Question Apple Music iPhone - Fullscreen Cover Art?


Mar 31, 2014
With iOS 17, I had noticed today one of the Pearl Jam albums I have now has fullscreen album art in the Music app.

Is this exclusive to select bands Apple has an agreement with? Is there a way for me to do the same for songs I had imported from other sources?

*Please note, this is not related to the lock screen. This is with the iPhone unlocked and the Music app open.

Thank you.
No specific answer to offer.

However, I (being an iPhone user) was interested for other reasons and did some additional research.

Google "Apple iPhone album art" and then filter the results as necessary to fit the details of your posted fullscreen art requirements. [Note: I limited my search to "Past year".]

My search revealed quite a number of related links/potential solutions. Not sure which links are or are not applicable per se.

Suggest that you first focus on the Apple websites and Apple communities.

Seems to be a number of reasons, explanations, and possible fixes.