Ati Fanboys come and the smell the poo


Apr 9, 2004
Hey Everyone

My deepest regrets to all the Ati fanpeople out there. I can still remember the day that nVidia was caught optimising their driVers. It came as a shock to all of us nVidia fans, but we have learnt to live with this and we still try to hold our heads high. Now it seems as though Ati has also been caught in the poopy. Firslty buy a relatively simple hack you can change you new XT card to a pro card (don't all of you who spent the extra cash feel silly now :-(

But there was worse to come. You thought Ati was quicker because it was a better products? Nope most probably just because it wasn't using full trilinear filtering. What!!!! I hear you say that cannot be?

I read the "little" Chat that Ati had on their website and when asked the simple question of "Will full trilinear filtering be allowed to be set in the drivers?"

The response was as follows "We try to keep the control panel as simple as possible (even as its complexity increases), and if the image quality is identical or better there doesn't seem to be a need to turn it off. However, if our users request otherwise and can demonstrate that it's worthwhile, we would consider adding an option to the control panel"

Come on firstly they are acknowledging that there is no way at the moment that you can set it yourself and secondly they don't want to confuse poor ati user's with a com-pli-cated menu system. So they are calling you idiots as well.

Don't worry we have a support structure in place and now it will just be co-habited by Ati and nVidia fans.

Cheers Derth
Dude we talked about this many times already surprisingly this forum is more open minded then others well for the most people here.

Why don't ya give us your reasons why ATi's cards a crap? Instead of just rehashing stuff
This is not fair. I forbid you to post anymore to this thread, you too dam nice. I don't want a rational person. The nVidia sword of dishonour demands the blood of Ati fan person to redeem itself.

Ok, how about this 1 ATI fan person apologies and admits that Ati also smells like poo, just like nVidia, and then I will arrange for our side to never again bring up your optimization if your side agrees the same?

If this happens I will happily leave my flamethrower at home and only be a nice poster for ever more.

lol well I'm not a fan of either company :) but I think both sides aren't smelling like roses, but at least Nvidia is working on it. ATi took a wrong step a very wrong step which they should have know what happened to Nvidia's market when nV did that.
I take whatever go faster as long as what it display look good. If the rumor about the new drivers are true then nvdia is the choice right now.

Athlon 2700xp+ (oc: 3200xp+ with 200fsb)
Radeon 9800pro (oc: 410/360)
1024mb pc3200 (5-3-3-2)
Asus A7N8X-X
I still think it's a little early to make judgements, since the Nvidia cards HASN'T HIT THE G0DDAMN MARKET YET! I want to see comparison between actual retail cards.

I agree we need to start criticizing ATI, since Nvidia definently don't want another major cheating scandal, i think ATI currently thinks they can slip away with a little cheating, since most people still don't trust Nvidia after the not so successful FX series. If we put ATI under flame, it might push them to release newer and more powerful architectures sooner, not just revising their old technology, so they actually get performance increase, not just some optimizations.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My PC</A>
I still think it's a little early to make judgements, since the Nvidia cards HASN'T HIT THE G0DDAMN MARKET YET! I want to see comparison between actual retail cards.

I agree we need to start criticizing ATI, since Nvidia definently don't want another major cheating scandal, i think ATI currently thinks they can slip away with a little cheating, since most people still don't trust Nvidia after the not so successful FX series. If we put ATI under flame, it might push them to release newer and more powerful architectures sooner, not just revising their old technology, so they actually get performance increase, not just some optimizations.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My PC</A>
The reasons Nvidia's "optimizations" were called into question where ATi's are not is that Nvidia's messed the video quality up quite noticably. ATi's on the other hand still look identical to the results of Nvidia's Full Triliniar. There was a collumn on this very thing the other day here on THG. No one has been able to show the Briliniar filtering of ATi has decreased image quality in the slightest. Also, it was stated in the collumn that <A HREF="" target="_new">"In our X800 test NVIDIA's trilinear optimization was not disabled, so the comparable values continue to be valid and comparable."</A> THG did not used the full triliniar of the Nvidia cards when it ran it's tests, but the "optimized" Briliniar. So the results found in the THG review of the card are still accurate as the cards were running in the same mode. So ATi doesn't smell like poo. Hopefully this doesn't come off as an angry tone as i am just talking in a normal voice and seem to be being reasonalbe as far as i can tell. So, reguardless of the stink that is being madeover this, ATi still has the crown legitimatly. :)

Well, for the moment all we can actually do is wait for Ati to release their "new" drivers. Once this happens almost every hardware reviewer will retest the boards and we should be able to get some results.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Cheaters! Cheaters! can't deny the fact they lied to to reviewers and that lie will cost them dearly, they lied too you! you follow the reviewer's benchmarks! you should be pissed!

Why do you think Nvidia lost a huge markert share with thier fx line? They cheated with an inferior product. Guess what thats what ATi is doing now. And you deny the fact they lie? What are they putting in your coffee man? Must be powerful stuff gimmi me some!
Damn entium , lower you AtiHate (AH).

Athlon 2700xp+ (oc: 3200xp+ with 200fsb)
Radeon 9800pro (oc: 410/360)
1024mb pc3200 (5-3-3-2)
Asus A7N8X-X

pH is hydrothingy(I don't know english chemistry terms) potential.

pAH-ATIHATE potential

<font color=blue>If I found the hidden fountain. Drank the wisdom from it's deep.
Would I have the time to save me. Would I have them both to keep...</font color=blue>
lol just get really animated when people are sometimes so ignorant, and pass things off because they love a product so much anything the company does is ok.

But if a competing company does it a no its all over hell just froze over and armageddon is about to start
Also Poo, take alook around at the newer driver benchmarks Nvidia is beating ATI in almost every bench. And ATi's trilieaner optimisations is far superior to Nvidia's performance wise
What you are saying look like distorted non-sense to me. Are you some kind of resurected Kinney?

Athlon 2700xp+ (oc: 3200xp+ with 200fsb)
Radeon 9800pro (oc: 410/360)
1024mb pc3200 (5-3-3-2)
Asus A7N8X-X
distorted where? 61.11 drivers are 5-30% faster depending on API, no cheats found yet. ATi can't match that thier new drivers have no perfomance gains.

ATi stated to reviewers test against nV cards with nV cards doing full trilieaner on (optimizations off)

During the online chat they didn't answer the reviewer's questions if they were infact cheating or lying.

Now you see that optimizations are off they loose more then expected. 25-35% on a dx9 game. That speaks for itself. What happens to every dx9 game not to mention Ogl.

Put the two together who is on top?

lol well don't watch south park hehe. Tripping the Rift is cool!
The nVidia sword of dishonour demands the blood of Ati fan person to redeem itself.
Cool, bro :smile:

This thread and posts in it are amusing to say the least :lol:

Come, Apey-Apey 😱) Come, GeWie-GeWie 😱) educate us

But on a serious note, mmm what happens at filtering stages 1-7? Isn't it when pixel shaders are imprelented? If so, wouldn't switching to brilinear exactly at stages 1-7 (what ATI does) constitute the worst possible cheat? Force true triliner here and no more shader superiority.

Mmm. entium, am I full of $hit?

<font color=green>"The creative powers of English morphology are pathetic compared to what we find in other languages." (Steven Pinker, The Language Instinct)</font color=green> 😎
hmm partly right but not fully, end result depending on the amount of multi texturing is going on that will effect AF calcualations. Its not really a shader thing, just he amount of textures.
I think Nvidia is going to takecare of the lower precision soon. Was doing some tests with 61.40 but there was a bug with them where the lights were very very bright so I couldn't tell if it was using lower precision or not. But where the lights were dimmer I didn't notice banding
Firslty buy a relatively simple hack you can change you new XT card to a pro card (don't all of you who spent the extra cash feel silly now :-(
Why would someone want to hack their faster $500 XT into a $400 Pro? :lol:

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt