What the.... are you talking about? Not able to survive outside the PC hardware world? Apple was not able to survive outsite the PC hardware world. Look at the hardware these Macbooks are running. What is the one think that stands out. THEY ARE RUNNING PC HARDWARE!!!
I am sorry if you understood that. I build my own PCs with MS Windows too and I know very well Macs are mostly PCs inside. My message to you is that you are not seeing at a bigger picture outside PCs or Macs hardware. This is not about me or you who could build our own PC but you cannot see that. And yes I have a Mac book that I use for presentations and meetings not for hard work.
Yes this site is about everything...we all already know that. But what you fail to see is that this article makes no mention of software. Making the article hardware centric. Physically, hardware wise, the new line of Macbook Pros has lesser hardware when compared to others on the market. Not once was OSX or Windows 7 mentioned.
Are not the weight nor the battery life specs of every portable computer?
And what about building materials and construction?
Better yes, on some specs that are important to you and some others and that is fine. This 5 laptops are consumer laptops and the Mac Books are mostly consumer laptops with consumer parts. Fact. This machines are not top performers and they don't use workstation mobile parts. So is up to the consumer user to select the specs they need or what they think are better for what they are going to use their machines. Different use different choices.
Hardware is what I want. I do not need to buy a macbook pro to run OSX. I havent run OSX on an Apple product in a long time and will continue to do so. Since I can install OSX on anything I want why would I pay $2000 for hardware I can get elsewhere for $1200. Or in this case why would I pay $2200 for Apple's PC hardware when I can pay $1400 for better/more PC hardware from Asus?
Because that is your privilege and is your right but so is the everybody's right to choose based on different needs. Why would every user should build their computers?. Sometimes you just want something right out of the box. Sometimes you just need battery life or you may choose a lighter notebook to carry with you just for presentations or for manny other different needs. And maybe it is your privilege to have something that looks better, like a car, like a jean, like glasses, like a new girlfriend, my friend. It may be frivolous or it may be something else...
However, if that is not how you place value on hardware so be it. I would like you sell you a 2010 Prius. (its really a 2005 Corrolla engine with new shiny Prius body, oh and I am going to increase the price by 40% and disable one of the cylinders.)
Bad example my friend, you lost it there. But try to understand that not every object must meet the same use or user. And that is a very important gold if not the most important when designing consumer products.
This article makes false assumptions from the title. This is not just about hardware because it never is just about a part or a function of any object. Things are not just thing, they have a purpose, and this is a big failure in the assumption this article pretends. Where is the user value here?.
And by the way I could do a search on the internet and come up with 5 very fine notebooks on the same budget, I do that all the time. Are these 5 machines Mac Book killers from "whom" point of view. A gamer?. Someone using handbrake?. Just let us all know and don't be vague or generalist because that is bag journalism. In fact there are better analysis right now on other PC sites with pros and cons on almost every spec. So this is not enough. Give me something better!.