AMD vs Intel Poll - Reply if you agree to the post

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Apr 12, 2001
Yes but the 300A's performance was downright crappy, and even at 450MHZ (I don't find so much impressive of that but anyway back then it probably was) it was probably not better than a P2 450MHZ or 400MHZ.
You could not be more wrong about this one. The Celeron 300A was the first processor to have full-speed on-die L2 cache. When overclocked to 450MHz it was actually faster than a Pentium II-450.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Aug 27, 2001
Indeed, I loved that CPU, I kept it for as long as any other I have had =) I am an upgrade freak cuz I sell custom machines/networks and always run across someone that wants a used system. Mine is usually a used system within 6 months =)

Jesus saves, but Mario scores!!!


Dec 31, 2007
hey ray....
way back in the good ond days....
do u remember if the p2-300 (66mhz bus on LX mobo) was multiplier locked? and when did the lock come onto the scene?

Anything i think of as 'Decent' is unlikely to ever become 'OEM'


Jan 30, 2002
O. I meant to say $120 U.S.

Still, I would never get a 1.6a and oc it...i'm not a big Intel fan, but in the same sense, i'm trying to show that i'm not biased against Intel. They just have some expensive processors Imho. Really, they sucking up money with the gay 2.2Ghz PIVa. Too bad most people don't know you can oc it to 2.2Ghz not that hard.

"It's 230$ last I read in Canada here! Still much less than the 1.6A!!"
Yeah, i'd be happier just getting an AXP 1700-1900+. They are all good. Heh, I laugh everytime I see my friend, stuck with a PIV 1.4...its slow as hell...especially with PC-600 RDRAM hehehe :O Gotta hate dells.

"When there's a will, there's a way."


Jan 30, 2002
Was it 1997 or 1998? Intel realized they were screwing themselves with the super Celeron and the "weak" P2. Poor Intel. Then the Katmai came...ho boy... did the boys at Intel have fun facing the Athlon in 1999.

"When there's a will, there's a way."


May 2, 2001
LoL......oh yea! the good 'ol days!

BTW im running my Celery 300A @ 450Mhz stock voltage and HSF as my File, Print, and Internet Server now.....thing never crashes, hicups, reboots itself nothing....its been goign now ever since i put it together as a server (as it WAS my primary computer before i upgraded to my AXP 1600+ now OC'd to 1900+) but yea......shes strong...and yes shes a Mallay chip.......i put my Celery up against my buddies P2-450Mhz machine SiSoft Sandra scores were higher, my memory Benchamrk was higher....and my 3D Mark score was higher! We had the same Motherboard and both systems had the same video card and same 64MB Ram DIMMS @ 100Mhz CL2...

But now, my AXP system is FAR superior.....this thing ALSO never crashes, hicups, etc......this SiS735 chipset is amazing, ive thrown everything at it (except the kitchen sink) and it runs!!! i had a VooDoo PCI card in my Celery before i had a real 3D Accelerator....and sometimes the system would crash....i diagnosed it a prob. with the BX chipset......anyways, i threw it in my AXP system...NO PROBLEM what so ever........both had Win2K......same drivers etc......anyways u get my point! =)

-MeTaL RoCkEr

My <font color=red>Z28</font color=red> can take your <font color=blue>P4</font color=blue> off the line!


Apr 12, 2001
hey ray....
way back in the good ond days....
do u remember if the p2-300 (66mhz bus on LX mobo) was multiplier locked? and when did the lock come onto the scene?
If memory serves correctly, all processors manufactured August 1998 and later were locked. This included all Pentium II 350MHz processors and up. It may have included a few slower models as well that were manufactured after this date.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Oct 29, 2001
as i said before, you can not base the price/performance depending on the overclocking, this point only apply with expert users who overclock their machines, but in general no one overclocks (maybe only 5% or less) and according to this fact you have to base your comparision

wish if there was UnDo in the life


Apr 12, 2001
Are we talking about price/performance ratio for enthusiasts or price/performance ratio for the general non-savvy public? For enthusiasts nothing currently beats the Pentium 4 1.6A.


= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my employer. =


Oct 29, 2001
we are talking about general users, the guy in his first post did not ask which price/performance with overclocking is better, he asked general question and thus we have to reply in general.

we all know that 1.6A compared to 1600+ is better in overclocking and thus price/performance, but this was not the point the poster meant.

Meanwhile you can not consider the whole public are not savvy since they do not overclock, the company who own 10s or 100s computer which have important data are not willing to overclock their machine even if there is a computer genius running and maintaining their machines.

therefore the point of price/performance for P4A series overclocked apply for a very very limited users

wish if there was UnDo in the life


Mar 23, 2001
Interestingly enough, no AMD user on this board has been able to prove that their AMD can match my $140 P4 ($133 now). Perhaps price/performance (for a small segment of the market, at least) is not as clear as you think?

I linked you to an aircooled 1700+ running at 1.93ghz burger, which would out perform your p4, and cost 40 less, have a nice day though. :)

:wink: The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark :wink:


Mar 23, 2001
I'm not an idiot, I know exactly what I'm saying. My claim is that my OCed P4 will perform better than any air-cooled Athlon, and nobody has even tried to prove me wrong (except for one link to an entry in an overclocking database, which wasn't the point of my challenge).

What was the point, that a member of thg have this chip, I proved it existed what more do you want?

:wink: The Cash Left In My Pocket,The BEST Benchmark :wink:


Feb 4, 2002
Guess it is a matter of personal preference. After reading the various 37 or so replies to my post so far I still would go for AMD. Its like the BMW vs Mercedes scenario - The 2 biggest car manufacturers in Germany but still a matter of preference. In my opinion, BMW is AMD and Mercedes is Intel.



Again you're doing the same reply-to threaded mode, Fatty only said that once and repeated to someone else but didn't say it in a way that is targetted!

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


I'm afraid you were wrong, our school comp room has P3 450s, and when inspecting the BIOS, the main menu had a CPU Clock Speed option (wow how obvious) where you can easily overclock it. There you can augment the multiplier IIRC, not the bus though.
So I dunno how P2 350s were locked and not this P3 450.

For the first time, Hookers are hooked on Phonics!!


Mar 1, 2001
Well, there were a few different generations of PII/PIII's. There was the Klamath, Deschutes, Katmai, Coppermine, and Tualatin, in that order. There might have been one in between Deschutes and Katmai, but I can't remember quite what it was.

Sometimes you'd have overlapping speed grades from one generation to the next (there was a 300MHz Klamath and also a 300MHz Deschutes, both 66MHz FSB; Deschutes simply required a lower voltage). It's most likely that the multiplier lock didn't get implemented with a specific speed grade, but rather with a specific core generation. Unfortunately I don't know what specific generation first had the multiplier lock.

<i>If a server crashes in a server farm and no one pings it, does it still cost four figures to fix?


Feb 5, 2002
The Fighting will never stop, Don't you know that ? I prefer AMD only cause of Price, for cheap you can buy a nice Setup....
Intel is too big, they will never die out or anything....the only way this will stop is if AMD Shuts down or something... There will always be an argument or a difference between something..
Alot of kids in my school are always saying crap about Microsoft, and making fun of them..and saying how there products suck!, I just tell them the same thing over and over, I would like to see you INVENT something Better... I guess they think it's so easy to build an OS, in that case, buy a Programing language and build your own OS.. These people make me sick...

Measure Twice, Cut Once!!
It's the same architecture. Why pay more for the same architecture (x86 architecture). How about we compare the G4 to the x86? That would be more interesting! Or compare the g4 to the mips architecture. How about a spark station vs the imac? or spark station vs the pc. Or better yet the silicon graphics server (thing is about the same size as the apple's cube but shaped weirder) vs the g4. Or even alpha. can't forget alpha cpu's.

common people, make an interesting post besides the boreing intel vs amd nonsense. educate yourself and others and talk about the architecture. Learn about data prefetching and pipelining and what L1, L2, L3 and TLB is and how it works. How virtual memory works and how it relates to the TLB (translation lookup block - i do beleive). How the virtual address is translated to fit in the physical address. Obviously virtual memory is much larger then physical L2 cache. So how does it work? You would be amazed at the simple basic algorithms that are used to do this stuff. It's not magic and i know that for a fact. It's just pure genious.

All of you are geeks on this forum. Don't ya wanna know? You talk about L2 and 32bits and prefetching and whatnot .. well what is it? You can easily lookup most of this stuff.

Instead of this intel vs amd. Talk about beating an already dead horse.

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My Rig </A>


Aug 26, 2001
“There was the Klamath, Deschutes, Katmai, Coppermine, and Tualatin, in that order. There might have been one in between Deschutes and Katmai, but I can't remember quite what it was”

No in my knowledge. Correct order and no one between Deschutes and Katmai.

Pentium II up to 333 MHz of frequency uses the 66 MHz bus frequency, while from the version at 350 MHz they use the bus at 100 MHz.

PII 300 MHz Multiplier unlocked
PII 333 MHz Multiplier not sure
PII 350 MHz Multiplier locked

From: <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

“Pentium II 350 and 400 Mhz CPUs manufactured before August 1998 have the
multiplier locked”

“In summer 1998, too, the production of Klamath CPUs has been discontinued, as Intel has decided to go on only with Deshutes CPUs; due to the increasing demand for CPU at 266 and 300 Mhz, Intel put on the market CPU with 266 and 300 MHz of clock and Deshutes Core”


I proved it existed

No, you proved that someone knows how to add a CPU to a database. Whether it exists is another story, and whether it would actually outperform my 1.6A is also another story (although it should).

My challenge was to registered THGC members to show benchmarks from their own system.

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft


Former Staff
Intel overcharges for a processor that underperforms. Having said that, the best value for overclockers is the P4 1.6A because it consistantly hits 2.4GHz. The Athlon needs 2GHz to match it, but most XP's cant even hit 1900MHz. The situation should change with the release of the Thoroughbred, but until then, I'll go with Fatburger. I only have until the end of the month to make my purchase, so it looks like AMD, by delaying thier latest release, has lost a customer and supporter for the time being.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Feb 4, 2002
Hey, its the benchmarks that count! Knowing the CPU inside out is pointless if the performance is nothing to be proud of. I think most people will prefer to talk about CPUs and there performance and price rather than CPUs and their architecture - Can you imagine yourself walking into a store and asking about a CPU's architecture!

Can you imagine going to a job interview and the guy asks you a questions about this stuff!?

In order to go to the store and buy this stuff you need a job first. If you can tell and explain to your boss of why a sparc station would be better over a G4 or why the company shouldn't purchase this cpu because it lacks the architectual advantage over another processor, or when your boss tells you to upgrade this computer now with a pentium IV when it's an old pentium computer and impossible to upgrade, it would be nice to explain the architectual differences and based on facts you can explain why you can't upgrade it. Trust me, management is not smart and whining and saying "oh well it won't fit" as they always ask why and then say to just do it. Saving yourself time and frustration. Or even impress the boss that yes you know what your talking about and you know your stuff. Hence raise time.

there are tons of reasons to know this stuff... Operating System programming? guess what you have to know before you even touch it? yep, the architecture your programming it for! This IS a computer forum is it not? Tell me no one here would love to get there hands on programming there own operating system? What about just general programming? Still need to know your targeted platform.

This isn't about going to the store! this is aboute ducated yourself, thinking for yourself, impressing your boss to get that big pay raise, and bringing yourself up to a point where you can maybe even start your own business. And it all starts with the basics of understanding what you know.

Yes i have used this arguement before and yes it will help a great deal to actual know what your talking about!!!

If you prefer to walk in ignorance thats your choice. But the competition is feirce out there and you don't stand a chance as long as you don't know jack. If you're young, the younger you are to learn this stuff the better the advantage you have over your competition. I started when i was 16 so it's never too early.

Assuming your seeking this type of carreer in computers. if not then thats cool too ... speaking to the general public also.

ok done ranting ...

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My Rig </A>