Was using my rig for a month now until yesterday when I turn it on, a solid red CPU light comes up. Keep in mind usually the red light would pass from CPU to DRAM and my speaker would beep once and go into POST. I have tried the following:
PS: before asking me questions if I plug in cables right or if I didn't reseat something, I am confident in my building skills because if not I wouldn't be able to run it at first place. The system was already running fine with Windows and everything before this. It just suddenly died on me today. Other than that, any advice or input would be highly appreciated.
- running with 1 ram/2 ram
- reseating the CPU
- changing the graphics card to a different slot
- make sure all the cables are plugged in correctly
PS: before asking me questions if I plug in cables right or if I didn't reseat something, I am confident in my building skills because if not I wouldn't be able to run it at first place. The system was already running fine with Windows and everything before this. It just suddenly died on me today. Other than that, any advice or input would be highly appreciated.