AGP1.0 versus AGP2.0



I am wanting to buy the Gefore2 MX graphics card but the system requirements say it needs AGP2.0. My mainboard says it supports AGP1.0 Will this video card work on my system? I am not expecting AGP4X I know my mainboard will not support that,I'm just hoping I can use this video card without changing my mainboard

New graphics card(I hope): Creative Annihilator2 MX 32mb DDR
Mainboard SuperMicro P6SBA (Bios Rev 3.0)
PIII-550 (512K-100Mhz)
128mb PC100
Windows98 SE
Current video card Viper 550 AGP


I don't think that you can install AGP2x card if your mobo doesn't support it:

AGP 1X dedicated graphics card bus with a max. transfer rate of 266MByte/s
AGP 2X dedicated graphics card bus with a max. transfer rate of 528MByte/s

So there is a big difference. Maybe there are some jumper changes you may do, but I doubt about it.

I think only TNT2 would a choice for AGP1X


they usually don't say "supports agp 1.0" anymore...but it will most likely work. i doubt that they would neglect to make anything backward compatible


It's to do with the fact that the GeForce chip can operate at AGP 4x speed and use Fast Writes - technologies only available to motherboards whose AGP slots conform to the 2.0 specification. If you plug an AGP 2.0 card into an AGP 1.0 slot, it will never run at 4x speed nor be able to use Fast Writes. In both cases, it's not much of a loss.

What could be more of a concern is whether your motherboard will be able to supply enough power to the AGP slot. I'm sure as to how much the MX chipset uses - I know that the GeForce2 chip uses less than the original GeForce chip but I don't know how much less...


U lot are very confused. agp 1.0 is NOT agp 1x
agp 2.0 is NOT agp 2x.

agp 1.0 and agp 2.0 are like versions, eg. for UT 4.04 and 4.36.

agp 1x, 2x and 4x are speeds. I brought an agp 2.0 and it worked in my 7year old mobo, which only supported agp 1.0