AMD vs Intel Poll - Reply if you agree to the post

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Run away before I fling pickles at you!

(Ok, that was a lot funnier before I put it in writing)

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft
actually AMD's design of the hammer is compeltely there own. have you noticed that intel might go the x86-64 (AMD's Hammer design) route? They maybe forced to do so since the market seems to like that idea better.

Would that mean once Intel uses AMD's hammer design that Intel is just a "knock-off"?

Oh how logic escapes thee! no?

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My Rig </A>


Nov 11, 2001
Hammer is only a remote possibility and never proven. Is Intel producing only AMD-designed products right now?

Searching for the true, the beautiful, and the eternal
what does "Hammer is only a remote possibility and never proven" mean? It's very cryptic and hard to get what meaning it has? can you explain and elaborate?

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My Rig </A>


Yeah I mean, it's coming, it has 64-bit, what's so remotely unproven!
In any case it will sound weird that for once Intel will have to use AMD's discovered technology!

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Nov 11, 2001
"Hammer is only a remote possibility and never proven"

1. It's remote. Yes, I'm also waiting for Hammer, but it's too boring.

2. Since it's not yet mass-manufactured and only from AMD, who can be sure it's 100 percent sure? That's why I said it's only a possibility.

3. When has any Hammer been proven? Well, Alpha 21364 looked a lot better...

Searching for the true, the beautiful, and the eternal


Jul 3, 2001
1. It's remote. Yes, I'm also waiting for Hammer, but it's too boring.
Be patient! :smile: After all, patience is a virtue.

2. Since it's not yet mass-manufactured and only from AMD, who can be sure it's 100 percent sure? That's why I said it's only a possibility.
Hmm, I think we can be 99.99% sure that AMD will release a Hammer. They're not going to let all those R&D dollars go to waste.

3. When has any Hammer been proven? Well, Alpha 21364 looked a lot better...
How can something be proven until it's released? The same applies for Intel's upcoming Prescott.

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor

I just didn't understand what you said.

The Hammer is as far as i know to my knowledge it's still paperware. meaning it's not out yet.

As far as proven, you mean it's performance hasn't been proven. meaning ya great on paper it looks good but in real world how will it perform?

I can see your point.

My point is however is that assuming all well and good from AMD. If Intel had to license AMD's "Hammer" technology, is Intel the new "knock off"?

It's interesting how the tables have an opportunity to turn.

As for Alpha, i mean it's alpha. Of course it's better.
Will you be seeing an alpha platform that you can buy? Probably not at your local vendor. Unless nvidia buys them out or whatever. Anything is possible though. Problem would be though to buy compatible software.

The G4 performs better then any x86 chip out in the market. However those views are biased as they were posted on apples website (lol). I'll have to research it more. RISC cpus are generally faster and better anyway though.

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My Rig </A>


Dec 15, 2001
It is all a matter of opinion...because the P4 processors do have greater overclocking value than AMDs, but at their stock speeds AMD wins in performance. Cost, well, only the most recent Intels are outragiously priced, but under 2.0GHz...AMD and Intel are about even.

I live on Mars. I know nothing. God help me when it comes to computers.
i think what he meant was that it's still on paper and have yet to prove itself in the real world market place and not by theories and paperware.

It's expected it will do well. But it has yet to prove itself.

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My Rig </A>


Jul 3, 2001
The Hammer is as far as i know to my knowledge it's still paperware. meaning it's not out yet.
Not exactly. If you look on THG and other review sites, they have had the opportunity to see a preview of the Hammer in action.

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor


Jul 3, 2001
Yes, but at least we know the Hammer is for real and not competely vapourware.

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor


Apr 7, 2002
im a long time amd fan but their little performance ratings (xp 2000+ etc) remind me too much of cyrix. YUCK. Still, im an amd fan and cant wait for the thoroughbreds.


Nov 11, 2001
Hm. I meant Alpha was the most advanced processor on the roadmap presentation then (of course it's dead in my view) and it might happen to Hammer, too. AMD is in difficult times and the company seems to me expanding and diversifying in a dangerous way.

Searching for the true, the beautiful, and the eternal


Nov 11, 2001
alright. got your points. but I really think AMD needs some scale of economy and more fabs. also it looks to me the company's rather defensive and reactionary. too personal and too emotional.

Searching for the true, the beautiful, and the eternal


Jul 3, 2001
AMD is in difficult times
Market share statistics disagree with you. AMD is in the best position it has ever been in with 22% market share, IIRC.

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor


Nov 11, 2001
Whatever AMD means by market share does not mean much. VIA can also have 22 percent market share if they make the price something like $20 per processor and sell them to 100 million Chinese and Indians.

What I meant by difficult times is AMD's financial status.

Searching for the true, the beautiful, and the eternal


Jan 30, 2002
1.Have faith dude. Remember the athlon? No ne ever had a glimmer of hope for that one. Then Intel was screwed for a while when their P3 was no longer the best of the best.

2.If they can get an engineerign sample backed up with honest to god benchmarks, then yip de day, you have a hammer that is a sample of the product. Nough said.

3.The numbers look good enough for a start. The compatability mode. 32 and 64 bit compatability. I know numbers don't say everything, but they are a starting place.

"When there's a will, there's a way."


Mar 25, 2002
I have to agree with Kenny on this one. Even though AMD's market share has increased greatly over the last couple years, they have been doing it at a great loss. Even now, AMD's books are filled with red ink and Intel's are not. Financially, AMD is a wreck. And I don't think they have the money to build more fabs. That's one of the reasons they made the partnership with UMC. They needed more supply and they didn't have the money or time to wait and build new fabs.


The current Hammers are running around 1.4GHZ, and are expected to start at 2.16GHZ IIRC. In any case AMD is doing quite well for the Hammers, compared to the Tbred. Don't forget, they wanted to lose some share these months, by not producing so many competing products, because they want to focus it all on Hammer and hit Intel with it by end of year. I suspect this is why AMD has been so silent and slow.

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Dec 31, 2007
The current Hammers are running around 1.4GHZ
what "current Hammers" you mean the ones that were shown at a fleabag hotel and no one was allowed to see if there was a real hammer actually working?

"<b>AMD/VIA!</b> are <i>still</i> the weakest link, good bye!"


Mar 25, 2002
Why would they want to lose some market share just to hurt Intel a bit more? Intel has more ability to withstand a loss if the Hammer is a success, but I really don't think AMD can aford to lose and market share. And what if Hammer isn't a success; then my friend, AMD will be screwed.


Ok I shoulda phrased that differently. AMD will use the steady pace for the following months, all the while continuing with Tbreds and possibly Barton. It won't be the most competing product, but it's normal as the Athlon is dying, and that spending any more R&D for more performance on a dying platform is really useless and loses money.
Next, Hammer is definitly gonna be a success, I just feel it. You may not beleive me, but trust me, this is AMD, not Intel with P4. They will always stay with the MHZ ISN'T EVERYTHING moto, and they gotta stick by it by providing us with extreme performance. I am more than sure the first ClawHammer will have a 20% increase of overall performance over the top of the line P4. Again I just think that way, but I also find it logical if AMD stated all this. Do not forget, it's not just 64 bit that drives it, it's the incredibly 32-bit it has. They've added a galore of improvements, a mem controller on-die, 512K L2 cache, Hyper Transport, possible SSE2 (if so, Intel is more screwed), 12 stage pipeline for better clock speeds, improved branch prediction, and tons more little tidbits. Overall it is estimated to have a 25-30% boost over current Athlons. Rests to see if that holds true, but even 20% is nice, since it's still better than P4s, and the ability to ramp up in clockspeed thanks to a 20% increase in pipeline and 0.13m/0.09m process, it should be able to compete P4s easily. Prescott is the real deal.

I also analyzed the PR a bit. Since 66MHZ Palomino equals 100MHZ Tbird by AMD's assumptions, then a 66MHZ Hammer should be about a 300MHZ Tbird. If that is true, then ramping up clock speed translates into very high PR ratings easily, and thus explaining why PR4400 comes right in the next quarter after ClawHammer's release. PR4400 is quite competitive, and I have yet to see a 4.4GHZ P4 NW B by 1rst Q of 2003. In that context, Prescott is what will make this competition more interesting.

There, was that enough ranting?

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!