This might sound exaggerated (or maybe not), but believe me that this is honest to god my situation.
I'm not the most tidy person; I keep everything up even though I don't have any use of them for a long moment.
I do code, using VSC that sometimes I keep 5 windows of it, and also VS.
There'll always a game running either on foreground or background (AFK job), and it's open-world kind of game (BDO).
I even play another game while that game I mentioned above is still running (Rainbow Six or CS;GO).
Did I mentioned about recording? and also video editting using Adobe Premiere (and Photoshop too).
Oh, and browsers. Multiple of them; windows, tabs, and versions (Chrome, Firefox, IE).
Sometimes, I need to boot up Linux on Virtual Box, which is mostly about compatibility issue (Redis don't / have limitted support on Windows).
I also use this PC for work, so there'll always be lots of MS Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel), and it's not only one or two window for each app.
Aside from that, there's minor apps that also runs on background such as Discord, WhatsApp, and LINE.
I'm not sure whether all of that count as multitasking though. Correct me if I'm wrong.
if you are not using all the threads the 5950 brings, then it is a waste. they are the same gen cores so the ipc should be roughly the same. so in this case, the cpu speed matters a good bit.
if you don't need the cores, then the 5950x will give you little benefit and is not worth it. using 4-6 cores of one vs the other will come down to speed of the core.
so overall does not sound like you need it and it would be a waste of cash. again only if you have an actual need for all those extra cores is it worth doing.
Honestly I still don't know whether it'll make a good upgrade or not. Since my 5800X is still able to keep up with me at ease.
Like I've mentioned above, it's more about 3D V-Cache that might come with 5950X. Yes, there's 5800X3D. But I feel like it's such a waste to switch from 5800X to 5800X3D. It doesn't feel like upgrade, yet I paid for more and doesn't gain any real benefit from it (it's a trade off between CPU speed with gaming performance).
If turns out 5950X without PBO (the 3D version of it) is much slower than 5800X with PBO, I might reconsider about taking the upgrade.