A Notebook for my Father



Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?)

I am going to purchase a notebook for my 75 yo father in the next day or so.
He will be using it for mostly email, web surfing and finances. He will not
be gaming or doing video editing. He needs something sturdy and is not
concerned about weight -- only functionality. The notebook as opposed to a
desktop is being purchased for spatial reasons. He really needs something
with a 15" screen or better.

I am looking at the 5160 because it seems sturdier than the 8600 and also
has a Pentium 4 processor as opposed to the "M" processor. I hesitate to
order a Celeron. I'm looking at the 5160 with the following specs:

- Mobile Pentium® 4 Processor 532 w/HT Technology (3.06GHz, 533MHz FSB)
- 15 inch XGA LCD Panel (Is this screen ok?)
- 256MB 333MHz (does he need the 512?)
- 40 GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive
- 24X CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive
- 32MB DDR NVIDIA® GeForceT FX Go5200 AGP 4x Graphics (any reason he needs a
64 MB card? I chose the NVIDIA instead of the standard 32MB DDR XGI® VolariT
XP5 AGP 4X Graphics just because I was familiar with NVIDIA GEForce)
- Dell Nylon Carrying Case

What do you think about my choice? Please be kind enough to give me your
feedback and/or suggestions. Thank you in advance.


Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.dell (More info?)

"Compulady" <compulady@softhome.net> wrote in message
>I am going to purchase a notebook for my 75 yo father in the next day or
> He will be using it for mostly email, web surfing and finances. He will
> not
> be gaming or doing video editing. He needs something sturdy and is not
> concerned about weight -- only functionality. The notebook as opposed to a
> desktop is being purchased for spatial reasons. He really needs something
> with a 15" screen or better.
> I am looking at the 5160 because it seems sturdier than the 8600 and also
> has a Pentium 4 processor as opposed to the "M" processor. I hesitate to
> order a Celeron. I'm looking at the 5160 with the following specs:
> - Mobile Pentium® 4 Processor 532 w/HT Technology (3.06GHz, 533MHz FSB)
> - 15 inch XGA LCD Panel (Is this screen ok?)
> - 256MB 333MHz (does he need the 512?)
> - 40 GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive
> - 24X CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive
> - 32MB DDR NVIDIA® GeForceT FX Go5200 AGP 4x Graphics (any reason he needs
> a
> 64 MB card? I chose the NVIDIA instead of the standard 32MB DDR XGI®
> VolariT
> XP5 AGP 4X Graphics just because I was familiar with NVIDIA GEForce)
> - Dell Nylon Carrying Case
> What do you think about my choice? Please be kind enough to give me your
> feedback and/or suggestions. Thank you in advance.

Note that the 5160 doesn't have a standard Parallel and Serial port. Not
sure if that matters since most new printers are USB but it may.

I'd personal go for the Latitude line over the Inspiron when the word
"sturdy" is used. Although many times they have the same guts as the
Inspiron I find the Latitude more sturdy. Look at the D800; 15 displays,
full complement of ports, wireless, etc.

BTW: there's nothing wrong with the M processors.

Lastly, by all means bump that memory up to 512. Your dad will thank you
for it.


