I personally believe this is about a general sense of entitlement. We fell, as humans, that certain unalienable rights are that of resources,( land, labor, capital entrepreneurship.) That said, only one is guaranteed.
We need, as a society, to get off the dollar signs and get on with getting each and every hand paired with a shovel at least! We have too many iduviduals who have the resources to do things great for this nation, but everyone feels like money is the main motivator. If you have no money, you can't:
Buy food
Buy a car
Buy gasoline
Buy a house
Build a business
Bake brownies
Basically, if you have no capital to invest into other resources, you are seen as a 'failure'. Let me put it this way, who is least successful:
The young couple who's small business went under
The guy with a 4 year degree working at a fast food joint?
Circumstances play out,and that is why both are not successful! Okay, now who is most successful:
The couple who have a multimillion dollar business
The guy who invested heavily into the fast food joint?
Again, circumstances play out, both are successful.
Now, here is the situation. Both of these scenario's use both parties: The couple and the guy.
The couple owned a multimillion dollar store in their town! They were the top, the best, highly respected by the community for the extensive commerce they brought in. However, in 2008, they lost everything. The business had outstanding debt that the bank called back on. They had the money, just not all of it. Are they successful now that they had money but lost it all to unwilling circumstance?
The guy, as we shall call him, has a 4 year degree in whatever you want him to have. He works at a fast food joint called The Clogger. This joint has been busy ever since. His job is to take orders as a cashier. no one know this but, he has invested heavily into a venture plan he heard of that the company was doing. They are starting to go overseas and introduce their establishment internationally. Investors of The Clogger are excited and have the market value of the company stock triple form 2.35 a share to 7.05 a share. His investment of 300,000 over the last 10 years has now grown from the initial principle to a net worth of 1.2 million USD after tax. He is successful right?
Tell me, what is the difference between people who work their hard earned time and money to lose it all, while someone who does minimal work get higher resource allocation via a network transaction in the economy?
This is where politics comes in. Who is is successful, who is rich?