[SOLVED] Asus GTX 760 2GB - weird artifacts


Apr 22, 2020
Hello, I have Asus GTX 760 2GB. When I start the computer about 30% of the time it shows black square artifacts. The thing is it's only on the desktop when browsing or just using file explorer. Black squares don't appear when in the game. The temps are really good, doesn't go higher than 60 degrees when gaming. So I'm at a loss, what the culprit is. I installed the latest drivers. I fear the core is dying, but not much I can do about that. Is there any other option? Any other thing causing the problem?

P.S. I have checked GPU memory it doesn't give any errors.

Hello, I have Asus GTX 760 2GB. When I start the computer about 30% of the time it shows black square artifacts. The thing is it's only on the desktop when browsing or just using file explorer. Black squares don't appear when in the game. The temps are really good, doesn't go higher than 60 degrees when gaming. So I'm at a loss, what the culprit is. I installed the latest drivers. I fear the core is dying, but not much I can do about that. Is there any other option? Any other thing causing the problem?

P.S. I have checked GPU memory it doesn't give any errors.

Could you give a GPUZ screenshot please?


Apr 22, 2020
Try to uninstall the graphics driver using DDU, then download nvflash this gpu bios (same as yours), and flash the bios to the gpu, restart, and install the latest gpu driver.

Nvflash tutorial

Also what are the full specs of your pc? what's your PSU?
Yeah, I was thinking the same. Bios could be corrupted. Currently I have it out as an external GPU. When I used it and it started showing black squares I had OCZ 700w PSU. Other gpu works fine with it so, I don't think the problem is PSU. I'll try updating bios and post back with results.