Novuake :
somebodyspecial :
Tonim89 :
A high end Arctic coler would turn this card into a Titan killer for 500$ less money, and completely smoke the GTX 780 for less money too. My only concern was the power consumption, but ut seems to be at the same levels of the 7970 GHz Edition.
I don't think you understand what a titan is bought for usually. Sure a few buy them for gaming (and lets not forget it's been out for 8 months), but most buy for PRO features that your radeons get smoked by (and all other NV cards that aren't Tesla). They fly off the shelves at $1000 because a TESLA is $2500 and basically is a Titan with full driver support for pro apps. So for pro people, no matter what you think, Titan is still an awesome deal today. If you are a GAMER only and had the cash for a Titan, you clearly are unaffected by this months news from AMD anyway...LOL. If you were a gamer only, you should have bought 780 instead if you have any worries about $$$.
Now you are just doing what you accuse him off. Stop generalizing.
Titan is a rip-off, PERIOD.
The GTX780 IS a slightly nerfed Titan. Geesh.
You accuse me of generalizing but then do it yourself in one sentence...LOL.
"Titan is a rip-off, PERIOD."
I'll just prove that completely ridiculous for a LOT of it's users and ask you to stop trolling please. FYI 780 is only a nerfed GAMER titan, but for pro people it gets slaughtered by Titan.
How is what I said generalizing? I stated exactly who it's being bought by. Pro users who can't afford a Tesla or in rare cases Gamers with way too much money to burn (and even said a better buy is the 780). I was very specific but my statement covers everyone IMHO. Do you understand why they will release a 780TI and have no need to DROP the price on Titan? Because PROS using Cuda don't care, it's $1500 off of a $2500 Tesla. There is no generalizing here. It's exactly why this is staying $1000 and has had no cut announced. We might see a Titan Ultra or Pro added, but it will be $1000 again! This card is for DP and Cuda with the gaming part as a bonus, not the other way around especially with $500 cards matching the game perf (or even just getting close).
More importantly people can buy TWO of these and save $500 on a Tesla. No generalization there either. That is AMAZING price/perf to these people. These are the facts of life.
Clearly in a WORK environment you buy Tesla's so you can call up NV and say hey, Blender/Adobe etc etc just crashed out on me...FIX IT. You will get help (that's what the extra $1500 on top of Titan is for). But at home I'd buy 2 titans and laugh saving $500 or if I'm not rich enough to do that I still buy ONE and laugh.
What the heck did I ACCUSE him of? I said "I don't think you understand what a titan is bought for usually".. And then explained exactly what I meant (so he'd GET IT). Many of Titan's reviews call this out exactly as I've stated it. I didn't ACCUSE him of anything. I basically POLITELY called him IGNORANT
Which still isn't accusing him of anything. If I had said he was LYING for example, you could say I'm accusing him of something. Saying you don't understand something and accusing someone of say, lying (or whatever you seem to think I accused him of) are two VERY different things. I'm ignorant when it comes to cars. Not stupid mind you (I can learn about cars if desired), I just don't know how to replace my engine etc because I have no desire to. I'm assuming if he looked up the PRO app benchmarks for the Titan he would get it as I wasn't calling him stupid (thus I explained assuming he'd get it- GET IT?
). It gets discussed as a gamer card, but that's not why they leave the shelves in droves (and will continue to sell well), and it's not why the price is remaining $1000. You would price cut this card if it was all about gaming as clearly a 780TI looks to dominate it shortly and a 290x comes pretty close for 1/2 off right? Heck the 290 comes close for even less (though maybe not the retail cards of either model..ROFL).
If NV cut this card any more they probably would start to have problems selling tesla to some people. I mean at $500 you buy 4 of these and save $500 over that Tesla now right? I think a few companies would bite for those prices. If it was aimed at gamers for real they'd drop the price to reality. But again it was only sold to gamers to claim a crown. I believe it bit them in the butt a bit when smart people realized it was a Tesla, causing them to fly off the shelves since inception. It's not all bad though, as they made the Tesla audience larger (sort of) since it sells to work people who want to do some stuff at home but wouldn't touch a Tesla at home from their personal wallets. The WORK environment still needs FULL support and probably rarely skimps and buys Titans in their place. But again, drop that to $500 or something or a reasonable gaming perf based price and I think that story changes some.
From Toms Titan review:
"The GK104 GPU was designed with gaming in mind, which is why each of its SMX blocks only sports eight FP64-capable units. GK110 conversely gets 64 FP64 CUDA cores per SMX, totaling 896 across the GPU. "
"Conversely" it says...So opposite of gaming right? Cuda isn't used in game playing so again, while they used it to get a crown, it's true power is largely wasted on us. You are GENERALIZING by ignoring a HUGE part of it's audience (whether Nvidia likes it or not; it was the price of tossing GK110 into a game priced card).
Heck check the title of one of their reviews here:,3438.html
"Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan 6 GB: GK110 On A Gaming Card"
So GK110 isn't for GAMING it was retrofitted basically...Ahh right, it's from a $2500 PRO CARD and those people are attracted to it.,3474-16.html
Performs like a Tesla in Cuda, nearly 3x faster than 680, and a over 2 x faster than 580. It's a good 6x faster than i7-3770. It does a ton of damage on the next page in octane also (which can be used as a plugin for MANY cuda apps). Blender Cycles BTW doesn't even work right according to blender's site, as AMD hardware is lacking in ways a driver maybe can't even fix.
"OpenCL support for AMD is currently on hold. Only a small subset of the entire rendering kernel can currently be compiled, which leaves this mostly at prototype. We will need major driver or hardware improvements to get full cycles support on AMD hardware. For NVidia CUDA still works faster, and Intel integrated GPU's are unlikely to give any speed improvement over CPU rendering."
Depending on what you're doing (like Blender) a Titan is 3x faster than a $3600 Quadro 6000 from newegg:,3493-19.html
Check all the Cuda benchmarks in that review. It destroys all Quadros in every cuda benchmark. Note again, that a top quadro is $3600 ($5000 for the 12GB model). If you put this card in the right situation you save some serious cash! Very specific, but a large portion of it's buyers no doubt, though not what I'd call common or widespread. We're still talking a small amount of cards and a small audience. Nothing vague about what I'm saying here either.
So clearly Titan wasn't designed for games. Which most of us already know, it's a TESLA. Which is why for most people who are buying this it's awesome even buying TWO! People who are buying this card are not exactly common and I'm not saying they are. They buy it for a specific reason which is the massive savings or like I said, they're just rich with cash to burn. I've just described ALL cases I think. I don't really count serious OC'ers but again, you're rich doing this with $1000 cards anyway - if I torched $1000 card from OC'ing I'd be brought to tears (I can afford the card, but not to perhaps destroy it), never mind people doing it with 3 or 4 of these. I don't know any poor people with a Titan...LOL. How many different ways does it need to be said for it not to be generalizing to you? Even if I did generalize, who cares if it's all true?...LOL. You could have said it's a ripoff for GAMERS, but not PERIOD for all people. You not only generalized here, you were WRONG generally speaking...ROFL.
You've opened yourself up to me saying much worse to you, but instead I argued with the data which pretty much speaks for itself anyway, destroying any claim of it being a ripoff - "PERIOD"... I'll refrain from...well, acting like you
😉 Again, quit trolling. Your statements are baseless.