Wow. I sell computers and hm, it is true that 50/50 sales are split between amd and intel this end of summer.
BTW: the sales of august going into first week in september for computer sales is a massive spike in the retail industry. the only real reason people buy a new computer for their family is for their whining little skank annoying children who NEED a faster comp for school. So, that being said, if AMD pushed out ahead of intel during this time period, it crushed intel by a landslide for the first time that I have been reading.
Notebook sales are still in INtels favor as there does not exist a centrino version for AMD. that being said, really, there isnt a viable option for a serious business or college user besides centrino. You need the huge battery life and small/lightweightness of the centrino vs an oven with a screen.
If amd makes a centrino type, it could ruin intel. Remember, intel losing a % of sales destroys current expected sales volume, people are counting on this corporately and investment wise, amd has nothing to lose not gaining any ground as much as intel does in losing some at all.
They should have not lied about the tualatin and released better/cooler procs such as them is my odd viewpoint about one of the countless underlying factors to stagnation.
I should also note and add:
The major reason for people buying AMD is a damning one. Every salesman that gets the request for:
and then the annoying customer finds out that they are above fiddy-cents then asks: GEE THATS A BIT! THATS JUST FOR THE TOWER THING!?? WHAT ABOUT A PACKAGE DEAL GIMEE SOMETHING WITH IT!!
and im like, um. No. you dont get anything else. So i sell them an athlonXP system with 512 ram and 160 gig hd.
Athlon uses more nvidia on board chips, intel uses random intel chips. It is also easier to sell the amd's with on board video on account of the fact that its a name brand, decent company versus some whatever from intel's labs (regardless of actual performance differences)
a64's are hard to sell at first glance. After talking about them, a salesman who is good will discuss how long into the future do they expect to use the machine. When people say, I hope it lasts at least 3 years, I say, well the new OS wont work with intel's 520 or 540 chip. and then they buy the a64's. I run the number one computer/camera's sales deptarment out of 680 Circuit city stores, and we always clean out of a64's before the 520's by a long shot. Xp's come in fast and go out just as fast, Celeron sales are diminishing, who the hell wants a chip from the 90's?
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by el_jefe_77 on 09/14/04 01:50 PM.</EM></FONT></P>