Yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn. So what! AMD took 8 months to finally come out with cards that can beat a GTX780? And 10 months to finally beat the Titan. Wow...not! AMD should be so proud to finally pull their perverbial head out of their butts to finally catchup with Nvidia after almost 3/4 of a year. Nvidia is laughing. Why? AMD can only play catchup and will never lead. And just wait until the Crossfire and SLI results are shown in the next review. Once again, we will find out that the frame rate lag will cause most games to be a much better and smoother experience on the Nvidia cards, even with lower frame rates. Remember folks, FPS is just the beginning. Playability is what really matters - NOT FPS!! In this, AMD loses hands down - even the new Hawaii GPUs show this same trend. Ultimately, AMD will be doomed by their driver development team. Regardless, the Titan and GTX780 GK110 GPU family is yesterday's news. The new Maxwell GPU by Nvidia will be an evolutionary change to graphics cards. AMD will literally crap their pants when it is released, and will take over a year to catch up to Nvidia only to get beat again by the 2nd generation Maxwell GPUs. The one thing AMD has going for them is price, and that will be their undoing. Less profit margin over time means shrinking profits, less funds to invest into future GPU development = FAIL. It's only a matter of when, not if AMD will collapse in upon itself...