Hey, so how this all started is I had a 1070ti and when i played cod warzone i was getting 30-60 fps no frame cap or nothing (1070 ti should've been getting more fps). So then I bought basically a bunch of new parts thinking this would fix the problem for example a new Z390 Arous Pro WIFI Motherboard, New 750 w PSU, 3080 Evga Hybrid, and water cooled pump. Still am getting 20-70 fps; i have no idea what to do and i am really bummed out we all know a 3080 dont give that kinda fps. I also tried cod cold war for example with 1070 ti i was getting like 80-110 FPS and with the 3080 I gained like 10 fps, like 80-130 all low settings we also know the 3080 will produce more fps. My cpu i kept is the same i7-9700k and the same two 16 gb trident ram. I also watched benchmarks of people playing with same cpu and gpu i got and they were not getting bottled neck. Please help me I am new to problems like this. If any one has any clue what might be wrong please respond. Thank you.