[citation][nom]slomo4sho[/nom][citation][nom]Sakkura[/nom]That's launch pricing AND the lack of the rebates and such you'll inevitably see at retail. Plus you're manipulating the quote to suit your agenda; the article says $150, not 160.[/citation]
Actually, the article suggested that this non-reference design they were showcasing would sell for $160
Update: Sapphire's card should sell for $160, $10 more than reference-class 7790s, according to company representatives
You seemed to have missed this piece of the dialog.
blazorthon :
slomo4sho :
[citation][nom]Sakkura[/nom]He didn't say anything about the non-reference one.[/citation]
He didn't? I wasn't aware that the Sapphire HD 7790 Dual-X in this article was reference design.
[citation][nom]ericjohn004[/nom]To me, if your going to spend even 160$ on a graphics card like the one in this article you might as well save up just a little more and go for a GTX 660 or 7870 or at the very least a 7850 for the same price. [/citation]
Now... who is it that is manipulating quotes?
slomo4sho :
[citation][nom]Sakkura[/nom]So? The article is still about the 7790, not the Sapphire 7790.[/citation]
You, Sir, are a moron or a troll. Either way, reading comprehension goes a long way. Good Day!
graphics card like the one in this article
Courtesy goes even longer. You could have merely pointed out that Sakkura may have misinterpreted the post that Sakkura replied to, but instead, you assumed that your interpretation of it was correct and that Sakkura's was wrong and mocked Sakkura throughout the whole argument over it. Your interpretation was probably the correct one IMO, but that's not really the point by now, especially since it's not likely that we'll know for sure at least until ericjohn004 confirms which was correct.
As far as civility, anonymity of the internet ensures that benefits of such actions are nonexistent. Considering that one can only interpret written text without the subtle cues of body language and intonations when reading these posts, one can only react to the available information. You could consider my words to be disrespectful and I can interpret yours to be as well. Since this interpretation is highly subjective, how does one argue that ones interpretation of the tone of a written text is right or wrong?
Lastly, I can only be expected to extend the same courtesy extended to me and vice versa.