Alternative Thermal Paste options....

I know this post is old but I looked alover online and no one suggested this as an alternative to cpu compound.
SURVEY SAYS: Shrink Wrap cut to size. hEAT SHRINK TUBING CUT TO FIT - i USED A LARGE 1/2 INCH PIECE AND LAID IT ON THE cpu BETWEEN THE hEAT sINK... Ooops caps on! --- I read all over about a substitiute and no one has discovered that shrink wrap is about as close as you can get to thermal pads which are a pre-formed square or rectangle of solid material (often paraffin based)
Here are the most protective materials in reverse order:

For comparison, the approximate thermal conductivities of various materials relevant to heatsinks in W/mK are:

Air 0.034
Thermal grease about 0.5 to 10
Unbranded grease typically 0.8;[1] some silver-and graphite-based greases claim about 9
Aluminium oxide (surface layer on aluminium) 35
Steel About 40, varies for different types
Aluminium 220
Copper 390
Silver 420