run any virus scans (because viruses/trojans are less predominant but still exists).
All these benefits are easily worth the 'premium'/'apple tax' that comes with the laptops. I didn't buy it because it was 'pretty' and I don't care much for brands. I bought it because I was forced to used one for a few days and I was amazed at the speed that I could do things compared to my Windows laptop. If Windows based laptops picked up all these features, I might just come back but for now MacBooks are clearly superior in the laptop game. Yes it sucks at specs, but specs are far from everything. I'll gladly take a 20% slower processor, if it means I can use multitouch shortcuts.