A list of recommended PSUs

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Its interesting that they released a line up of HX series that are "gold" rated considering the original line up received 80+ gold but just barely so Corsair marketed it as Silver and it never got dinged in a review for failing to meet its stated efficiency. The efficiency didn't really change much between the old an new

old 850HX
new 850HX

old 750HX
new 750HX

Efficiency doesn't seem to have changed a bit between the old and new
According to the jonnyGURU review the internal design is a little bit different than the old model. Voltage regulation is a little bit better in the hot box. Efficiency is a little bit better too. No really major changes.

Hardware Secrets confirmed the new model performs "slightly" better than the old model.

Would it be safe to say the psu was tweaked just enough to earn the Gold Certification?
How come the PC Power and Cooling Silencer Mk II 750W High Performance 80PLUS Silver SLI CrossFire ready Power Supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817703027#top has not been added it's always selling for great price my neighbor uses it with x2 670 in sli no issues i have used it in many builds for friends it's top notch Sirtec built i have not seen any reviews of it but it comes with a seven year warranty 80PLUS Silver rated doesn't hurt lol EDIT- i found a review of it by Guru3D http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CFAQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.guru3d.com%2Farticle%2Fpc-power-and-cooling-silencer-mkii-750w-psu-review%2F&ei=mG4mUPKODOSKiAKOq4CYAw&usg=AFQjCNGwgIxPrCzGvP7qPK1d5iIXZo5t2w&sig2=IxCgRSISXfJ0dUFTGjCNhg this is a review by hardwaresecrets http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CGkQFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hardwaresecrets.com%2Farticle%2FPC-Power-and-Cooling-Silencer-Mk-II-750-W-Power-Supply-Review%2F1030&ei=mG4mUPKODOSKiAKOq4CYAw&usg=AFQjCNEltFrhzA5vcAtNUv2WCx9v56Jgow&sig2=RnPfnFOKzJOf0yNRL6GH-Q
bigcyci1 - You must have missed it.

1. The PC Power and Cooling Silencer Mk II 750 watt power supply is listed based on a competent technical review published by Hardware Secrets. It has been listed for quite some time.

2. The review published by guru3D is not a competent technical review. Several key features of a competent review are missing.

3. Price is not a factor in determining which power supplies are listed. The problem with sale prices, special promotions, daily deals, and rebates is they constantly change and vary by geographic region or country.
oh o.k. thanks for info and yeah i just read that review although i usually just test the power supply myself since some of the other professional review forums i see take looks into account which has nothing to do with if there good or not :)
Certainly nothing wrong with it... it's another Sirtech 750W. Similar to the OCZ Fatality 750W or the Rosewill Hive 750W. The design might LOOK different, but they are similar.

If I wanted a non-modular PSU at 750W I think I would favor the Corsair TX V2, made by Seasonic. Or the Antec HCG 750.

But then there's the modular Hive 750W for 10 bucks less.

Yeah, i guess between those it would come down to Personal Preference i would go with any you mentioned except the OCZ Fatality 750W i don't care for the led thing on my psu maybe if i was a teenager still i would like that though 😉 i tend to find almost all PSU built by these company's Excellent
Super Flower
The 750Watters listed in this thread will do for many mid high end CF/SLI set ups as well anyways i don't think we are suppose to be posting comments unless they are to recommend PSU that are not listed i might be wrong though :??:
I find that odd the AX series tend to be top notch i have a friend using the AX1200 with x2 590 in sli no issues whatsoever i have another friend that has that psu using tri sli 480's he don't ever need to use his heater nomore he just turns his rig on :na: kidding even Jonny says it's top notch although i never take his looks score into account as that is a matter of taste and Personal Preference and has nothing to do with rather it's reliable or not http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CFIQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jonnyguru.com%2Fmodules.php%3Fname%3DNDReviews%26op%3DStory%26reid%3D189&ei=osEmUIv1IoiTiQLM0oHgCQ&usg=AFQjCNEBbuWc9hiYXGLzb5YZ4NkK_IEpKw&sig2=v9nuqAWvpHnT2lyDKqZK5w so i am guessing your friend has bad luck
so far I have had the Antec Earthwatts EA-380 (older seasonic model the new ones with D lettering in model number are Deltas)
and I have had the Antec 520w HCG
one thing about the HCG is that the connectors are somewhat delicate
I dont know if it was me or the unit but one sata connector broke and one of the six pin PCIe connectors broke
the sata still fits on a HD and I used a 4 pin molex to Six pin for my GPU
I think it was mainly me being clumsy though
Yeah that is a good one it's a real shame the newegg reviews really screw it up for sales people just don't understand newegg reviews should be taken with a grain of salt as the reviews show no proof of if it's good or not it's hear say nothing more especially if it doesn't say verify owner in the box on the side of comments :pfff: anyways i have been putting together a list so far this is what i have under antec CP-850 – Delta
CP-1000 – Delta
Basiq BP300 – Delta
Basiq BP350 – FSP
Basiq BP430 – Delta
Basiq BP500 – FSP
Basiq BP550 Plus – Delta
Basiq VP350 – Delta
Basiq VP350P – Delta
Basiq VP450 – FSP
Basiq VP450P – FSP
Basiq VP450F – Delta
Basiq VP550P – Delta
Basiq VP650P – Delta
Basiq VP650PM – Delta
Earthwatts EA380 – Seasonic
Earthwatts EA380D Green Cased – Delta
Earthwatts EA430/500 (Old models) – Seasonic
Earthwatts EA430D/500D Green (Current models) – Delta
Earthwatts EA650 – Delta
Earthwatts EA750 – Delta
EcoPower 380W – Seasonic
High Current Gamer/High Current Gamer-M – 400W, 520W, 620W – Seasonic
High Current Gamer – 750W, 900W – Delta
High Current Pro – Delta
NeoHE – Seasonic
NeoPower 430, 500, 550, 650 – Seasonic
NeoPower 380W, 480W – Channel Well (CWT)
Neo Eco – Seasonic
Phantom – Channel Well (CWT)
Signature – Delta
Smart Power – Channel Well (CWT)
Smart Power 2 – Channel Well (CWT)
True Power – Channel Well (CWT)
True Power 2 – Channel Well (CWT)
True Power Trio – Seasonic
True Power New – Seasonic
True Power Quattro – Enhance
I'm also a stickler for quality PSUs, although I keep hoping for an inexpensive one that will be a lot better than its price suggests.
I've got a 650W Signature, a 560W Seasonic, and a 550W Truepower New in my systems. I'm about to build a new rig for my non-gamer wife, and I'm looking for one of the best 300W-400W PSUs I can find. I'm thinking of the 400W modular PC P&C unit that's built by Seasonic.
nope i have done my homework on this for months i am almost sure i am correct can you show me anything that suggest otherwise i don't want to post wrong info is why i ask

the antec 380w is always a good cheap alternative

this is the exact same model I bought from this seller

that is th non-D model that is made by seasonic
still considered to this day to be the best under 400w budget PSU from all the reviews I have read