Question ASUS ROG Rx Vega56 8 no image

Dec 28, 2019
Hello everyone,

So i bought a Asus ROG Rx vega56 like 2-3 days ago along with a HP Omen 25 monitor but it seems that the card has a problem, ive installed it, got a new power supply for it (800W), but when i run the pc i get no image.
I had image earlier today (28. Dec) but that was the first and last time, after i uninstalled the nvidia driver for my previous card (1050ti) i installed the Radeon driver (Adrenalin 2020) then after i clicked on Restart pc, it shut down for the restart and stayed on black screen, the pc was running but i couldnt get any image ever since, i do get image when i switch to my 1050TI or with the integrated graphics (Ryzen3 2200) but no matter what i dont get image from the Vega 56 anymore, ive tried to only connect a vga cable from the motherboard, HDMI and DisplayPort.
Nothing works, my keyboard and mouse dont even light up as theyre supposed to be when the pc boots up, they did light up 2 times but that was only when i tried it with the VGA cable, but still no image.
Im pretty sure i made no mistake with the seating since i double checked everytime.
This is really frustrating and i hope someone here can give me adivce on this problem.
Thanks in advance!
If not even the Keyboard and Mouse light up, are you sure your Mainboard even tries starting up? When I tried installing a GTX 980 it shorted my psu completely.
Yeah thats what im thinking about, i dont get why it doesnt start up, it did 1 time but no idea what happened afyerwards and last night before i posted this the keyboard and mouse lit up 1 time but i still didnt get image.