
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.security.crypto,microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Hi all.
I have this big problem.
On my system : Win/XP PRO SP2 full update with Win Firewall + Sygate
Personal Firewall + Symantec Antivrus, I have 3 users :

A user - admin authority
B user - admin authority
C user - normal user

today C user logon and found no documents, no images ... nothing, as it was
a new user also desktop image was different : the well knoen Win/XP hills,
but yesterday it was different, (about 500 MB lost)
A users B user have lost nothing (it seems..) but there is some other
troubles :

1) The logon icon is changed for all users
2) Users A have some file encrypted via Windows utility, the user name is
the same, the password is the same but now IS NO MORE POSSIBLE TO OPEN USERS
Is it possible in some way to recover these files none (hackers excluded)
has chenged something in the last 12 hours.

The last big operation I have done was to run a defrag utility I have had
just used before.
I have 2 SATA disk in RAID 0 configuration as C disk (MB ASUS P4P800 SE -
INTEL 865P I/O Controller )


PS : No virus found by Symantec AV (last updt 24/Aug/2005)

Thanks to all


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,microsoft.public.security.crypto (More info?)

You could try restoring the system to a previous point or you can go to:
www.r-tt.com. It's one of the best recovery software out there. Good Luck.

"Alberto" wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have this big problem.
> On my system : Win/XP PRO SP2 full update with Win Firewall + Sygate
> Personal Firewall + Symantec Antivrus, I have 3 users :
> A user - admin authority
> B user - admin authority
> C user - normal user
> today C user logon and found no documents, no images ... nothing, as it was
> a new user also desktop image was different : the well knoen Win/XP hills,
> but yesterday it was different, (about 500 MB lost)
> A users B user have lost nothing (it seems..) but there is some other
> troubles :
> 1) The logon icon is changed for all users
> 2) Users A have some file encrypted via Windows utility, the user name is
> the same, the password is the same but now IS NO MORE POSSIBLE TO OPEN USERS
> Is it possible in some way to recover these files none (hackers excluded)
> has chenged something in the last 12 hours.
> The last big operation I have done was to run a defrag utility I have had
> just used before.
> I have 2 SATA disk in RAID 0 configuration as C disk (MB ASUS P4P800 SE -
> INTEL 865P I/O Controller )
> ANY advise WELL IS WELLCOME .....
> PS : No virus found by Symantec AV (last updt 24/Aug/2005)
> Thanks to all


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.security.crypto,microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

1) As stated, restoring from backup is your best bet.
2) EFS uses a random key for encrypting files and then stores that
random key encrypted with the private key of each users having access
to these file in an alternate data stream. if you utility trashed the
ADS, then you've lost the file and no recovery is possible. If the ADS
is intact, then it means you've lost the user's private key (possibly
in a registry corruption). In that case, you can open the file IF you
have defined a key recovery agent (and if that agent's private key is
intact). If you have no key recovery agent, you've lost your files.
3) NEVER defrag RAID partitions. It will not help with performances
since you're only affecting the virtual file arrangement. Also, as
you've seen, you run a higher risk of losing data.
4) goto 1

Good luck,

Alberto wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have this big problem.
> On my system : Win/XP PRO SP2 full update with Win Firewall + Sygate
> Personal Firewall + Symantec Antivrus, I have 3 users :
> A user - admin authority
> B user - admin authority
> C user - normal user
> today C user logon and found no documents, no images ... nothing, as
> it was a new user also desktop image was different : the well knoen
> Win/XP hills, but yesterday it was different, (about 500 MB lost) A
> users B user have lost nothing (it seems..) but there is some other
> troubles :
> 1) The logon icon is changed for all users
> 2) Users A have some file encrypted via Windows utility, the user
> name is the same, the password is the same but now IS NO MORE
> POSSIBLE TO OPEN USERS ENCRYPTED FILES. Is it possible in some way
> to recover these files none (hackers excluded) has chenged something
> in the last 12 hours.
> The last big operation I have done was to run a defrag utility I have
> had just used before. I have 2 SATA disk in RAID 0 configuration as
> C disk (MB ASUS P4P800 SE - INTEL 865P I/O Controller )
> ANY advise WELL IS WELLCOME .....
> PS : No virus found by Symantec AV (last updt 24/Aug/2005)
> Thanks to all


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.security.crypto,microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Hi Alberto, 2 firewalls - If you have the Sygate firewall active, you
disable the Win firewall because running 2 active firewalls can conflict
may be causing the problems you are observing.
"Alberto" <a.forlai@nospam.virgilio.it> wrote in message
> Hi all.
> I have this big problem.
> On my system : Win/XP PRO SP2 full update with Win Firewall + Sygate
> Personal Firewall + Symantec Antivrus, I have 3 users :
> A user - admin authority
> B user - admin authority
> C user - normal user
> today C user logon and found no documents, no images ... nothing, as it
> was a new user also desktop image was different : the well knoen Win/XP
> hills, but yesterday it was different, (about 500 MB lost)
> A users B user have lost nothing (it seems..) but there is some other
> troubles :
> 1) The logon icon is changed for all users
> 2) Users A have some file encrypted via Windows utility, the user name
> the same, the password is the same but now IS NO MORE POSSIBLE TO OPEN
> Is it possible in some way to recover these files none (hackers
> has chenged something in the last 12 hours.
> The last big operation I have done was to run a defrag utility I have
> just used before.
> I have 2 SATA disk in RAID 0 configuration as C disk (MB ASUS P4P800
SE -
> INTEL 865P I/O Controller )
> ANY advise WELL IS WELLCOME .....
> PS : No virus found by Symantec AV (last updt 24/Aug/2005)
> Thanks to all

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Jun 24, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

user name & password is same right

i thing u r profile is changed

1- go to c drive
2- go to Documents and Settings
3- there u can see the same name
4- go to that inside the folder u can get all files


Jun 24, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

user name & password is same right

i thing u r profile is changed

1- go to c drive
2- go to Documents and Settings
3- there u can see the same name
4- go to that inside the folder u can get all files

my mail id is


ph +91 9869693783


Apr 3, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

"suresh" <ssureshn@yahoo.co.in> wrote in message
> user name & password is same right
> i thing u r profile is changed
> 1- go to c drive
> 2- go to Documents and Settings
> 3- there u can see the same name
> 4- go to that inside the folder u can get all files

Please quote the post you are replying to, and PLEASE try not to use
SMS-speak - conventional English will do nicely thank you.