Unfortunately there is so much confusion over cooling, largely due to marketing and popularizers. These people tend to lack any background in physics and as such poor designs are the result, it's really quite funny and sad.
My new system uses nothing more than two front fans sucking air in from front, and two rear exhaust fans, with a plain jane noctua cpu air cooler. despite that my 16core CPU absolutely demolishes benchmarks and sha512 cheksums sitting on 95 degress C.
One of the secrets of air cooling that makes it so efficient is that when high volume and velocity air collides with the metal heatsink it does a very good job of assisting in transferring kinetic energy from the metal particles to air (that is heat). Under benchmarking my CPU cooler is luke warm at room temp. Add in that large volume of air (from 220 case fans) blowing over the mobo and gpu all being directed simple to the rear two 120mm fans makes the case work so well despite me doing pretty much nothing, just buy the case and use it.
Water cooling on the other hand is largely a questionable setup, the water flowing into the block will be at best at ambient temp and as such much of its heat capacity has gone, for water to shine, you need it chilled. add in the fact that fans are limited at removing heat from the radiator (the process isnt as efficient as air blowing on the heatsink), and its no wonder the benchmarks show that water cooled setups only add like a few 100 megahertz more in benchmarking and maybe 5-8fps more in games.
I can't believe how bad some designs out there are, like gpus mounted vertically, fans on bottom and sides. Its just nuts.
Im so proud of my ordinary air cooled system and how much crazy power it has.