Countering fanboi misinformation from one side doesn't make one a fanboi for the other. Exactly how many of these posts in this thread for example are you going to still try and defend ?
Why buy a 295 when you could buy a 4870??
2 more days, and the 295 loses its crown, and its worth.
Thats too bad youre stucj with slower older tech that costs more, oh well....
OK, that was my comment on why would someone spnd more than 100$ for the same perf? Not hard to figure out
That's 0 for 3 by my count.
Based upon past experience, I have had better luck with nVidia cards than ATI. That wouldn't stop me from buying an ATI card if it could claim the "king of the hill" title. In a month I will be having the same argument with the nVidia fanboi's. Picking PC components is a numbers game, it's not a religion.
Then why are you picking the loser here? Its older tech, costs 100$ or more, and doesnt have the DX11 feature set?
For month's I been hearing how everyone should take their advice and wait for the 5870's as they are gonna trounce the 295's ..... it didn't happen.....get over it. So now we have crushed egos and the mantra has changed from trouncing to "best value". Why the flip flop ?
Didnt hear that from me, and whos upset? These cards are the same, except, the one uses alot less power, is alot cheaper, has a more furure proof feature set, and runs much cooler, and thats thw 5870, so its a no brainer to buy this over the 295
Why was the 98 degree heat generated by the 4870x2 not an issue compared to the 295's 71 degrees and yet now that that the 5870 is out, and the 5870 has a purported small advantage, all of a sudden this is "major" ? Why the flip flop ?
OK, you say you know about gpus etc. If you did, you wouldnt have madethat comment. The heat is generated from power used, now which one uses more power, and how much is it that makes one sooo much more hotter than the other?
Why has there been a clamor for "waiting to September 23rd" and not the same for November 27th ? Why so afraid of letting the numbers speak for themselves and letting the purchaser decide ? Whatever argument their was for waiting from July to September must certainly hold for September to ? If the 4870x 2 being 28 degrees hotter than the 295 was not an issue, then why doesn't the same logic hold for the 5870 and 295 ?
Whats supposed to happen on Nov 27th? You know something everyone else doesnt? You have a link to whatever it is youre refering to? You wanna wait, fine, but for what?
If someone is going to change their argument to fit whatever makes their "religion" win, then I am going to call them on it. I'll be doing the same thing in another month when the nVidia crew start.
I havnt changed 1 thing Ive been saying all along, actually the 5870 is more powerful than Id thought itd be, which is as close to the 295 as it is, and with decent new drivers, itll surpass it here soon
It's kind of a good thing to research your topic , especially before going into SHOUT mode. We have 12 machines, no 920's, no i7's, no i5's. If you paid any attention to what was actually written in this and other threads, you would know that I don't have a 920. What I have is a 920 on my wish list ... though I did have a $500 budget for my CPU so I may change by the time I pull the trigger. My existing PC plays my games good enough and I even play occasionally, and with more than enough satisfaction, on a MacBook Pro I got from school.
This is my Dad's account btw and he's letting me use it because our ISP ( blocks all e-mails from THG so I can't activate my own. Right now, I'm leaning towards maybe using one of my old cards and waiting for the newer cards to mature....or purchasing after XMas or even as late as February taking advantage of the usual post holiday price cuts as well as Intel's new CPU's , price cuts and new MoBo releases, hopefully some with on board SAS.
I have watched and helped my father build a lot of machines for us as well as other people.....he's built well over 100 of em. Right now I am doing my 1st entirely solo build (he says he's "cutting the cord") and, as might be expected, am guilty of being a little anxious. If I bought a card today, I'd buy a 295 because, that is the fastest card I can buy within my $500's simply not an arguable point. I'm attending college and working full time while living at my parents home. My income exceeds my needs and I have more than enough money to build what I want. What I can't understand is your objection to how I spend my money ? You obviously consider the 5870 a great "value" but if I prefer the faster card "where's ya beef ?".
Again, the 295 isnt the fastest card, costs more, uses more power, runs hotter, and has no DX11 which it will get slaughtered in against the DX11 cards, and only ties overall in the end, but yea, you decide, its your money, and if you wanna waste it, and have your "nVidia is superior to ATI" attitude go ahead, we obviously cant stop you
I'm not interested in making images of my benchmark scores and posting them as my signatures in forums. I am interested in the actual in game experience....and I happen to like the effects that PhysX provides.
Many of the games I plan on playing this year have PhysX features so that is attractive to me. But if it's not attractive to others, I certainly don't have a problem with that. I had no interest in DX10 when it came out as it's big draw .... "Halo" I found "kiddie-ish". Nothing on the DX11 list interests me at this point.
When asked to give advice, again, I look to satisfy the questioner's needs rather than my own....that in mind.....
-The fastest card available today is the GTX 295. If a dude wants to win LeMans, don't try selling him a car that will let him take 2nd. The fastest card < 500 bucks available today is not the 5870 .
-If a dude wants the best card for his money, then he has to first set that monetary limit and then get the best performance he can buy for that money. If that limit is $500+, my answer is get a 295 today or wait for the 5870x2 whenever it comes out guess around thanksgiving as ATI will undoubtedly try and trump nVidia's release. If that limit is $400, then the 5870 is the correct answer.
-Today, if someone wants PhysX, it's not up to me decide whether it is worth it to them or not, my only role is to tell him that he ain't gonna get it on a 5870. I don't have an emotional investment in it either way.
-Today, if someone wants DX11, it's not up to me decide whether it is worth it or not, my only role is to tell him that he ain't gonna get it on a 295. Again, I don't have an emotional investment in it.
-If someone is getting by with what they got and have no problems playing what they want to play, I'd say wait for both the lines / dies to top out. Don't wanna be stuck with next year's equivalent of the 4870x2 (no matter which vendor is sitting in that position) when the 295 comes out behind it. If you're gonna keep it for ayear or 2, you don't wanna be 2nd guessing yourself over that period.
-But if you are reading these topics on the forums today, you don't wanna wait that I'd say a person searching teh forums today has a purchase in mind within 3 months.
For the "I must have a new card by thanksgiving" crowd:
-I'm into the fastest card available under $500 and I'm into PhysX - 295
-I'm into the fastest card available under $500, I'm into DX11 - 5870
-I'm into the fastest card available under $500, I don't care about DX11 or PhysX - 295
-I'm into the fastest card available under $400 and I'm into PhysX - 285
-I'm into the fastest card available under $400, I'm into DX11 - 5870
-I'm into the fastest card available under $400, I don't care about DX11 or PhysX - 5870
After thanksgiving:
All bets are off. My crystal ball says the 5870 x2 will be the king of the hill but since it is anticipated to debut at $599, it's outta the < $500 category. My guess is with Nvidia and ATI both having cards on their new die out, the older ones prices will drop in the toilet and there will be some good xfire and SLI bargains.