A horrible CPU Choice.

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Vid Dovgan

Dec 23, 2014
Hello guys, so, I recently built my first ever gaming PC, yay, woohooo, well... not so much. Because this was my first ever build, I was obviously a massive noob. I picked an AMD FX 8370 to pair up with my GTX 760. The problem here is, that CPU intensive games run really bad, because of AMD's low single core performance, I really wish I would've picked the i5-4790k (Or something like that), because, most of the games that I play, are CPU intensive games. If I were to replace the CPU, I obviously need to replace the motherboard too, which would be about 350 euros (for both components combined). I'm only 14, so I obviously don't have enough money right now (I barely saved up for this PC). What should I do? I'm truly devastated, this was a horrific first PC build experience.

DayZ, Arma, Minecraft itc...

I would say that would be a bad combo with a FX 8370 with that motherboard. No VRM heatsinks, only 4+1 vrm design. Not good enough for a FX 8320 really let alone a FX 8370.

I'm not sure why you having so much probably with an 8370, especially if you have a GTX 760. Im running and FX 8350 and A GTX 970 and i get pretty decent performance.

Are you sure? Should I replace my MoBo? If so, give me some suggestions.

DayZ has horrible engines, even i cant run it at a fair FPS without lag.

This one is cheap, good looking, and is very good for Overclocking: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?p=MB-970GAM&c=fr&pid=a168351d70e9f1673a5227e68141f7cc9c1d9f38ce408576dae5d9745da6c167&gclid=Cj0KEQiAreilBRDzrNfb6uqX4fwBEiQAk-MRYyiyRo3BjNs_eWEVmHl_E38bueCbRp6pOElcI96gYTcaAhG18P8HAQ

I know dude, But MINECRAFT?! Just how? It goes from 600, all the way down to 30 and then back.


Minecraft is surprisingly a very intensive game, i get only around 80 FPS with my build, and it can fluctuate pretty strangely too.

Well, I bought this PC from a company, I picked the parts and they built it and all, so imma get a free replacement. So, why not? I'll give it a shot. One more thing, will I have to uninstall windows if I change the mobo?


Nope, the only thing you have to do is reinstall all the drivers. Trust me i recently upgraded.

OMFG, not the f-ing drivers again...

Since it's a pre-built you'll have to buy a different copy. Unless they gave you the OEM disc with the code, AND it's Windows 8 (W8 is transferable).

So unless you have a Windows 8 official install disc with code that came with the PC you'll need to buy a new copy.

M8, it ain't pre built, I ordered the parts (No OS) from a company, and paid them 20 bucks extra cuz I'm a lazy mofo. I installed windows via a disc, that my friend got from college.


If this is true then it's likely the OP is experiencing throttling issues, which would definitely lead to poor performance.

The Fuq is an OP?

For the minecraft bit maybe I can help a little.

What modpack are you playing + version number, if you'd like I can download it and see what performance I get. (of course you're gonna have to give me a seed and run around the starting area so our performance is as similar as possible.) Plus the view distance.

Also try installing Fastcraft, its over on the IC2 forums, 1.7.10 has absolutely trashed performance when generating new terrain, minecraft is basically unplayable without that mod. 8 chunks loaded = stuttering to 2fps every 3 blocks or so.
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