Adventure Ideas sought


Mar 31, 2004
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Three 9th level evil PC's have to pay a debt to a warlord. They have been chartered
with breaking a siege at a keep south of Whitewall (in occupied once-was-Almor).

I fear it will become a 'go there, kill the bad guys, leave' scenerio. While it is
only designed as a 'side-trek' for them, I'd like it to be more interesting than
that. But I'm unsure of how to make it more interesting.

A bit of info that the PC's are aware of.

THE SIEGE FORCE: The 'Rolling Thunder' Battalion

· 1 x Half-Orc Captain, Warrior-Mage. Captain Ghroll (9th/9th)
· 1 x Half-Ogre Warrior-Priest, 1st lieutenant Grugg (7th/7th)
· 3 Evil Elves - Special Opps. Warriors, 2nd lieutenants Zliver, Slyth and Llox
· 2 Trolls (shock troops) and 2 half-orc handlers.
· 1 Hill Giant.(rock lobber)
· 320 Troops - Hobgoblins. Think Japanese imperial troops, lawful and organised

The Rolling Thunder Battalion is a rogue group from Duke Szeffrin's army. They're
not supposed to be there, really, but Szeffrin (and his hierarchy) have other
concerns are aren't worried about a small battalion doing something it isn't supposed
to be doing, but not really causing any harm either.

The chap who hired the party will clear existing debts if the PC's manage to break
the siege. In his opinion, the best way to do this is to eliminate the Captain, the
lieutenant and the 3 elves. Without leadership, the battalion will likely leave the
keep and return to the main army. The PC's accepted, and at this point intend to
travel to the keep (1 day away) and kill the leaders.

I have provided no real info on the keep save it's name (sunshine keep, pelorian
followers). The keep only has a skeleton group to defend it, thus time is of some

The PC's are 8/8th (Duellist/Rogue), 9th Rogue (Assassin) and 9th (Priest).

Any ideas how to spice this up?



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Tim <> wrote:
> Three 9th level evil PC's have to pay a debt to a warlord. They have
> been chartered with breaking a siege at a keep south of Whitewall (in
> occupied once-was-Almor).
> I fear it will become a 'go there, kill the bad guys, leave' scenerio.
> While it is only designed as a 'side-trek' for them, I'd like it to be
> more interesting than that. But I'm unsure of how to make it more
> interesting.
> A bit of info that the PC's are aware of.
> THE SIEGE FORCE: The 'Rolling Thunder' Battalion
> · 1 x Half-Orc Captain, Warrior-Mage. Captain Ghroll (9th/9th)
> · 1 x Half-Ogre Warrior-Priest, 1st lieutenant Grugg (7th/7th)
> · 3 Evil Elves - Special Opps. Warriors, 2nd lieutenants Zliver,
> Slyth and Llox
> · 2 Trolls (shock troops) and 2 half-orc handlers.
> · 1 Hill Giant.(rock lobber)
> · 320 Troops - Hobgoblins. Think Japanese imperial troops, lawful and
> organised warriors.
> The Rolling Thunder Battalion is a rogue group from Duke Szeffrin's
> army. They're not supposed to be there, really, but Szeffrin (and his
> hierarchy) have other concerns are aren't worried about a small
> battalion doing something it isn't supposed to be doing, but not
> really causing any harm either.
> The chap who hired the party will clear existing debts if the PC's
> manage to break the siege. In his opinion, the best way to do this is
> to eliminate the Captain, the lieutenant and the 3 elves. Without
> leadership, the battalion will likely leave the keep and return to the
> main army. The PC's accepted, and at this point intend to travel to
> the keep (1 day away) and kill the leaders.
> I have provided no real info on the keep save it's name (sunshine
> keep, pelorian followers). The keep only has a skeleton group to
> defend it, thus time is of some import.
> The PC's are 8/8th (Duellist/Rogue), 9th Rogue (Assassin) and 9th
> (Priest).
> Any ideas how to spice this up?

Okay, first off, I presume you're playing 2e? You don't say, but it
doesn't look like a 3e setup.

How to spice it up... how do they get in range to attack the leaders?
They probably can't infiltrate well, the troops are probably going to
surround the leaders most of the time, except perhaps during an attack.

Even then there should be an honor guard/group of bodyguards on the
leaders, especially during an attack. It probably shouldn't be a simple
straight-up fight. Outright assassination should be a challenge; plan
for the PCs to try it.

*Why* is this army attacking the town? Just for the loot? Is there
something in the town they want or need? Are they being controlled by
someone else? What will they do if they succeed? If they fail?

Why are the elves there? Since they're there, why aren't they in
charge? Can the hill giant be convinced to 'misfire'? Can anyone else
be turned?

For that matter, can the PCs be turned? If they kill the Captain, might
the Half-Ogre make them an offer -- either just a ransom for its life,
possibly an offer of employment? What about reward for making it
captain, and the promise to move on (thereby 'breaking the siege' and
keeping the force together... with a perhaps *more cunning* leader,
though this begs the question 'if he was bigger, stronger, and smarter,
why wasn't he leading in the first place?'). Tie these things in to the
other questions -- if it's unusual that they're besieging the town,
perhaps killing the right *one* of the leaders is sufficient to break
the siege... or it might remove the restraint the besiegers had, turning
into into a Final Battle (oops? well, it *does* end the siege...
possibly favorably, if the town survives).

What happens if the PCs succeed? Can they cooperate with anyone in the
besieged town? (Yes, this requires them to get in and out.)

I think that the situation *alone* is pretty straightforward; there
doesn't seem to be a lot to make that part inherently more interesting.
However, if you can tie other campaign threads into it, or start new
plot threads, twist things together or split them apart, and introduce
some interesting characters, I think there's some good potential here.

Basically, ask lots of questions and piece together the answers, give
the characters involved some personalities and agendas, and I think
you'll find good answers for yourself.

Keith Davies "Trying to sway him from his current kook- rant with facts is like trying to create a vacuum in a room by pushing the air out with your hands." -- Matt Frisch


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Tim wrote:
> > Okay, first off, I presume you're playing 2e? You don't say, but
> > doesn't look like a 3e setup.
> Actually 3E, converted from 2nd Ed, but the PC classes are still a
bit off.
> Conversions still in progress, kinda. It's complicated, ok?. ;)

Oy... I don't recommend converting in the middle of a campain. I did,
it wasn't pretty.

- Justisaur


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Keith Davies wrote:
> Tim <> wrote:
>>Three 9th level evil PC's have to pay a debt to a warlord. They have
>>been chartered with breaking a siege at a keep south of Whitewall (in
>>occupied once-was-Almor).
>>I fear it will become a 'go there, kill the bad guys, leave' scenerio.
>>While it is only designed as a 'side-trek' for them, I'd like it to be
>>more interesting than that. But I'm unsure of how to make it more
>>A bit of info that the PC's are aware of.
>>THE SIEGE FORCE: The 'Rolling Thunder' Battalion
>>· 1 x Half-Orc Captain, Warrior-Mage. Captain Ghroll (9th/9th)
>>· 1 x Half-Ogre Warrior-Priest, 1st lieutenant Grugg (7th/7th)
>>· 3 Evil Elves - Special Opps. Warriors, 2nd lieutenants Zliver,
>> Slyth and Llox
>>· 2 Trolls (shock troops) and 2 half-orc handlers.
>>· 1 Hill Giant.(rock lobber)
>>· 320 Troops - Hobgoblins. Think Japanese imperial troops, lawful and
>> organised warriors.
>>The Rolling Thunder Battalion is a rogue group from Duke Szeffrin's
>>army. They're not supposed to be there, really, but Szeffrin (and his
>>hierarchy) have other concerns are aren't worried about a small
>>battalion doing something it isn't supposed to be doing, but not
>>really causing any harm either.
>>The chap who hired the party will clear existing debts if the PC's
>>manage to break the siege. In his opinion, the best way to do this is
>>to eliminate the Captain, the lieutenant and the 3 elves. Without
>>leadership, the battalion will likely leave the keep and return to the
>>main army. The PC's accepted, and at this point intend to travel to
>>the keep (1 day away) and kill the leaders.
>>I have provided no real info on the keep save it's name (sunshine
>>keep, pelorian followers). The keep only has a skeleton group to
>>defend it, thus time is of some import.
>>The PC's are 8/8th (Duellist/Rogue), 9th Rogue (Assassin) and 9th
>>Any ideas how to spice this up?
> Okay, first off, I presume you're playing 2e? You don't say, but it
> doesn't look like a 3e setup.
> How to spice it up... how do they get in range to attack the leaders?
> They probably can't infiltrate well, the troops are probably going to
> surround the leaders most of the time, except perhaps during an attack.
> Even then there should be an honor guard/group of bodyguards on the
> leaders, especially during an attack. It probably shouldn't be a simple
> straight-up fight. Outright assassination should be a challenge; plan
> for the PCs to try it.
> *Why* is this army attacking the town? Just for the loot? Is there
> something in the town they want or need? Are they being controlled by
> someone else? What will they do if they succeed? If they fail?
> Why are the elves there? Since they're there, why aren't they in
> charge? Can the hill giant be convinced to 'misfire'? Can anyone else
> be turned?
> For that matter, can the PCs be turned? If they kill the Captain, might
> the Half-Ogre make them an offer -- either just a ransom for its life,
> possibly an offer of employment? What about reward for making it
> captain, and the promise to move on (thereby 'breaking the siege' and
> keeping the force together... with a perhaps *more cunning* leader,
> though this begs the question 'if he was bigger, stronger, and smarter,
> why wasn't he leading in the first place?'). Tie these things in to the
> other questions -- if it's unusual that they're besieging the town,
> perhaps killing the right *one* of the leaders is sufficient to break
> the siege... or it might remove the restraint the besiegers had, turning
> into into a Final Battle (oops? well, it *does* end the siege...
> possibly favorably, if the town survives).
> What happens if the PCs succeed? Can they cooperate with anyone in the
> besieged town? (Yes, this requires them to get in and out.)
> I think that the situation *alone* is pretty straightforward; there
> doesn't seem to be a lot to make that part inherently more interesting.
> However, if you can tie other campaign threads into it, or start new
> plot threads, twist things together or split them apart, and introduce
> some interesting characters, I think there's some good potential here.

I was gonna ask if there are any bad guys (good guys?) that have been a
pain in the player's butt? If so, have them leading the besieged keep.

Thus, they get to be conflicted about having to help.

Do they have any allies? Any chance they can be part of the siege team?
Makes divided loyalties even more fun. Damned if they do, damned if
they don't... unless they get creative.

IU'm assuming from the name 'Sunshine Keep', followers of Pelor, that
the besieged are good guys.

What happens if a force of good guys shows up and lifts the siege
instead of the players? Will the Warlord consider the debt repaid?

To help, I think I want to know why the Warlord specifically wants the
PCs to lift the siege. What are the Warlord's motivations? I was
assuming he is an evil guy, since the party is, but that isn't
necessarily the case, eh?

As Keith asked: what are the motivations of the Siege Force? WHy are
they there? What do they hope to accomplish...?

And why did the besieged force not flee? What are they protecting? If
they aren't powerful enough to defeat the siege force, and they can't
hold out until reinforcements come, then being allowing themselves
besieged was a bad tactical and strategic move.



Mar 31, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

> Okay, first off, I presume you're playing 2e? You don't say, but it
> doesn't look like a 3e setup.

Actually 3E, converted from 2nd Ed, but the PC classes are still a bit off.
Conversions still in progress, kinda. It's complicated, ok?. ;)

> How to spice it up... how do they get in range to attack the leaders?
> They probably can't infiltrate well, the troops are probably going to
> surround the leaders most of the time, except perhaps during an attack.

One has a cloak of elvenkind - and he (Keldirk) is the assassin (with the
assassination skill). But a bad roll here, a failed move-silently there and he's
toast. Body guards come running in, followed by the 'rest'. From a DM standpoint,
I'm not entirely sure how they're going to achieve their goal. Oops.

> straight-up fight. Outright assassination should be a challenge; plan
> for the PCs to try it.

Yep. That's what they are, all assassins - though only one is of the class.

> *Why* is this army attacking the town? Just for the loot? Is there
> something in the town they want or need? Are they being controlled by
> someone else? What will they do if they succeed? If they fail?

Excellent. I think I'll explore that tact. Never did think of "why". :)

> Why are the elves there?

Honestly? They're there because I wanted something incongrous that I could retro-fit
a reason later. Well, later is now. LOL. And they make kinda good baddies.

> For that matter, can the PCs be turned?

Sure they can. They only have allegiance the "the family" really. This debt they
hope to erradicate is just a timely opportunity, they won't kill themselves to
complete this mission, of that I'm sure. Would they change sides? Maybe, if there
was a reason for them to do so.

> I think that the situation *alone* is pretty straightforward; there
> doesn't seem to be a lot to make that part inherently more interesting.
> However, if you can tie other campaign threads into it, or start new
> plot threads, twist things together or split them apart, and introduce
> some interesting characters, I think there's some good potential here.

All excellent ideas. Thanks!



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Besieging army? No problem!

Ways to lift a siege:

1. Cut off the army's supplies. A few well orchestrated raids on the
enemy forage wagons and the baddies may have to send more troops
out to chase you around and not be able to continue the siege.

2. Attrition - kill their sentries, forage parties, anyone you can
alone. Capture a nasty monster and dump it in their ranks.

3. Decapitation - kill the leaders. Pretty obvious.

4. Sabotage - poison wells they are using, or their food. Infest
ranks with mummy rot or goblin fever. Burn their camp.

5. Alliances - hobgoblins must have enemies. See to it that their
enemies know they are all off raiding this town. Some local orcs may
have a score to settle with the hobgoblins. If word arrives that
the homeland is being raided, the 'army' might disappear.