Anyone been FORCED to pay termination fee?

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Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Quick wrote:
> Larry W4CSC wrote:
> > The Ghost of General Lee <ghost@general.lee> wrote in
> >
> >
> >> Other than seeing you drag out the jet ski story again,
> >> the only fun to be seen in this thread is why someone
> >> who *left* VZW and *had* to pay their ETF would still be
> >> hanging around in the VZW group to answer your question.
> >>
> >> Maybe it would be better directed at VZW's competitors'
> >> groups.
> >>
> >
> > Oh, I forgot. My question wasn't about Verizon. I was
> > also asking Verizon customers who had broken their
> > contracts with other carriers, any other carriers, if
> > they had been FORCED to pay the termination fee.
> >
> > More obviously, today, the answer is no.....
> I'm still wrestling with what you mean by "FORCED"?
> I get the impression that having your account sent to a
> collection agency doesn't qualify?

I've been thinking about what it means to "force" someone to do
something. It appears there is little if nothing that another can be
"forced" to do. I think compelled is a better term.

Even holding a gun to someone's head or putting them in jail may not
"force" them to do something. Those might be more compelling reasons to
perform the requested action, than putting a note of collections on
their credit record.

An entity could "take" the money by garnishing wages, putting a lean on
or reposessing some property. I suppose that's as close to forcing a
payment as anything.

So it seems, when we make "stupid" or not so stupid agreements in
contracts and then break them, the other party has varying levels of
recourse. Verizon has already set a price on what it costs to break a
contract, $175. That's a compelling reason to keep the agreement for
some. Then the compelling reason to pay the $175 is the tarnish on
one's credit record.

With the value most people put on maintaining the best credit possible,
that seems like a good reason to pay the ETF. Credit negatives have a
way of staying around for a long time. Some credit problems are an
excuse to get charged higher loan/credit rates.

Now I'm not sure what the real consequences of a collection on a credit
report are and under what circumstances it might cause getting charged
more for other credit?

There's several choices... keep the agreement, pay $175 or have a
record attached to one's credit report, with unknown negative credit
consequences for years.
A good question to ask would be... how did not paying the ETF effect
one's credit score and did it change subsequent credit/loan/mortages
rates or other opportunities? Any volunteers?

But it's nice to know that nobody can force me to pay the ETF:)



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 19:29:15 -0400, Larry W4CSC <>

>The Ghost of General Lee <ghost@general.lee> wrote in
>> My suggestion was merely that you might get a more of a
>> response by posting it where ex-VZW customers are likely to hang out.
>As I pointed out, this is about all cellular companies, not just VZW.

And that said as both an afterthought and amidst your prior comments
about not caring about how an account in collections would/could
affect one's credit rating. And I believe that was in response to a
VZW experience. Please don't make me dredge that thread up again. I
think I actually took up for you on a point you brought up in it.

>is the most active newsgroup. Hell, we hardly have anyone post to Alltel.

Some people feel they need an invitation to post. Think your poll
could accomplish that? And why do you save all of your "long
threaders" for us (when you aren't even a VZW customer anymore), then
complain because there's no traffic in the group for the company you
chose? And so why not post it in Sprint's, Cingular's, or Nextel's
groups? I know there's traffic in those groups. I'm sure you could
get some long threads going in one of them.

Until you show some effort to pull your data from more than one
company's newsgroup, and considering your views as you have previously
posted, I couldn't consider your "poll" anything more than a slanted
hit piece against VZW.

As I previously said, I honestly would like to see a compilation of
your results when you get them. Just ask a wider audience.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Quick" <> wrote in

> You're promoting a "just don't pay it" movement?

Where'd I say that??


You know you've had a rough night when you wake up and your outlined in


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Larry W4CSC wrote:
> "Quick" <> wrote in
> news:1119311492.373867@sj-nntpcache-5:
>> You're promoting a "just don't pay it" movement?
> Where'd I say that??

You didn't. You did cut out my question though:

What is your agenda with this poll??
You keep making exclaimations to the effect
of "as I expected". Where are you going with
this? Care to share?



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Quick" <> wrote in

> Larry's tin foil hat is leaking. He will figure it out in a bit and
> adjust it. When he does he will read a bit less into the
> suggestions but we'll probably hear the story on removing
> the chairs from the waiting room again... -;)
> -Quick

Well, it was interesting while it lasted....before the childish attacks

As the kiddie krappers in the sand box continue to flail away, as usual, it
is interesting to note that noone posted any story about being FORCED to
pay an early termination I suspected.

Ok, back in the sandbox....gimme the goddamned truck!


You know you've had a rough night when you wake up and your outlined in


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Larry W4CSC wrote:
> As the kiddie krappers in the sand box continue to flail
> away, as usual, it is interesting to note that noone
> posted any story about being FORCED to pay an early
> termination I suspected.

WHAT!? What's interesting to note?
What's your point here Larry? Where are you going with
this? I honestly don't know.



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Larry W4CSC wrote:

> Well, it was interesting while it lasted....before the childish attacks
> commenced.

I didn't attack you (your position, perhaps; not you personally), and I
agreed with some of the points you made in the post to which I replied. Any
particular reason you didn't answer?

-- - Steve Sobol / / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Coming to you from Southern California's High Desert, where the
temperatures are as high as the gas prices! / 888.480.4NET (4638)

"Life's like an hourglass glued to the table" --Anna Nalick, "Breathe"


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Steve Sobol wrote:
> Larry W4CSC wrote:
>> Well, it was interesting while it lasted....before the childish
>> attacks commenced.
> I didn't attack you (your position, perhaps; not you personally), and I
> agreed with some of the points you made in the post to which I replied.
> Any particular reason you didn't answer?

And I just remembered how ridiculous his complaint is anyhow.

Larry, of course, is the guy who found out I was Jewish, and then proclaimed
that since I am Jewish, I must be affiliated with one of the big Mideast
terrorist groups - I think he mentioned Hamas, and I forgot who the other
one is. Of course, that was ok, but he backed off when I flamed him to a
crisp in my reply to that post. It's ok for him to be a prick, it's ok for
him to be a bigoted pig, but Heaven forbid anyone else should say anything
he finds even remotely offensive.

So Larry... next time you feel like whining about a personal attack... kiss
my Jewish ass, hypocrite.

-- - Steve Sobol / / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Coming to you from Southern California's High Desert, where the
temperatures are as high as the gas prices! / 888.480.4NET (4638)

"Life's like an hourglass glued to the table" --Anna Nalick, "Breathe"


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Steve Sobol wrote:

> Larry, of course, is the guy who found out I was Jewish, and then
> proclaimed that since I am Jewish, I must be affiliated with one of the
> big Mideast terrorist groups - I think he mentioned Hamas, and I forgot
> who the other one is. Of course, that was ok, but he backed off when I


I meant "he felt that was ok".

> flamed him to a crisp in my reply to that post. It's ok for him to be a
> prick, it's ok for him to be a bigoted pig, but Heaven forbid anyone
> else should say anything he finds even remotely offensive.
> So Larry... next time you feel like whining about a personal attack...
> kiss my Jewish ass, hypocrite.

-- - Steve Sobol / / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Coming to you from Southern California's High Desert, where the
temperatures are as high as the gas prices! / 888.480.4NET (4638)

"Life's like an hourglass glued to the table" --Anna Nalick, "Breathe"


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

No it wont. Thats why I dont worry about their silly little fee. I dont know
about other states but in Texas they cant "force" you to pay it.

"Larry W4CSC" <> wrote in message
> "RM" <rm@blah.blah> wrote in
> news:5sqte.32060$
> > Been there, done that.
> So, the only thing they "did" to you is attach to your credit report?
> That won't stop you from getting a loan/credit card/etc., by the way.
> --
> Larry
> You know you've had a rough night when you wake up and your outlined in
> chalk.


May 3, 2002
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Just a quick note about your credit score. According to Kiplinger's
magazine... your score IMPROVES if you have credit cards with large limits
on them that you do not use. I always thought that you should close a
credit card if you don't use it - but that's not true. When calculating
your credit score ONE of the factors is the ratio of unsecured credit limit
to unsecured credit used. If you have a CC with 10K available and you have
used 3K of that limit, you get a better score than if you had no CC and no
CC debt.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

JEB wrote:
> Just a quick note about your credit score. According to
> Kiplinger's magazine... your score IMPROVES if you have
> credit cards with large limits on them that you do not
> use. I always thought that you should close a credit
> card if you don't use it - but that's not true. When
> calculating your credit score ONE of the factors is the
> ratio of unsecured credit limit to unsecured credit used.
> If you have a CC with 10K available and you have used 3K
> of that limit, you get a better score than if you had no
> CC and no CC debt.

Yea, but I think if you have 5 of those it goes down due
to the instantaneous credit you have available. They're
worried that you will get a loan/credit and then go buy
a yacht with your credit cards and not be able to cover



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"JEB" <berndt at berndtmd dot com> wrote in message
> Jvst a qvick note abovt yovr credit score. According to Kiplinger's
> magazine... yovr score IMPROVES if yov have credit cards with large limits
> on them that yov do not vse. I always thovght that yov shovld close a
> credit card if yov don't vse it - bvt that's not trve. When calcvlating
> yovr credit score ONE of the factors is the ratio of vnsecvred credit
> limit to vnsecvred credit vsed. If yov have a CC with 10K available and
> yov have vsed 3K of that limit, yov get a better score than if yov had no
> CC and no CC debt.

Yov are correct. Althovgh some creditors look at this differently than
others, I have fovnd that somehow I am vp to nearly $20,000 in credit limits
on variovs cards becavse they are all jelovs of each other and keep raising
my limits or lowering my rates to try to get all of my balances moved over
to their card.

What is insane is that jvst prior to this I only had two credit cards, one
of which was a discover card that was maxed ovt. Svddenly some merchant
screwed me over by rvnning the card nvmber that they saved on file withovt
my permission for a service I had canceled. This pvshed it over the limit,
which resvlted in all kinds of fees and before I knew it the rates had
jvmped to 22.74% on my entire balance. Variovs things happened all at the
same time and the resvlt was a total mess in which I was basically paying
the internest and wovld never pay the card off.

I talked to somebody at Discover Card who said he wovld lower the rate to
16.99% becavse it wasn't my favlt that it was pvshed over the limit.
However, he never actvally did this and when I tried to hold them to the
offer they refvsed. So, I transferred the balance to a new accovnt at my
local credit vnion which only agreed to take it if I sign letters that they
wovld forward to both of my previovs card companies to have the accovnts
closed. (They didn't want me to have more available credit than what I had
already vsed.)

Well it tvrns ovt they took the balance bvt the other two companies
completely ignored the letters and left the accovnts open. In fact, discover
card called me reqvesting that I give them the balance back at a mvch lower
rate. I refvsed becavse they were svch a hassle, despite it possibly saving
me money. In talking to them, they begged so hard that they finally agreed
to take the fvll balance at 0% APR for life vntil it is paid off. That was
the offer I covldn't refvse. I qvit paying all interest, and 100% of the
monthly payment goes toward paying down the debt.

What's absolvtely silly is that shortly after the new credit vnion accovnt
showed a high balance of a few thovsand and then showed being paid off
shortly afterwards on my credit report, and I now have a lot more available
credit than I did before so the porportion of balances to limits is redvced,
my credit score went way vp. Now everybody is offering me credit and they
keep trying to ovt do each other. Even Discover Card dovbled my limits and
wants me to transfer another balance to them, bvt I know better since the 0%
interest balance wovld be paid off last if I do that.

I covld charge most of my mortgage balance to my credit cards if I wanted to
at this point. The whole world is insane.

Oh, and I refvsed to pay a Nextel early termination fee citing that they had
not vpheld the terms of their contract. They refvsed to believe me and sent
me to collections agencies, etc. etc. etc. It never showed vp on my credit
report and I never paid it.

Bvt then again... I don't think I ever got my $200 deposit back. So that
probably explains why. GRRR!!!!



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Elector wrote:

> She after receiving and looking at the documents called back to say
> that she believed I had a valid point of not paying and told her
> client that. it never appeared in my credit profile and it has never
> harmed me from getting service any where else.

Wow, I'm surprised. That's the first instance I've ever heard of where
a bill collector has actually admitted to the alleged debtor having a
valid point. Most simply don't care if your point is valid or not; they
generally are only interested in harrassing you to the point where you
give in and pay.

E-mail fudged to thwart spammers.
Transpose the c's and a's in my e-mail address to reply.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Quick" <> wrote in

> What is your agenda with this poll??

I'll play with your attempt at a flamewar a little longer....(sigh)
My agenda is to show that all this fear mongering we've seen in the
newsgroup about termination fees is pure company bullshit. I know you
won't like that, you being a company man and all, but as you can see there
hasn't been any posts, except the usual bullshit posts like yours.

> You keep making exclaimations to the effect
> of "as I expected". Where are you going with
> this? Care to share?

I didn't expect to find anyone who got FORCED into paying. I haven't read
the rest of the torrent of flame bullshit posts, yet, but none has shown up
so far...

I'm not "going anywhere". I just wanted to see if anyone would post their
REAL experience. Sorry if, as always, I ruffled your pro-company feathers.

What's YOUR agenda, attacking everyone who may ask something the company
might not like? What's your concern?


Your turn....(sigh)


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Larry W4CSC wrote:
> "Quick" <> wrote in
> news:1119319824.684487@sj-nntpcache-5:
>> What is your agenda with this poll??
> I'll play with your attempt at a flamewar a little
> longer....(sigh)
> My agenda is to show that all this fear mongering we've
> seen in the newsgroup about termination fees is pure
> company bullshit. I know you won't like that, you being
> a company man and all, but as you can see there hasn't
> been any posts, except the usual bullshit posts like
> yours.
>> You keep making exclaimations to the effect
>> of "as I expected". Where are you going with
>> this? Care to share?
> I didn't expect to find anyone who got FORCED into
> paying. I haven't read the rest of the torrent of flame
> bullshit posts, yet, but none has shown up so far...
> I'm not "going anywhere". I just wanted to see if anyone
> would post their REAL experience. Sorry if, as always, I
> ruffled your pro-company feathers.
> What's YOUR agenda, attacking everyone who may ask
> something the company might not like? What's your
> concern?

No. I'm sure VZW couldn't possibly care about you asking
the question or the results. I can't see how this would be
specific to VZW anyway? I'm pretty sure that all the carriers
have ETFs. I know that Cingular does -- I paid it. What you
HAVEN'T answered yet is... WHAT'S YOUR POINT? You
seem to be starting off with some bizzare premise that there
is some abnormal "fear" about not paying the ETF in this group.

Is it any different in any other group? Do people routinely not
pay the ETF elsewhere but do so out of fear here?

What do you suppose most normal people expect to happen
if they default for some amount around a couple of hundred
dollars -- for ANYTHING (not just VZW or any wireless service)?

I'll tell you what my expectation is. Probably end up on my
credit report and *maybe* with a collection agency....

"Fear mongering"? Is that what you call "fear mongering"?
Do you think anyone expects any worse than that to happen?

I don't suppose it would be as exciting for you to ask
"What do you think will happen if you don't pay the ETF?"
I would expect 95% to respond with my answer.

I am actually suprised/disappointed that this was your
point. I was expecting something a bit more "interesting".
Where did you ever get the impression that there was some
abnormal "fear" of not paying the ETF? I don't see any
more "fear" of not paying the ETF than people have of
not paying their credit card bill, or sears bill, or the dinner
tab at a restaraunt.

Sure people don't like paying the ETF if they decide to
break their contract and I'm all for skirting it using any
honest means. But most people who are not financially
fixed for the rest of their lives actually care about their
FICO. And from what I've heard here that is what is
effected. Not fear, fact.

It might even surprise you how many people actually
have some integrity in that they figure they signed a
contract so they should feel obligated to honor the
terms of the agreement. They might not like doing it
but they do it because it's the right thing to do because
they voluntarily agreed to it.

So now that it seems that no one has met your definition
of being "FORCED" to pay the ETF, what is your conclusion?
What is your recommendation?



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Larry W4CSC" <> wrote in message
> "Quick" <> wrote in
> news:1119319824.684487@sj-nntpcache-5:
> > What is your agenda with this poll??
> I'll play with your attempt at a flamewar a little longer....(sigh)
> My agenda is to show that all this fear mongering we've seen in the
> newsgroup about termination fees is pure company bullshit. I know you
> won't like that, you being a company man and all, but as you can see there
> hasn't been any posts, except the usual bullshit posts like yours.
> > You keep making exclaimations to the effect
> > of "as I expected". Where are you going with
> > this? Care to share?
> >
> I didn't expect to find anyone who got FORCED into paying. I haven't read
> the rest of the torrent of flame bullshit posts, yet, but none has shown
> so far...
> I'm not "going anywhere". I just wanted to see if anyone would post their
> REAL experience. Sorry if, as always, I ruffled your pro-company
> What's YOUR agenda, attacking everyone who may ask something the company
> might not like? What's your concern?
> --
> Larry
> Your turn....(sigh)

So sorry to see you portray yourself as someone incapable of living up to
his word. Your very lame attempt at being a messaih for the masses really
shows that your only concern is for yourself and at the expense of others.
Keep posting that ETF's shouldn't or don't have to be paid. After all, the
cellcos would never find another way to replace the revenue, and maybe
spread to the entire customer base as opposed to that small percentage that
break the contract they signed. They would never severely reduce the phone
subsidies to reduce the losses, again at the expense of all customers and
not just those who don't have the integrity to fulfill their obligations.

Your own thread has provided instances where the cellco has worked with the
customer and waived the ETF when applicable. You are the worst kind of
customer a business could have- one that thinks that he always has the
business by the balls. The problem- you also exhibit a very childlike view
of the real world. The contract states that an ETF can be applied if the
customer cancels without cause during the contract period. The fact that
you don't like it doesn't lessen the legality of that clause, and your
supposed knowledge of radio technology should also tell you the real meaning
of 'fit for purpose'. Come up for air and join the rest of the race.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Steve Sobol <> wrote in

> So Larry... next time you feel like whining about a personal attack...
> kiss my Jewish ass, hypocrite.

Ah.....more attack mode bullshit....

Has nothing to do with this thread, of course....(c;


You know you've had a rough night when you wake up and your outlined in


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Larry W4CSC wrote:

> Ah.....more attack mode bullshit....

So it's ok for you to attack my religion, but no one can say anything about
you? Why don't you respond to the point I made?

> Has nothing to do with this thread, of course....(c;

No, it doesn't really, other than your complaint that others are attacking you.

So tell me, why is it ok for you to call me a terrorist when you refuse to
let others attack you?

-- - Steve Sobol / / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Coming to you from Southern California's High Desert, where the
temperatures are as high as the gas prices! / 888.480.4NET (4638)

"Life's like an hourglass glued to the table" --Anna Nalick, "Breathe"


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"David L" <> wrote in

> An entity could "take" the money by garnishing wages, putting a lean on
> or reposessing some property. I suppose that's as close to forcing a
> payment as anything.

Not in SC and many other states.....doesn't wash.


You know you've had a rough night when you wake up and your outlined in


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Isaiah Beard <> wrote in

> They in turn
> can go so far as to serve similar papers to your employer - that is, if
> you are gainfully employed - and then have wages garnished.

Not in SC and many other states....They have no power over your money,
here. Only a judge can order it.


You know you've had a rough night when you wake up and your outlined in


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 16:40:09 -0700, Steve Sobol <>

>> Has nothing to do with this thread, of course....(c;
>No, it doesn't really, other than your complaint that others are attacking you.

My $100 offer for Larry to point out where I "censored" him is still
unclaimed, too.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 19:34:36 -0400, Larry W4CSC <>

>"David L" <> wrote in
>> An entity could "take" the money by garnishing wages, putting a lean on
>> or reposessing some property. I suppose that's as close to forcing a
>> payment as anything.
>Not in SC and many other states.....doesn't wash.

Larry, under South Carolina law, a lien may placed against *real*
property within the state, but collection doesn't happen until
transfer of the property.

I just went through this with a friend who bought a house last year in
Pelzer. The previous owner owed his dentist about $900 from several
years ago. The dentist got a judgment against the owner and had a
lien placed against his home. At closing, a check was cut for the
dentist for the judgment amount, plus statutory interest.


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Isaiah Beard" <> wrote in message
> Elector wrote:
>> She after receiving and looking at the documents called back to say that
>> she believed I had a valid point of not paying and told her client that.
>> it never appeared in my credit profile and it has never harmed me from
>> getting service any where else.
> Wow, I'm surprised. That's the first instance I've ever heard of where a
> bill collector has actually admitted to the alleged debtor having a valid
> point. Most simply don't care if your point is valid or not; they
> generally are only interested in harrassing you to the point where you
> give in and pay.
> --
> E-mail fudged to thwart spammers.
> Transpose the c's and a's in my e-mail address to reply.

Collectors as a rule may *harass* you to no end. It is illegal in most if
not all states. In this case I saved all my invoices and letters I had
written, names and telephone numbers and date and times of all calls, as
well as the original sign up "contract" which did not carry over from year
to year.

Collectors are prone to send a letter stating if this debt is not valid or
if you are uncertain of the debt or any portion thereof then they have to
investigate. They can not report you as delinquent while they do this, nor
make any reports to a credit bureau. For the record only the "Creditor" can
make a credit reporting entry. Not a collections agency. In the Fair Debt
Collections Practices Act it mentions this proviso. You can sue a collector
out of business for such acts.

The other way to get the "creditors" attention is to sue them in court. "Do
Not Agree to any Arbitration Clause" since you do not have the same rights
as in a court case. If you see the clause write to the creditor and state
(Return Receipt) that you do not agree to that term. Make sure it is entered
on your account.



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Elector wrote:

> Collectors are prone to send a letter stating if this debt is not valid or

Collectors are *required* to send such letters.

-- - Steve Sobol / / PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Coming to you from Southern California's High Desert, where the
temperatures are as high as the gas prices! / 888.480.4NET (4638)

"Life's like an hourglass glued to the table" --Anna Nalick, "Breathe"