just wondering if any of you kind souls can answer a question for me. I have been using a pair of Belkin Powerline av500 adapters for a couple of months when recently the remote unit went dark. (no lights) Testing at another outlet confirms the unit is operational and connects to the master but after about 5 mins goes dark again.
My questions are:
- is the remote unit bad?
- does the master need to be reset and then resynced with the remote unit?
Hoping someone who may have had this experience can guide me.
just wondering if any of you kind souls can answer a question for me. I have been using a pair of Belkin Powerline av500 adapters for a couple of months when recently the remote unit went dark. (no lights) Testing at another outlet confirms the unit is operational and connects to the master but after about 5 mins goes dark again.
My questions are:
- is the remote unit bad?
- does the master need to be reset and then resynced with the remote unit?
Hoping someone who may have had this experience can guide me.