Mousemonkey :
Vogner16 :
MM forget it being a rebrand. its a gpu for a $ amount. does it perform as it should for its cost? yes.
You claim to have a 270x for F@H and now you have a 380 as well but only seem to bash the products. why keep buying them? I haven't gotten a gpu since my 7870CF and recently a used 7970. simply because I found the perf to cost to be great. I don't care if the box was dusty and said old gpu on it (got it from an ebayer who didn't even include the box). I know the 7970 came out 4 years ago. Its still faster than a 960 and I paid $130 for it. Done. Rebrand or not it does not matter. Instead of buying that 380 you perhaps should have gotten a 7950 on ebay for $100 if you didn't think the updated cooler and driver support was worth the extra cost.
the 380 does have more features than the 7950, and is faster. mostly due to faster ram.
You claim to have a 270x for F@H and now you have a 380 as well but only seem to bash the products. why keep buying them? I haven't gotten a gpu since my 7870CF and recently a used 7970. simply because I found the perf to cost to be great. I don't care if the box was dusty and said old gpu on it (got it from an ebayer who didn't even include the box). I know the 7970 came out 4 years ago. Its still faster than a 960 and I paid $130 for it. Done. Rebrand or not it does not matter. Instead of buying that 380 you perhaps should have gotten a 7950 on ebay for $100 if you didn't think the updated cooler and driver support was worth the extra cost.
the 380 does have more features than the 7950, and is faster. mostly due to faster ram.
When did I ever claim that? Please post proof. And I can buy whatever I want thank you very much and I don't have to justify my purchases to you or anyone else.
im sorry I misread. you said something about 380x and you had a 380 and I thought you said something about a 270x for F@H and that was for the 380.