Athlon XP temperature is too high


Apr 23, 2004
I have a strange problem. I have an AMD Athlon XP 2000+, an Asus A7V333 and 1 GB RAM. My CPU temperature is approx. 63ºC when idle and about 72ºC when full load. I have seen that these are not normal temperatures for my processor, but I don't know how to decrease the temperature. I have good ventilators and a good CPU cooler (Thermaltake Silent Boost)and they all are working properly. I use Asus Probe to view the temperatures.

Does anyone know why is the temperature so high? How could I solve it?

Thanks in advance! 😉 And sorry if there are mistakes, but my english is not very good :/
Does prime95 run without errors? Asus probe, and most thermal sensors are not very accurate. Most temps on Asus boards are shown high. If prime95 does not fail on torture test, your temps are probably fine.
Do you have an Amd recommended psu? Amd wants a psu that has an intake fan that sucks the heat off the cpu.(bottom fan).
Do you have input, and exhaust fans? It is a good idea to balance the output of case fans, with equal intake fans.
Hi there!

I put the thermal grease that came with the Thermaltake cooler. Today I've changed it with a new beter (and expensive) thermal grease. But the temperature doesn't change.

I have run Prime95 for about 40 minutes and it doesn't report any errors, but the temp reached 74ºC. I have a Levicom Silent line (380W). I don't know if it's recommended or not by AMD, but it's supposed to be a good power supply, and it sucks the air from inside the case.

I don't know what else can I do. PLEASE HELP ME!
I have a Barton 2500+, not sure if it is the same core as your XP2000+ but I have the same motherboard for the most part. I have the A7V333X/L though. Anyway, I have 29C ambient and 56C under full load from Seti (if that is even full load?) This is with a stock HS/fan that came with my chip, so your HS/Fan should be able to get better than 65.

Make sure that when you put the grease on, do NOT put oo much on. Many people put too much on and it actually make it worse. Take a latex glove and dab your index with the grease and then smear it on the chip surface and then again on the HS. You should have a very thin, almost one paper thick layer on both the chip and the spot on the HS where they will conect. Then when you attach the HS make sure not to move it much when fastening the clips, this can smear the grease away from the contact surface.

Other than that, check the speed of the fan with asus probe, and visually check it with side panal off. Make sure your getting the right rpm for the fan, I think its like 2600 for that fan????? Also make sure there is no dust build up on the HS fins.

Hope this helps some.

Crap, all the good ones are already taken.
1. Check your temps in BIOS to see if they match up. Temps should be a tad more accurate there.
2. If you're like free, download and install MBM for temps. Asus Probe ain't good.
3. Cheer up, as it seems like your core is a Palomino, and so it's always running hot. If your temps goes to something around 60C to maybe 70C w/load, you're good :).

Wanted: Wet Nurse needed for 25 yr old male. Payment in bed credits.
Asus probe was right once, but that was a long time ago. Now it is never right.
The temp sensors are 25c each, and are connected to a system without calabration. There is very little chance they will be correct.
If your system is stable, your temps are fine.
If your psu has an intake fan on the bottom, that takes air from near the cpu, it is Amd approved, if not, get one that is.
One problem which seems to be common with asus mobos and xp2000+ is that for some reason if picks up the voltage at 1.75 when it should be 1.65, I know this because my friend had the same exact problem with the same exact mobo and processor. His was running around the same temps as yours. He fixed the voltage and bought a better hsf and he hasn't been over 40c since.
This is highly unscientific, but you could tell if your cpu is really at 70+C by touching your heatsink. If your CPU is really cooking, your HS will be hot to the touch. If it's just warm, your monitoring means are wrong. Also, be sure that you installed the HSF correctly. Not to insult you, but I've seen people install Socket A HSF's 180 degrees off (ass-backwards) so that the CPU core actually contacts very near the edge of the HS. This completely depends on HS design-it may not even be possible with yours. I'm guessing that you're just getting bad temps. If your CPU were really that hot, you'd be having other issues in all likelihood.

Athlon XP 1900 (11x200) 42C (Load w/AX-7 & 8cm Tornado) - MSI K7N2 Delta - Corsair Value PC3200 - Gainward GF3 @ 250/550 - 80Gb WD 8Mb Cache -
Hi everyone!

Ok, I've checked that my CPU is a Palomino, and according to AMD the Vcore should be at 1.75V. Nevertheless, both Motherboard Monitor and ASUS Probe show that the Vcore is at 1'81 most part of the time. I think it should be at 1'75 ALL of the time :/

I've tried to modify the Vcore from BIOS, but I can't select 1'65 !! I can only select 1'75, 1'80 and 1'85. All other settings related to voltages are correct (according to AMD specs). I have read the changelog of ASUS BIOS updates and it doesn't say anything about Vcore or something similar. Does anyone know if I update the BIOS of my ASUS A7V333 it could be possible to change the Vcore to 1'65? Should it solve the problem with temps? I'm afraid to lose my MB during the update process, I prefer not to update the BIOS if it isn't necessary.

BOOKY, I've checked the speed of the fan is correct: 2800 rpm approx, and there is no dust, because it's new (I bought it a week ago). Hmm... I think I put the thermal grease ok :)

WOODMAN, temps in BIOS are a bit lower than in ASUS Probe / MBM, but I think it's because of the fact that Windows idle uses a 10% of the CPU, while in BIOS it would be 0%. Another question: Do you mean that temps are higher in a Palomino 2000+ than in a Thoroughbred 2000+ or a Thorton 2000+?

ENDYEN, my psu has an intake fan at the bottom, so it sucks air from inside the case. The fan seems to work correctly. It's a 12cm fan at 1500 rpm. The chassis fan is at 2100 rpm and it seems to work well. I also installed a PCI extractor to suck the warm air from the VGA card.

THEFAMILYGUY and MR NUKE, I cannot change the Vcore to 1'65 with my A7V333. THEFAMILYGUY, did your friend update the BIOS in order to select 1'65?

JUSTAGUY, I'm sure I put the CPU cooler the right way :). The problem is that I get almost the same temps with my new TT Silent Booster that with the old generic one that came with the PC when I bought it 🙁

I would like to thank all of you that are posting. This forum is really great thanks to people like you. THANKS!!! And please continue posting! hehehe 😉 I would like to solve the problem. THANKS A LOT!!!
To change the vcore for your Paly, try setting "CPU Vcore Setting" to manual (located in your BIOS). Confirm if the vcore is at 1.75v in your BIOS first though, maybe you can go lower, but you'll really be undervolting it if you do. Can't gurantee if that's safe for Palys.

As for the temps, yes you're probably right. But you shouldn't trust Asus Probe, just trust MBM5 and the BIOS.

>>Do you mean that temps are higher in a Palomino 2000+ than in a Thoroughbred 2000+ or a Thorton 2000+?<<
Yep. Sucks I know. I have a Paly too, and I'm gonna dump the sh!t. Sick of the damn thing heating up my whole house.

Wanted: Wet Nurse needed for 25 yr old male. Payment in bed credits.
Yeah, those Pally's are really hot, but not as hot as his temps say. Mine has the stock hsf and runs 45-50C (my wife's rig). Gets even a little hotter if I bump the FSB up a bit. Did you try the "touch the HS during load" method? You would be able to tell the difference between 50C and 70C, honest-it's nearly 40 degrees F.

Athlon XP 1900 (11x200) 42C (Load w/AX-7 & 8cm Tornado) - MSI K7N2 Delta - Corsair Value PC3200 - Gainward GF3 @ 250/550 - 80Gb WD 8Mb Cache -
WOODMAN, I changed the Vcore to manual and then a menu allows me to select 1'75 , 1'80 and 1'85, but not 1'65 🙁 Nevertheless, AMD says 1'75 is the recommended one for Palomino. Hey, you also have a Palomino! :) Could you please tell me what are your temperatures in idle and full load? I think I'm the only one with so high temps in a Palomino.

JUSTAGUY, Hm... I think it's not a good idea to touch the HS. It really seems to be veeeery hot, and it could cause me a burn. I'm not a masochist, hehehe 😉
Mmm, damn. Well I guess your only option is to set it manually through your mobo's jumpers. Manual ought to help you with that :).

Yep, I got meself a Paly, real bitch too. Temperatures range quite wildly, in 10C-20C or below room temperatures, it runs at 40-50 idle, and 50-55 load. Above 20C room temperatures, and especially after 28C, and it shoots up to about 52-54 idle, and 55-65 load.

Sometimes something goes way wrong, especially after playing something intense, and the temperatures blows up to 65C+ and doesn't stop rising, even with all the fans working fine. When that happens, alarm goes off in MBM5, and I shut everything down. Airflow isn't the issue, so I don't know what up with the darn thing, must be those times of the month. In my city, the Spring temperatures are fairly high right now, just under 30C, and so unsurprisingly, my processor has been running crazy hot, just under 60C load (load as in downloading through BT, pfft). Because of all my troubles, I always run my FSB at 100MHz, instead of 133MHz. This drops my CPU temps by 5C-7C, which is barable.

Anyways, you're definitely not alone heh 😀. I'll tell you something interesting though. A few weeks ago, my graphic card (Ti4200) decided to die on me, so I'm in the market looking for a decent replacement. I have this thing about not wanting to buy anything that looks like a downgrade, so I thought of getting something faster, preferrably from ATI (still having nightmares of NVidia alternatives). Now, the X800 is about to be released, and so prices should drop very soon, possibly even rapidly. I used to have my eye on a 9600XT, but that 9800Pro sure looks sweet at just US$200, so I'm almost certainly going to get that very soon.

Thing is, these cards will contribute considerable heat to my already hot system, and that's not too good for me. So I went out to get a new processor, a nice cool TBred "B" 1800+ (no downgradings 😀). But none of the bloody shops had those anymore, so I had to go to the second-hand market just to get one (ugg).

So I made plans to meet up with this guy who had just what I need, till I remembered that my mobo seemed to only support 1.75v vcore. Bloody phucking great ehh, lol! Would've been pointless to upgrade as a result. So I went and read my manual, and saw that technically it could support 1.675v, which sucks, but I had no other choice.

I looked and looked around the net for any possible way to get that lower, and the lowest I only found was 1.6v. Sh*t!! And just when I was about to squeeze my mothballed pockets somemore for a new mobo, I thought I'd try to update my BIOS to see if it had any more vcore options.

So I updated, and I booted my system, sighing away at the hopelessness of the situation... when all of a sudden, I saw MBM5's readouts. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Here it was, a Palomino, without a doubt a farking hot processor, but running a full 10C cooler than just seconds ago! I tested it, and retested everything, and it really seemed to be running much much cooler than before, where it used to run at 56C, now it ran at 45-47C.

I have no idea how this came about, or even if these readings are remotely accurate, but to hell with all that. I have seen the light, and I ain't going back.

Try it, and see if you too can get lucky.

Wanted: Wet Nurse needed for 25 yr old male. Payment in bed credits.
Oooooohhh yessssssss!!!! 😀

I have just updated the BIOS and.... 10ºC lower!!! Yiijahh!! Now it runs at 50ºC in idle. I still can't reduce the Vcore, but... WTF! Now I don't need to reduce it. I think 50ºC is more than I imagined. I don't know if it was a calibration error or what, but now it's 10ºC lower!

WOODMAN THANKS A LOT!!!! I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks for sharing the idea, and thanks for your time and patience! 😀

Hey! What's that? It's THE LIGHT! Woodman, now I see it! 😀 hehehe. Thanks woodman! And thanks to everyone else who helped me!
70 degrees is too hot for a CPU, but wouldn't burn you immediately-it would just feel hot to the touch. It converts to about 160F. If you set a frying pan to that temp., it would take a long time to cook a steak!

P.S. I did burn myself on a CPU once. It was after my HSF had failed on an old Duron with no built-in thermal protection. Really weird...->working fine->glitches->BSOD->Reset->No response from rig->Funny Smell->Burn Fingers->Lots of swearing!

Glad that you figured it out. Good work.

Athlon XP 1900 (11x200) 42C (Load w/AX-7 & 8cm Tornado) - MSI K7N2 Delta - Corsair Value PC3200 - Gainward GF3 @ 250/550 - 80Gb WD 8Mb Cache -
hahaha, I burned my finger on my damn laptop chip. That will teach me not to try and pull a chip within a min of turning the system off.

Crap, all the good ones are already taken.