6300 overclock with stock fan!!!!!!!


Mar 4, 2007
Ok guys, this is my second post in here and i feel i should share this. I bought a E6300 with stock cooler. Bought a Ga-965P-S3. Bought OCZ2P8002GK ram. Also a 600 watt PSU. A 8800gts 320.

Ok... i followed the whole overclocking guide for the E6300 using this mobo and the results were good. I was able to hit 3.2 ghz stable with stock cooling. And what ever i did i could not get past it. So.... i decided to get really expensive ram. I ended up getting OCZ PC8500 which is rated at 1066 mhz. Just changing that memory I was able to bring this baby to 3.5 ghz with stock cooling. Amazing!!! I did flash the mobo bios to the most current version just in case but even tried the older ram and still could not get post 3.2. So everyone who buys this CPU with this motherboard, it is crucial to get ram able to hit 1000 ghz. other you will limit the potential of the processor speed. And keep in mind I'm using stock cooling so this rig is super good. All the benchmarks beat the E6700 extreme which cost around 600 dollars i believe. So this turned out money well spent. I have one more objective to to thou... I cannot keep the PC8500 memory cuz it cost me 300 dollars... and im not about to spend that much money on memory. Ive read all around about cheaper memory doing 1000mhz easily like Gail and patriots... which cost alot less. if anyone can suggest memory that hits 1000 mhz please let me know.. my budget is 200 dollars. hope this is good info. Also... the first memory which capped my cpu speed was a OCZ2P8002GK 4-5-4-15 PC6400 800mgz. Thgis is ok if you want to limit you cpu overclocking, but if you want more power get the higher mhz memory.
Ok, the temps....... at idle im getting

Motherboard: 40c (104 f)
CPU: 56c (133 f)
Core 1: 63c (145 f)
Core 2: 64c (147 f)

Cpu Voltage: 1.42 v

Does it look too hot? AT full load it goes up to 69c to 70c max. And very stable. Anything higher it will crash programs....
what program are you using to monitor these temps? is this Tcase or Tjunction temps? and what are the ambient/room temps?

after a day of applying AS-5, i have idle temps of 44-45c but loads at 66c (via Coretemp and TAT)

this is on an ambient temp of 27c..now my problem is that the ambient temp here rises to around 33c and the rise in room temp is proportional to the rise of my procs temp (meaning i can reach around 70c at 100% load on a hot day) im hoping this AS-5 really pulls it off for my proc as im still stuck on stock 🙁

anyway, what temps where you getting at stock speed?
Well, im using several programs for the temp monitor just to make sure.First Im using CoreTemp, but for some reason Tjunction is always stuck on 85c there, And it never changes. SO i downloaded the trial of Everest, and thru there im getting the numbers stated. Tjunction would be CPU temp. As for my ambient room temp, its about 21c (69 f). As for stock speed temps, i get Tjuncion of 43c and core 1 and core 2 at about 52c. I did reseat the processor 3 times to make sure its seated nicely. And everytime i did reapply new thermal paste. DO the temps look high to you guys?
Core1 and Core 2 are your Tjunction temps
so there must be some adjustments needed to make your readings more accurate :)

i dunno if they are high, but as for me, with the CIe and CPU EIST function, im getting

Tcase 37-38c
Tjunction 51-52c

this is on a 29c room temp (and temps go as high as 33c where i live)
Im sorry your right. Tjunction is the cores. Well those are at62c at the moment and Tcase is at 55c. Its very pretty stable at 3.5 with stock cooling. But im afraid it might just shorten the lifespan of this cpu. I've read on other forums abut ppl running this cpu overclocked stable at 67c, so im not too concerned.Coretemp seems worthless to me, anyone recommend good temp monitoring software? BTW pinoyako whats you ghz?
im still at stock speed because of these temps
( i disabled the CPU EIST and CPU enhanced halt state though, but since m not OCing i think ill enable them to save more temps)

Room temp 28c



AS-5 was applied 24hours ago and this PC has been running for more or less 15hours so i dunno if the AS-5 hasnt taken full or considerable effect yet or i have a concave HSF or IHS (hopefully not)

Can anyone please tell me how abnormally high the temps can get with a concave/convex HSF or IHS?
I don't want to kill your fun, but of course you need high end RAM to OC a E6300 that far.

The 7x multi is pretty darn low, so in order to hit 3GHz you are batting at 428 FSB, or 856 on your RAM.

It was a good decision to get the RAM but at what cost? What would a E6700 + Cheap ram get you in comparison to E6300 + expensive RAM?


Don't enable EIST if you OC, at stock it is fine, but when you OC EIST really throws your computer for a loop with the undervolting and changing of the multi dynamically.

Just as a heads up. 8)
sigh, its just sad that my DDR2 800 is such a waste with my e6300@stock 🙁 oh well if have extra cash i just might get aftermarket cooling

ok gonna enable EIST now..
I agree superfly, i paid 3000 dollars for this pc8500 memory. and im not keeping it, it was for testing purposes. All i need to do now is find cheaper memory able to clock at 1000 mhz. Like geil perhaps...... then its worth a system like this......Pinoyako, you notice Coretemp has tjunction stuck at 85c, is that a bug?
that isnt a bug, its not your tjunction temp but the threshold temp for shutdown :) the more youre near it, the more you should worry 😀
Ohh i see, im going to redownload it. hehehe.. i thought it was a bug. And yes i did try to undervolt it and no post. Mines only runs at a minimun 1.4250v.
i turned off EIST and im now idling at 33c on speedfan!

tjunction temps via speedfan (with +5c adjustements as suggested by computronix) shows 46 and 47c idle whilst coretemp registers 41 and 42 room temp is at 26c though
Those are really good number pinoyako, mines even at stock speed seems to be warm. 🙁 I just torture test it and it got to 73c, yikes!!!! I need to get better cooler. I turned off everything off on my bios except lan, ethernet, audio,usb.
i turned off EIST and im now idling at 33c on speedfan!

tjunction temps via speedfan (with +5c adjustements as suggested by computronix) shows 46 and 47c idle whilst coretemp registers 41 and 42 room temp is at 26c though

That sounds about right for the stock cooler, maybe a few C hotter, but not that bad. Stock cooler isn't that great, but it should be good for 3Ghz, give or take.
hopefully the AS-5 will drop the temps a little more (i applied AS-5 around 24 hours ago) in a few days :) then maybe ill try to OC..but this processor is definetely running cooler now than my A64 3000+ venice OCed to 2.4Ghz
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Took off the original stock fan and left the heatsink on. Zip tied a Thermaltake fan, you know.. the ones that blow alot of air and are loud as my house vaccum? Well,.... anyways.. i was able to overclock to 3.73 with a increase of cpu volt of 1.5v. It post but as soon as I put a load on it th temps shoot up to 79c. Thats wayyy too hot. Then thew system restart. If I dnt put a load on it it hover around 65c on both cores. So i can surf the web on 3.73 ghz. lol! I figure I need a aftermarket fan. Any suggestions on which one will do the job? Ill spend no more than 30 dollars....