"Bad" memory cause computer freeze/lockup?


Jan 10, 2007
Ok guys, about 3 months ago i put together a C2d system.

Asus p5ne-sli
Ultra 600w PSU
Cooler Master case/etc etc.

I had really bad luck with my initial batch of memory, which was corsair 4-4-4-12 DDR2-800 mem that was DOA. So rather than wait 3-4 weeks for a rep, i sent it back for a refund, and bought some Supertalent 5-5-5-15 DDR2-800 mem from a local shop. I'm not entirely sure if the mem is the problem. But ive had nothing but constant problems, i even had the comp freeze during the win install. Since then, i've done a fresh install on a new HDD (A roomie was welding in the garage and hit the breaker on my area of the house while i was in the middle of a defrag, pretty much hosed that hdd/copy of windows).

Basically its completely random, the comp will freeze, and if i have sound playing, it will loop back on itself. Sometimes it will freeze, ill restart, and then it will freeze 5 min later, ill restart again, do the same thing, and it will go for 3 hours. Its bizarre.

I've tried it with an Audigy 2zs, and audigy x-fi, and onboard sound. Problem still exists, i've got a fresh as of 2 weeks ago install of windows XP, problem still exists. I've tried underclocking the shit out of the 8800gts, still locks.

The only thing i can come up with is maybe the mobo is being stupid, the mem, or possibly the CPU is not seated properly, which i doubt.

My CPU temp generally hovers around 39-43C, mobo temp from 48-53c, and the vid card from 75-80c (although with declocks ive gotten it down to low 60's under intense load).

I believe the mobo temp is high because the 8800gts is like 1 inch from the chipset "chip"

Either way, if anyone might be able to shed some light it would be awesome. I'm ready to kick this thing out of the window its driving me nuts. I've been building my own comps since my first 486sx25 when i was a kid, and i've NEVER had this many issues with a comp, not even close.

edit: i should probably also clarify it happens predominantly in games, though it will also freeze when sitting utterly idle on the desktop, though that seems to be a hell of a lot less frequent.

Also, the only game ive been able to somewhat "replicate" the problem is in WOW. There was a certain AH chick in Stormwind that if i went to her, i was guarunteed a lock within 5 minutes, but thats the only situations ive found that i could "force" the lock so to speak.


Jan 10, 2007
Nothing else i can do, i already have a 120mm intake and 2x 80mm exhaust fans in the case. The only other thing i can think of is the top of the case has some firewire/USB ports, that part is removable and i can place an 80mm intake or exhaust fan. Though im not sure how much that would help.

Seriously i think the only reason its so hot is because that 8800gts is sitting less than an inch from the heatsinks for the mobo.


Apr 20, 2007
You should try and run memtest86+ - this will check if your memory has problems. At least this way you can rule it in or out.
Not sure how periodic your problem is, but you could let memtest run for at least a couple of passes...


..., i already have a 120mm intake and 2x 80mm exhaust fans in the case.
You may have a mismatch there. Try unplugging the intake fan. You might also consider getting more powerful 80mm exhaust fans. Any chance of posting a photo or two to show us how things are set up inside your case?

...y i think the only reason its so hot is because that 8800gts is sitting less than an inch from the heatsinks for the mobo.
If you had proper air circulation inside the case, that wouldn't be a problem.
You might also consider going to active cooling (fans) for your northbridge and southbridge.

Also, are you by any chance using an aftermarket CPU cooler? If so, it probably isn't blowing air down onto the MB and out onto surrounding components (like the Northbridge heat sink) as the OEM Intel cooler would. You might try using the Intel cooler.
I second running Memtest. It's a good place to start. Although just because you fail the test doesn't necessarily make it your RAM at fault. It could be the socket the DIMM is put in, or the motherboard itself. First IF it fails, then you need to isolate which DIMM is failing (assuming you have more than one), by removing the DIMM's one at a time tell it passes. Once your this far, then you have to put either the apparent good DIMM in to the socket that the apparent bad DIMM came out of or vica versa. This will isolate whether it's the socket or the DIMM. If these don't narrow it down (if neither DIMM appears to work) then you can start to suspect motherboard.

Also you may want to check whether there is a newer version of BIOS than the one you have. Newer BIOS rev's often fix memory incompatibilities. You could also try manual adjusting your memory timings to loosen them up a little and see if that helps.

Let us know how you make out.


Apr 22, 2006
You can run Memtest to cheack the RAM...but given this:
Ultra 600w PSU
I would say it was the PSU at fualt.

That is the worst brand I have ever seen.
I bought a case of them and the first out of the box was DOA and the next died in under 24 hours of burn in.
I sent the whole case load back for a refund and will never use them again.

You have top end parts for the rest of your build and should have spent the extra money for a real PSU befor buying anything else.
When that PSU dies it will likely take alot of things with it.

Falcon Northest Computers use only Silverstone PSU's and they would be my 2nd pick,but I perfer to use PC Power & Cooling as nothing comes even close to them.

If you call PC P&C and talk to a Tech he will ship you a 750 (825 surge) Watt unit rated at full load @ 40C rather than other companys 25C for only $169.


While I agree he should upgrade to a better quality PS, his problems don't seem like classic PS problems. It would be nice to know what model Ultra he's got -- their "higher-end" models are just average, not terrible like their V-series.


Jan 5, 2007
Asus p5ne-sli
Ultra 600w PSU

How many banks are you using to fill in the RAM?
I have a machine very similar to that, with an ASUS P5N32-SLI Premium. I filled 2 of the banks with 1 GB DIMMS, and my machine worked great.

I added another 2 DIMMS to fill all of the banks, and the machine started to run like crap. As I would use the computer it would slow down over time. Rebooting would always fix things. Occasionally I would get the BSOD.

As I have learned from reading other peoples accounts on the Internet, these ASUS motherboards have problems when you fill all 4 memory banks. I took out 2 of them, and sure enough my machine works like a dream again.

Good Luck


Jan 10, 2007
Ok, i'm at work atm, so i cant test anything, but i will run memtest when i get home tonight. But i can answer a few questions:

"You can buy a new case..."

Its a coolermaster praetorian 730, its a good case, a little cramped but i dont feel that a new case is an option here.

"You may have a mismatch there. Try unplugging the intake fan. You might also consider getting more powerful 80mm exhaust fans. Any chance of posting a photo or two to show us how things are set up inside your case? "

I might hafta do that. Supposedly the fans are flow matched in that the 120mm flows equally to the 2 80's. We'll see. I'll try to get a photo up tonight.

"If you had proper air circulation inside the case, that wouldn't be a problem.
You might also consider going to active cooling (fans) for your northbridge and southbridge."

I agree, although im not sure about the proper cooling part, i would definitely like to go active cooling on the north and southbridge though im not entirely sure how to go about that.

"Also, are you by any chance using an aftermarket CPU cooler? If so, it probably isn't blowing air down onto the MB and out onto surrounding components (like the Northbridge heat sink) as the OEM Intel cooler would. You might try using the Intel cooler."

Stock C2D cooler, I bought a Tuniq Tower 120, but it was too tall for the case.

"Also you may want to check whether there is a newer version of BIOS than the one you have. Newer BIOS rev's often fix memory incompatibilities. You could also try manual adjusting your memory timings to loosen them up a little and see if that helps."

Updated bios to latest revision earlier last week, also got the newest mobo/vid/soundcard drivers.

"I would say it was the PSU at fualt.

That is the worst brand I have ever seen.
I bought a case of them and the first out of the box was DOA and the next died in under 24 hours of burn in.
I sent the whole case load back for a refund and will never use them again."

I was wondering the same thing. I actually carried this PSU over from an older 7800gt/athlon 3700+ build i had. Its been "working" fine although the fans are going out. I will be replacing the PSU very soon. I agree that it was not the best, but at the time it was all i could afford in terms of getting a 550w+ PSU that was dual rail. I always used antec PSU's before, but at the time i was building the system, they were having all kinds of wack issues with Asus mobos. I'm a big Asus fan so i wont change there.

"While I agree he should upgrade to a better quality PS, his problems don't seem like classic PS problems. It would be nice to know what model Ultra he's got -- their "higher-end" models are just average, not terrible like their V-series."

I'll see if i can find a link:


How many banks are you using to fill in the RAM?

2 banks, 1gb module in each slot

One other question i was wondering about, maybe someone will know.

Since i have an SLI motherboard, do i have to use the top slot if i'm doing only a single card? I suspect the answer is Yes, but if i can use the bottom slot it would help the cooling situation.

I was also considering getting a slot cooler to throw under the 8800gts, although im not sure how much it would help.

I would also like to add i have 3sata HDD's active and mounted, which could be causing part of the "flow" problems. Either way, thought id list it all to give as much info as possible.

edit2: opinions on this PSU?

Enermax ELT620AWT


Jan 10, 2007
Not yet, apparently it can only be run from a bootable cd or 3.5". Since i dont have a floppy drive, and i have no CDR's lying around, i need to make a trip to the store to get some. I will do that soon.
Running Memtest like that (twice) doesn't usually show anything. Anytime I have seen interrmittent rebooting locking, the memory doesn't fail immediately. You need to run Memtest overnight or whatever. Just let it run for 8 hours or so and then check. I had a bad DIMM that completed 5 passes before it started to error. Once it did, it gave a consistent error same test same location. Two passes is just not enough to eliminate RAM.


Apr 22, 2007
It's grounded try puting a anti static or put electric tape on the back and on the stands...remove each memory put it one by one to be sure try to load bios on default....try it


Jan 10, 2007
Running Memtest like that (twice) doesn't usually show anything. Anytime I have seen interrmittent rebooting locking, the memory doesn't fail immediately. You need to run Memtest overnight or whatever. Just let it run for 8 hours or so and then check. I had a bad DIMM that completed 5 passes before it started to error. Once it did, it gave a consistent error same test same location. Two passes is just not enough to eliminate RAM.

Ok, i will have it going all day today at work, should be about 12 hours.

I'm also ordering a new PSU as we speak. If nothing else so i dont have to have my desk vibrating from an oscillating PSU fan.
Ok, 9 hours of memtest 86, no errors.

Well that's pretty much eliminated your RAM as the problem. Best to do the troubleshooting that doesn't cost you anything first.

That's great, now as someone mentioned I would look at your PSU. I have no experience with Ultra PSU's, but I haven't read anything good about them. They seem to be ranked right at the bottom. What would be great is if you knew someone with a spare supply or one that he/she wouldn't mind lending you for a day or so. It sucks to lay down a bunch of money in the attempt to troubleshoot a problem only to find out that's not it.

Your motherboard is also running a little hot, but nVidia chipsets do run hotter than Intel. You could try taking off your side panel and directing a fan into it and see if that makes a difference temperature wise and consequently has an affect on you system stability.

The cooling step maybe the easiest and cheapest step in the process of elimination.

Good luck and let us know how you made out.


Jan 10, 2007
Ok, 9 hours of memtest 86, no errors.

Well that's pretty much eliminated your RAM as the problem. Best to do the troubleshooting that doesn't cost you anything first.

That's great, now as someone mentioned I would look at your PSU. I have no experience with Ultra PSU's, but I haven't read anything good about them. They seem to be ranked right at the bottom. What would be great is if you knew someone with a spare supply or one that he/she wouldn't mind lending you for a day or so. It sucks to lay down a bunch of money in the attempt to troubleshoot a problem only to find out that's not it.

Your motherboard is also running a little hot, but nVidia chipsets do run hotter than Intel. You could try taking off your side panel and directing a fan into it and see if that makes a difference temperature wise and consequently has an affect on you system stability.

The cooling step maybe the easiest and cheapest step in the process of elimination.

Good luck and let us know how you made out.

Aye, i definitely agree, i'm not in any position atm to be throwing money around. But, the PSU has been annoying me for a while anyways. The fans have been going out, and just a couple of days ago have started oscillating so badly that its vibrating my desk. I'm not really comfortable trying to replace the fans, and i never really like the PSU anyways. I bought an Enermax liberty 620w with the cable management system, which should give some minor help to my airflow situation.

As for cooling. I'm not entirely sure its the issue. If heat were the case it should be more consistent in its lockups. It certainly shouldnt run things like 3dmark06 for several passes in a row before locking. Also, to answer your question, i havent tried putting a large fan flowing directly into the side of the case, but i do have a 120mm side case fan that i have blowing almost directly over the mobo chipset heatsinks. Although i'm not sure thats doing anything more than blowing the hot air inside the case around.

Also, approx the time that the fans starting oscillating, the computer started doing random restarts in addition the the lockups. This was also about the time i added a 3rd HDD. The past 3 months the only issue ive had was the freezing, never had it restart itself, it also wasnt nearly as prevalent, i could usually expect 1-3 hours of play before it would freeze. Its to the point now that if i see it go 20 minutes im surprised. This only furthers my suspicions thats its the PSU. I'm just wondering if maybe its getting overloaded and shutting off and/or not being able to provide enough power, which could be causing the vid card to have issues, or any number of things really. I'm not 100% sure really.

If it doesnt end up being the PSU, my only guess is the mobo. I don't think it could be the CPU, especially with the CPU running so cool. I guess it "could" be the vid card, but i dont have another system to test that in, that and i've already done the whole underclocking thing to bring down its power reqs and temperatures, and it didnt seem to help a bit.

Oh vell, we shall see. PSU should be here on friday. I'll keep checking up here to see if anyone else has any more input.

Thanks again for everything guys.


Apr 22, 2007
Wrong post sorry!!! try cheking the memory on memtest and puting cooling devices, cooler the system the stable it will be Chow!!!
Love Enermax supplies. I bought a 465W supply of theirs in February 2002, it's still working great in my boys computer. I replaced it with this Antec in my sig. I can't necessarily say anything bad about the Antec, I've had no problems with it, but I just don't have as much faith in them. My next supply will likely be an Enermax again.

So anyway, you said you bought, as already have or coming? Just interested if you have it and whether or not it's made a difference.