Mmm, damn. Well I guess your only option is to set it manually through your mobo's jumpers. Manual ought to help you with that

Yep, I got meself a Paly, real bitch too. Temperatures range quite wildly, in 10C-20C or below room temperatures, it runs at 40-50 idle, and 50-55 load. Above 20C room temperatures, and especially after 28C, and it shoots up to about 52-54 idle, and 55-65 load.
Sometimes something goes way wrong, especially after playing something intense, and the temperatures blows up to 65C+ and doesn't stop rising, even with all the fans working fine. When that happens, alarm goes off in MBM5, and I shut everything down. Airflow isn't the issue, so I don't know what up with the darn thing, must be those times of the month. In my city, the Spring temperatures are fairly high right now, just under 30C, and so unsurprisingly, my processor has been running crazy hot, just under 60C load (load as in downloading through BT, pfft). Because of all my troubles, I always run my FSB at 100MHz, instead of 133MHz. This drops my CPU temps by 5C-7C, which is barable.
Anyways, you're definitely not alone heh
😀. I'll tell you something interesting though. A few weeks ago, my graphic card (Ti4200) decided to die on me, so I'm in the market looking for a decent replacement. I have this thing about not wanting to buy anything that looks like a downgrade, so I thought of getting something faster, preferrably from ATI (still having nightmares of NVidia alternatives). Now, the X800 is about to be released, and so prices should drop very soon, possibly even rapidly. I used to have my eye on a 9600XT, but that 9800Pro sure looks sweet at just US$200, so I'm almost certainly going to get that very soon.
Thing is, these cards will contribute considerable heat to my already hot system, and that's not too good for me. So I went out to get a new processor, a nice cool TBred "B" 1800+ (no downgradings
😀). But none of the bloody shops had those anymore, so I had to go to the second-hand market just to get one (ugg).
So I made plans to meet up with this guy who had just what I need, till I remembered that my mobo seemed to only support 1.75v vcore. Bloody phucking great ehh, lol! Would've been pointless to upgrade as a result. So I went and read my manual, and saw that technically it could support 1.675v, which sucks, but I had no other choice.
I looked and looked around the net for any possible way to get that lower, and the lowest I only found was 1.6v. Sh*t!! And just when I was about to squeeze my mothballed pockets somemore for a new mobo, I thought I'd try to update my BIOS to see if it had any more vcore options.
So I updated, and I booted my system, sighing away at the hopelessness of the situation... when all of a sudden, I saw MBM5's readouts. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here it was, a Palomino, without a doubt a farking hot processor, but running a full 10C cooler than just seconds ago! I tested it, and retested everything, and it really seemed to be running much much cooler than before, where it used to run at 56C, now it ran at 45-47C.
I have no idea how this came about, or even if these readings are remotely accurate, but to hell with all that. I have seen the light, and I ain't going back.
Try it, and see if you too can get lucky.
Wanted: Wet Nurse needed for 25 yr old male. Payment in bed credits.