I am working and saving up all my money to buy an awesome ststem that is designed for gaming. Originally I was planning on getting the AMD Athlon FX-57 once it came out, but then read numerous articles on how dual processors (such as the x2 line of AMD) would be most beneficial once games become multithreaded. So my question is, should I go ahead and get the FX-57, or should I get the Athlon x4800 dual processor? AMD has said that when games become multithreaded that they would make a dual FX series, but I don't want to have to upgrade for something that will probably be close to 1000 dollars. So what would be most beneficial. And like, what advantage would the FX-57 (or any FX processor for that matter) have over a dual 4800 for today's single threaded game, or is there even a difference at all. Ok, input is heavely needed. Thanks