AMD vs. Intel: Battery Life Investigated

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Can you tell us if there is ever a point when you would recommend an intel solution over an AMD one for any build? Answer that and we'll see where the bias really is.
" The last one was here on THG when they compared a badly prebuilt AMD to a hand picked part i7, then chose games that suited nvidia (which was of course in the i7), then came to the conclusion that a 955 BE was bottlenecking a"

If you'll remember, they also did a followup which completely turned the tables and gave the AMD the absolute best case scenario against a crippled i7 system for the same price...and the i7 still won....
I didn't see you complaining the i7 had a weak overclock compared to the top possible overclock on the AMD on that article. I didn't see you complaining the AMD got crossfire 4890s while the i7 only had 4870s. I didn't see you complaining the i7 was crammed into a small form factor while the AMD got a superior full size build. And now with x58 motherboards under $200 i7s win the value war at the top end by an even larger margin. But're not a rabid AMD supporter who ignores it when AMD is given advantages over intel, but cries foul and creates reasons to question the articles any time intel is shown superior in something....Thats not you at all.
"Yes I'd recommend an i7 system over a comparitively priced AMD system. "
And what if someone WANTS a laptop with the longest battery life...what would your recommend to them?

There is no bias here. Just because its not biased IN FAVOR of AMD you perceive it to be that way. Take a look at the recommended graphics articles and the recommendations in the forums. 90% ATI....does this mean there is an ATI bias here? Look at the most common budget build recommendations since the Phenom II AM3 came out...75% AMD...You see articles praising both for their strengths, but you ignore those, and focus only on the articles where intel is shown to have an advantage.
Again, that was Cleeve. He said he was surprised by the results and would delve into it further in his own review, as he too wasnt satisfied.
But gain, [H] and other sites will do this type of thing, and promote it as gospel.
I want to see a better explanation from Anand as to why he did a preview of his coming review.
If the coming review is about all things laptop, then hes bised already using this preview
The bias is in the description of both laptops.

"Gateway has stepped up to the plate and sent us two all but identical laptops."

All but identical? That immediately gives people the impression that every intel laptop will have better battery life than every AMD laptop.

You know what? He could barely have chosen two further extremes. That intel with it's 45nm cpu and igp that draws about 1w on full load because it's complete and utter garbage vs a 65nm AMD and the most powerful igp you can get.

All but identical? Sheesh.
You are picking one sentence out of the entire article as the foundation for your claim of bias....which I might understand if he didn't go on to fully explain exactly what the differences were later on in the article. Do reviewers make mistakes in wording sometimes? YES. Do they have an incredibly difficult job in comparing two completely different platforms? YES. Does this mean they are biased? NO! That is why most comparison articles break it down into a smaller category. Like gaming performance, or battery life, or value, ect. I can guarantee you there are just as many overstatements, slights, misprints, and mistakes made against Intel as there are against AMD. But you ignore those, and scan every article with a fine tooth comb to try to find something to claim bias against AMD. Even if it is just one throw away sentence that is later refuted by the same reviewer in the same article.
You can either read articles and take the information and facts that are in them to form your own opinion, or you can go around and try to find reasons to be mad all the time because your processor of choice doesn't always sounds like you have chosen the latter.

What the...

The laptops are very similar, but the AMD one does have a better IGP.

Couldn't have chose to further extremes? What are you smoking?

Intel's 45nm, does AMD have a 45nm offering? No, they don't! It's not Intel's fault that AMD doesn't have as advanced of a manufacturing process, and yes, of course that will reflect in the review, it's one of the advantages of the Intel technology.

JennyH, do a forum search and search for posts by "BaronMatrix" and "9inch" and "Thunderman". Also, take a look at . Then, while you're at it, go and register at
My question still stands unanswered, why? Why make a preview of a review under such hard to do, possibly prone to mistake scenarios even more possible in happening?
The preview is showing bias, clearly, and its done for what reasons?
If Anand is stooping to the "every car ever made may blow up, story at 11" crap the media has sunken to, we already know theyre biased, and only profiteering as well, in this case, it could be shown as both
You know what belial, if you want to go through every review and pick out the parts that poor little intel got picked on that's up to you.

If I care to point out the obvious flaws in certain reviews, that is up to me.

This review has been sold as a battery life comparison between two almost identical laptops. That is a lie. With AMD's new 45nm parts just around the corner, what better time for a comparison of battery life using AMD's older, more power hungry parts?

Coincidence? Maybe if it was the first time it had happened.

You know what, AMD have 45nm parts coming out very soon yet anandtech do a battery life comparison now? Why didn't they wait? Why now I wonder...

We all know exactly why it's been done now and only intel apologists would pretend otherwise.

To me, theres a right way, and a wrong way of doing things. Letting possible bias go as a main preview is the wrong way, does diservice to the reader as well as any company on the short end of it.
This is the way you lead into a future article IMHO:
"There are, of course, a lot more HD playback quality features to look at and test, but instead of concentrating on that here, we will research it extensively in our next Avivo HD, PureVideo HD, and Intel Clear Video comparative review in the very near future. Stay tuned.",2381-13.html


A day late and a dollar short. You compare current technology to current technology. If AMD doesn't have 45nm then boo-hooo and oh well.

Your objections about the IGP are valid, but whining about the manufacturing process is not.

You're wasting your time with the likes of badtrip, TC and belial jaydee, they are just intel apologists who won't actually answer the points being made they'll just say 'boohoo you don't like it when AMD lose'.

Why review now? It's not like anandtech don't know there are new parts coming so why now, and why say that they are almost identical when they are clearly not?

You got the dollar short part right, the dollar being what intel bribed the author with.
Hey, I hate it on the tube, dont care much for it on the net either. Theres nothing to this "preview", as much bias as there is info.
If people are willing to accept this, more power to em. To me, its crap, eploitative and frustrating. And thats without any bias even being shown
consumers won't be caring about bias, they like spoon fed and this review gives intel marketing departments more ammo when new AMD parts are out and they can quote this "recent" review.

also 3dmark 01 is like 8k vs 5k score between the two...
1st of all as stated in the article it is very difficult at best( I would say impossible) to get a true apples to apples comparison. There isnt recent intel laptops with ati graphics.
The point of the article is rather simple. Get two laptops with specs as close as possible and compare battery life.

On a side note. We all know the AMD will smack the Intel in gaming/HD playback. We all the intel will smack the AMD around in basically everything else(core2 vs k8 at same clock speed=Intel is faster).

And to the idea that most people that have laptops simply plug them in and dont care about battery life. What planet do you live in. The only people I know that do such a thing is basically WoW players that have oem pc or none at all. Also people with good machines but just have to take wow with them to a friends place. Also people that dont have a desktop and use a laptop only. But the rest of the people(the vast majority) DO care about battery life. To think that people dont care about battery life is flat out stupid. Just look back when Intel had netburst cpus in laptops.

Take all that bs Intel bribes anand crap back to amdzone

You do understand that AMD is always going to be behind in CPU manufacturing process, right? They always have been. Earlier in the decade they were able to still out-do Intel with the older process.

So you're suggesting that reviews shouldn't be done until AMD has a chance to catch up on the manufacturing process? That's like playing a game a golf and giving a player a handicap.

It's not Intel's fault AMD doesn't have the resources to be on 45nm mobile parts.

I've said that I agree with you that the laptops are not identical or "nearly" identical, I agree with you on a IGP part and that it may muddy up the review.

However, you're doing the typical AMD-droid behavior of accusing people of taking bribes, writing up massive conspiracy theories, and trying to do anything possible to discredit anything good said about Intel.

IGP - you have a point
Manufacturing process - you don't

What do you propose? That they use an old Intel process to make the comparison fair? That they wait for poor little AMD to catch up?

You can't seriously be telling me anybody would want that intel because of it's battery life. For what?

It cannot game, it's HD playback is poor. Why would you want that...just get an atom instead?

Laptops are supposed to meet certain standards and that intel fails with anything graphically. They are not 'nearly identical' and it could hardly be more clear.

Total farce of a review and nothing at all has been learned about battery life comparing two closely matched laptops, never mind 'almost identical'.