[SOLVED] Are magnetic LED strips safe for my build?


Jan 10, 2021
I've got two of these:


on the packaging they give a warning:


To avoid system instability and possible data loss Do Not attach these magnetic LED strips directly to DRAM, SSD's or HDD's”

I've only seen this after I bought them, otherwise I would have gone for the non magnetic kind and used glue, although it is kind of obvious, I just didn't think 😳 Here was my original plan of positioning:


^theoretical LED strip positions marked by white rectangles

with one on the side of the HDD caddy shinning straight out of the case through the fans (left), and the other pointing out of the holes on the front (right)

It says on the warning not to attach them “directly” to a HDD so I think the one on the front of the case will probably be OK because it will be a little over ½'' below the position of the drives? but the one inside will only be separated from the HDD by the thin caddy metal, I don't think that will be enough?

Because I have no idea how susceptible HDD's actually are to magnetic damage I'm still not sure, any advice would be welcome

System specs here: https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/build-log-sleeper-pc-with-raid-1-array.3681817/
Led strips have very weak magnets on them.
You can probably attach it to the hard drive and it will be fine, but they want to make sure, because there's always a risk.
As long as you don't put it on the drive, it's fine, even if it's quite close.
Led strips have very weak magnets on them.
You can probably attach it to the hard drive and it will be fine, but they want to make sure, because there's always a risk.
As long as you don't put it on the drive, it's fine, even if it's quite close.
Cool, Thx 👍

I guess I just wanted to make sure, I think I'll try sticking the light inside the case to the base plate, enough light will probably get to the fans but it's not directly against the HDD, just to be safe
Lawyerspeak for "Don't blame us"

Do you have any idea how strong the magnet is that is inside the HDD?
Orders of magnitude stronger than the one on that LED strip.
yes, I know well how strong those magnets are, I've striped down old HDD's for magnets because there's no better thing for recovering dropped tools from inside manhole covers/cavity walls/engine bays etc...

I guess I just thought if the data was recorded magnetically a different magnet might effect it, but those LED strips are only a little stronger than fridge magnets