AMD Confirms Radeon HD 8000 Delay

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Jul 13, 2006
my little 570 still plays all games today... seems that rush to buy the biggest and the best just isn't there as much as it was 7 years ago. Then again my interest in gaming has declined quite a bit so it could just be that.


Like I said before in another article.. HD8k is not very important. The improvements are only going to be like 15-20% across the lineup, something very easily reachable by the overclocking ability of the 7800/7900's.

What they do need to do though, is to have aggressive pricing to help bring down the big upcoming Titan. If they manage to get the 7970 to something like $300, which its already pretty close to for some models, we'll have an interesting year from Nvidia and AMD.


Sep 28, 2010
Titan really isn't anything to worry about for AMD, sure it will take the crown but it's a niche buy, much like a 690 or 7990. Where AMD has always made their claim and stake is most often in the mid-range segment, 7950 has to be the best buy for the price in the history of GPU's, even the 7970, but alas these cards don't sell incredibly well, it's just too expensive.

The problem that is facing the entire business industry is it's bread n butter philosophy, planne obsolence. The best right now, next year yesterdays news, so quick so fast, sometimes the cycles are only 8 months or so! It's crazy but feeds the fiscal quarter treadmill, so push back the 8k series, push back the 9k too, doesn't matter really because very few games even push the current 7970 and 680 at 1080p beyond their capability, even at 2560x1600 games like Metro & BF3 are the only ones choking them a bit more. So who cares, sure you'll get the latest 3dmark scores screaming high but that'll be yesterdays news too. And if you are into Rendering and 3D work, chances are you are going to buy a professional chip.

A Bad Day

Nov 25, 2011

Guys, AMD never confirmed anything. I wrote the tweet, we never spoke to WCCFTech, and we've never so much as hinted that a next-gen product would be coming this year. That part where WCCFTech claimed we've released reports on a next-gen was completely fabricated (¶2, first sentence).

We even announced at CES that "Sea Islands" was our mobile products, and reinforced that today's assortment of HD 7000 products at your local etailers are the products you can expect for months to come.

When I said that the HD 7000 Series is our focus for the foreseeable future, I meant it.

You can't delay a product that hasn't been scheduled, planned or announced. This "article" is rubbish.


Oct 26, 2009
[citation][nom]sacre[/nom]my little 570 still plays all games today... seems that rush to buy the biggest and the best just isn't there as much as it was 7 years ago. Then again my interest in gaming has declined quite a bit so it could just be that.[/citation]
Maybe it's just the 8 different Call of Duty Games...the 5 or 6 different Battlefields...they're all the same, anyway. Played 'em once, played 'em all. Now if Microsoft would actually port the newer Halo games to PC, we'd have something.
[citation][nom]JJ1217[/nom]Like I said before in another article.. HD8k is not very important. The improvements are only going to be like 15-20% across the lineup, something very easily reachable by the overclocking ability of the 7800/7900's.What they do need to do though, is to have aggressive pricing to help bring down the big upcoming Titan. If they manage to get the 7970 to something like $300, which its already pretty close to for some models, we'll have an interesting year from Nvidia and AMD.[/citation]

Nowhere in the article does it back up your claims about performance.


Oct 23, 2009
Im thinking it has to do with order volume they need to work out any bugs and or optimizations they need to make before the consoles go prime time. last thing amd needs is a defective gpu and a tonne of pissed customers.. considering they have trouble securing foundry space any way I think they are making this a priority... Something like this behind closed doors.. " Sony we Have to make this gen console work with out flaws it needs to be our turn around device we have been loosing money left and right.. AMD in the same spot We need this buisness deal so lets stop production to make sure we can manufacture enough parts for the next gen consoles .. we better not mess this up or we will go down too.. think about it.. And Invida is like so what we have the smart phone and pc sector now! .. and amd gets behind like they are with intel now.. no one wants to be second best at two things..


Aug 26, 2009
Oh no! the graphics team was just infected by the processors team. I hope the graphics design capabilities will not be infected too.


Feb 8, 2013
I very much doubt the current rumors about Titian are true, it's highly* likely that most of the benchmarks of the card are just 680 in SLI or overclocked 690s.
[citation][nom]JOSHSKORN[/nom]Maybe it's just the 8 different Call of Duty Games...the 5 or 6 different Battlefields...they're all the same, anyway. Played 'em once, played 'em all. Now if Microsoft would actually port the newer Halo games to PC, we'd have something.[/citation]

[citation][nom]Sakkura[/nom]Q4?! Gahh. This is not the way to win the hearts and minds of the customers, AMD.[/citation]

The 7970 is still the top dog and there are very few games which stress it, and those that do will often run just fine with two of them in Crossfire. I'd rather that they bide their time and come up with something awesome than try and rush it to market ahead of the driver support like they did last time.


May 6, 2008
So an excuse to offer last year's performance at today's prices. lame. smells of price fixing. innovation is the only thing that will keep the desktop business alive. amd is giving up on both.


Aug 5, 2010
Well for any of those who may have been thinking about waiting for the 8000 series to get a new gpu, may want to go ahead & take advantage of the Never Settle deal instead. Those bundles are a sweet deal & you'd still score yourself a nice gpu. :)
i heard about this 'no new gpu from amd in 2013' since last year. but back then it is just some forumer claiming he had trusted source regarding that matter but some how the story did not fall into rumor mill radar and it become non story at all in any tech site. either he make up story and get lucky now this matter some how make it into the news or did he have real source back then idk.

but if amd really focusing 7k series and only releasing the replacement towards the end of year it could screw up my initial plan lol. i was waiting for the next gen before upgrading my 2 years old 460. my plan was to get the next gen card or simply buy current gen card for cheap when the next gen hit like i did with my 460.


Apr 26, 2012
They probably don't want to make the PS4/Xbox3 look pitifully underpowered and weak sporting THEIR GPU's too fast.



I don't mind. the 7970ghz is the most powerful card on the market anyway and 7870ghz has best value. in fact it actually seems like a good idea to continue them and to refine the drivers. plus there's work to be done in the cpu department..... just saying
[citation][nom]greenklick[/nom]I don't mind. the 7970ghz is the most powerful card on the market anyway and 7870ghz has best value. in fact it actually seems like a good idea to continue them and to refine the drivers. plus there's work to be done in the cpu department..... just saying[/citation]

It's currently the most powerful single GPU card on the market, not the most powerful card on the market ;) That might be usurped by Titan soon anyway, granted it'll still be the most powerful single GPU card that isn't near $1000 in price.
[citation][nom]enewmen[/nom]Does this mean no Volcanic Islands and no Maxwell until 2015? That nearly a 2 year slim from the original rumors![/citation]

that's possible and we have to factor in process node as well. i believe nvidia intends to use 22nm node on maxwell if they want significant performance improvement over kepler. initially slated for 2013 parts but did TSMC's 22nm are ready for mass production this year?
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